(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thank you for your response Paul. I am still waiting on higher staff to give their input as well.

Helios52 wrote:

Im not exactly sure where your idea of "uneven" playing field comes from. This particular banning comes from the people on the playing field voicing their opinion about said individual.

I have read most (if not all) of the BTRs and some of their decisions, including with the newly banished trader, have been one-sided even when they were not at fault at all. Some of the MODS comments in the forums and BTRs have been prejudice against a trader as well. That is not an even playing field.

And it starts from the top and goes all the way down to us traders. IF this is going to be "even" or level, then it has to start at the top. And it is showing bias from there all the way down.

It does NOT matter if you have 500 completed trades or 1, every one should be treated equal, EVEN if there is history between admin/mods/staff/traders in whatever combination that happens.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

none of the slander is about me, but it is about other traders. I think people should be given a heads up on bad trading practices of traders, BUT that still doesn't excuse them for personal attacks of people.

I have, and will continue, to be an asshole when someone tries to screw me over personally or while trading. There is no cause for me to be treated as a fool. I treat everyone as an equal until this happens.

But I also do NOT post on my profile something about a trader that can NOT be proven. Open-mindedness is what trading is about. It doesn't seem like that is happening on DB at the moment.

I am afraid that I do not agree with this decision. It was brought to my attention that people are using their profiles to make personal attacks on fellow traders. I even posted a question about this. Profile is where I posted it at.

Now I feel that you should be able to speak your mind, even if it is foul mouthed, IF you can bring your point across. But complete slander without proof, whether on your personal profile or in the forums, should not be tolerated. However, I am seeing this more and more. If admin (sebi) is going to stay TRUE to this as well as the rest of the admin, then that ban should NOT have been made and other parties SHOULD have been reprimanded. BUT this does not seem like a even playing field for some reason. Some people are ABLE to do and say what they want on the forums AND in their profile while others are getting kicked for things that are not seen properly by admin/mod.

I will admit that I am an offender as well, and don't give a DAMN if I get banned for posting this. If this does get deleted, it will be re-posted everywhere until I get banned. I will also be emailing any and every person on DB about this since admin/mod don't bother to keep the playing field even.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I am still waiting on admin/mod interpretation of this. We all need to know about this because, right now, this is BS.


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Lakaen wrote:
markst3ph3n wrote:

Also if you're trying to sell to fellow players at least make it a win-win situation for both parties. Sell for 70-80% of retail or something like that. Because the best you can probably get from buylist prices would be 50-60%.  No player would buy close to retail when they can go to their LGS, support it, and get the cards right away (less risk).

I see your point, your right I should just give them away to someone at my LGS it's the right thing to do and will make someone really happy. Thank you. ^^

Since you like quoting SCG.com prices, offer them those 70 unhinged lands and ask for $300+ for them. See what they say (after they are done laughing at you) and then come back and tell us about the whole experience. We would love to laugh at your humiliation with you.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

posting up something like "terrible communications", "late sending", "misrepresentation of cards offered". I can see that about putting in for a forewarning. But I am talking about talking about someone because of "personal" issues between the 2 traders.

Someone who is a bad trader due to "reasons related to trades" is one thing. But personal attacks on traders due to what transgressed between the 2 traders (not ever 1 sided) is what I am referring to.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hi everyone. I am aware that we can put into our profile anything that is relevant to what we expect, how we trade, and feelings towards making trades. However, I am wondering if it is allowed to be able to able to put into your profile anything about your personal feelings about other DB users?

This to me seems out of line, but am not sure it is allowed. Can someone please advise about this topic?

Thank you.


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Lakaen wrote:

I think everyone is missing the point, I don't think $300 is such a good offer I want to get more that's why im trying so hard, and obviously I'd set the buy it now well above $300 so even with fees I get about what I want, but I realize that it's likely not going to sell very quickly doing that so I want to see if I can find someone else willing to give me above $300 with paypal gift, that would be the best situation. Although I think I'm just better off listing these on tcgplayer and just hope people buy more than 1-2 lands at a time.

Actually I think you are missing the point. You are NOT paying attention to what others here are trying to say to you. You are admitting that you are WANTING more for your value (we don't blame you) but unless you are local to any of us, we are not going to make this type of deal with you online with your level of feedback AND no way for us to be protected (paypal gift).

Yes... the unhinged basic lands can go for about $5 each on TCG player. Yes... we ALL want MAX value for our cards. But NO... this isn't going to be happening on DB because WE have no ways of being protected. I will NOT send a paypal gift of over $200 again. It didn't work out for me. I am sure most of the people in here feel the same way.

We are suggesting that you take the "confirmed" $300 deal if you are looking to sell them as a lot. Otherwise, you are going to be holding on to them for a long time trying to piece it out.


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I will bid $5 only. You have only 7 feedback and trying to do a bidding war. This is the most you will get out of me (and probably anyone else on this site) due to admitting that you have someone offering $300 somewhere else.

worked for me. should work properly for you.

offer sent


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Unfortunately, the game sets listed are all MTG Sanctioned. There isn't a way to have a deck with banned cards be considered "legal".

However, when playing home games, every card is legal. It is up to you whether to have added a card or not.

Most players play by "sanctioned" legality. And decks are built around this. But every card ever printed in MTG is legal AND unrestricted if all players agree to it before the game.

I don't think it is possible for a deck to be classified as "home game legal" since MTG doesn't sanction it and DB links up to MTG's legality.

Hi there and welcome to Deckbox.

It is easy. First, click on inventory on the left hand side. Then at the top, you will see "+import". This is where you add cards to your inventory. When creating a deck, this is the same button you use.

Hope this helps.

sent a trade request

I am looking for 2 Purphoros, God of the Forge. I have cards that can be traded for. Canada is fine. Hit me up.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

you have ZERO temple gardens in your inventory or tradelist


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


unfortunately, you can NOT mark which version of a common (IE Urza's Tower that has 4 different pictures). If someone asks for it, just inform them which one it is.

The links that are provided for the card is the standard one from MTG database.

the urza's lands from antiquities were all commons. In other sets, they were uncommons.

sent a trade request


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yes there is. First, go into the deck you want. You will see the deck name at the top and the list of cards you put into it. ALSO at the top but towards the right, you will see "IMPORT", "EDIT", "TOOLS", and "VIEW". The edit link will bring up a small window where you can rename your deck.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

you have to have BW duals to make it work first. get 4 shocks and 4 filters to begin


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

started trade


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

multiple cards are like this due to the "symbols" in the wording of the cards.