People often build their constructed decks on to link them to others, but I prefer viewing decks on Deckbox. It would be amazing to be able to view a tappedout deck on Deckbox by inputting its URL! Maybe even a Chrome extension could auto-forward all my requests for me smile

Sometimes I import a list of cards and forget to change the default set to what it should be, so then I have to go through every card and change the set.

You should be able to set the default set to something like "Most recent" to assign the set that the card was most recently printed into (which would be nice because of the fact that DGM drafts are 1/1/1 and thus have cards split between three sets) or "Guess where appropriate" to do something like assign a set to a card if it's the only set that card was released into.

At the very least, it'd be nice to have a button I can click post-import to guess card sets on each card in my inventory when there is only one possible set it could be.

NullParameter wrote:

It is for all of the Time Shifted cards and other alternate border style cards.  Here is the Gatherer results for all "Special" cards.|[S]

(Can't make it a link because of the brackets)

It's kind of misleading since it doesn't really denote "Rarity", but that is what Gatherer specifies.

Here's a link: … y=|%5BS%5D

You've just gotta change '[' and ']' to '%5B' and '%5D' respectively.

The hover tooltip for Turn // Burn seems to display incorrectly when there's no edition set for it.

For example, look at bafipawi's inventory. The card with the edition set to Dragon's Maze displays its hover image correctly, but the card without the edition set displays a generic backside of a Magic card instead.

Then maybe it's just the network or IP? I use my laptop at school and home and my desktop obviously only at home, so that could be it.

EDIT: Okay, I was just logged in on my laptop at school, then came home and I'm still logged in on both my desktop and my laptop. So I'm not sure what the hell it is. But I definitely get logged out on both these machines once in a while, so something's going on.

I always check "Remember me" but it seems like every time I log in on my laptop, I become logged out of my desktop, and vice versa.

I understand the security viewpoint but perhaps there's a middle ground.

You might consider replacing at least one Cultivate with Ranger's Path considering you're mono green. It's an extra mana to cast, but getting two lands out in addition to the one you've potentially played this turn does wonders for ramp decks.

Also, with all this power it'd be nice to be able to give some of your creatures trample. If you want to stick with the equipment theme, you could try out Horned Helm, O-Naginata, Ring of Kalonia, or Vorrac Battlehorns. If not, there are some instant speed options such as Unnatural Predation. Those Rancors you have in your sideboard would perform swimmingly here as well.

I'm not sure when this started but the 'rare' (gold) icon for Avacyn Restored looks pretty mangled around the edges on light backgrounds (so, the whole site). (Common) (Uncommon) (Rare) (Mythic)


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I know this post is late, but I agree 100% with both points made by roseblood71. I know you guys are trying to encourage people to list more details about their cards (edition, condition, country) but this is not the way to do it. Updating card quantities has become a chore.

I agree with the original post. Adding cards (especially ones that already exist in my inventory) is more confusing than it used to be.

One of the confusing parts is adding multiples of a card at once. As DoctorUgs said, when adding two copies of a card, it's much more intuitive to add both immediately (by typing the name then entering '2' for quantity) than it is to add the card to my inventory, then modify its quantity. It makes me feel like I have less control over the specifics of what's going into my inventory. Maybe I'll forget to modify the quantity, or maybe my internet will go out and I'll be stuck only halfway through, and have to remember to go back and modify the quantity of that card.

I don't like that the card auto-adds itself when I click on a card suggestion. I don't like that there's no Add/Apply/Save button (until after the card is added). Adding cards should be something I am sure of -- a black-or-white transaction that is either completed because I told it to complete, or not completed at all. I do not like being unsure about this sort of thing. It is not an auto-completed web search; it is a 100% accurate reflection of my card collection. I do not want the system to guess what I want to do when I click on a card suggestion even if it's right 95% of the time, because that other 5% is nerve-wracking.

For now I have resorted to the 'Card list' add functionality.

P.S. I also miss the auto-suggestion link reminding me to sort by 'Last added'. I always want to sort cards by that when I am adding, and without the reminder appearing, I often forget and start thinking that my cards didn't actually add when I don't see them appear at the top of my inventory.

When viewing cards on a page which uses alternating row colors (e.g. inventory), the background colors of selected rows (rows where the check box is checked) only change on rows with white backgrounds. Rows with light blue backgrounds do not change their background colors when selected.

Following is a screenshot comparison of the issue.

This is how rows look when not selected (no issues):

And this is how the first two rows look when selected (notice that the second row has the same background color as it did in the first screenshot):

This makes it hard to see at-a-glance when rows with blue backgrounds are selected (but I assume this is just a bug/oversight).

The backside images for double sided cards like Reckless Waif do not show on the card description page.

e.g. for Reckless Waif, the img HTML tag points to<MtgCardBack:0x00000007bb0df8>.jpg

I'm running Chrome 23.0.1271.97 m on Windows 8.

HikingStick wrote:

Doesn't it stem from Wizards' long-standing view that a card with dual mana options is automatically considered both colors. Thus, with Judge's Familiar, the card is both a Blue Card and a White Card simultaneously.  Either Protection from White or Protection from Blue would prevent damage or effects based on that card.  You may only be casting it using one of its possible colors, but effects that center on the other color would still be valid.

I have no problem with the fact that the card is considered both colors, I just don't think a deck should be considered tri-color just because it has one measly hybrid card in it. For all intents and purposes I'm playing a green/white deck. I call it a green/white deck, my friends call it a green/white deck, any reasonable Magic player who looks at it will say "That's a green/white deck". I think deckbox's color designation should not call it tri-color based on a technicality.

Cards like Judge's Familiar and other hybrid-colored cards should not change the color of the deck on their own. For instance, I have a G/W deck without a Judge's Familiar, but when I add the Judge's Familiar it becomes a G/W/U deck, which is inaccurate as there is never a situation in which I will use blue mana to cast the card.

Hybrid cards should either (a) not have any influence on deck color (similar to artifacts) or (b) influence deck color smartly; i.e. only influence deck color if neither of the card's colors is already represented in the deck.

I don't like to fill in the condition for my cards because I'm rough on some and don't want to be constantly updating their conditions. When editing a card, I can select a blank entry for condition (which is how I like it). But when adding cards to my inventory with the "advanced card options" add, I am forced to select a condition. So I have to immediately edit any cards I've added in order to clear the condition field.

This is affecting me for Magic: The Gathering, but I'm not sure if it's the same for the other TCGs.