Yep, I was able to renew on the new month and things work fine. So it seems there may be a bug with premium subscriptions: In the last month of a subscription you can have a period of limbo with no features and no renewal options...perhaps if the expiration day has passed but we are still in the same month.
2 2018-06-28 21:00:30
Topic: Premium Limbo (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
My account status says premium-subscribed, however none of the premium features are working. I assume this is because my annual subscription is set to renew this month...however I'm unable to renew (no button) presumably because it says I'm currently subscribed.
3 2015-12-07 03:31:43
Re: v4.5: 25% Premium Discount, Bitcoin, Deckbuilding Enhancements (36 replies, posted in Announcements)
If we are already on a yearly plan can we extend our subscription for a year by paying this month, or is there no way to take advantage of this?
4 2015-11-17 23:59:57
Re: Trade dispute problems (6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Dude, you totally deserve a suspension and here is why.
Even if sebi made a mistake in his original ruling, you DO NOT use a threat of mail fraud complaint to extort someone on this site to do something different from sebi's ruling. If you think they committed mail fraud, you just file a mail fraud complaint, but what you did was very wrong and was an attempt to undermine the entire moderation process here.
5 2015-09-22 15:48:10
Re: database: Added World Champ cards, MPS, Challenge decks, etc (11 replies, posted in Announcements)
On the note of foreign...being able to specify black border foreign revised would be sweet.
6 2015-05-25 21:56:33
Re: Can someone value a signed Tempest Choke? (3 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
the signature is not going to change the value.
7 2015-05-07 13:19:39
Re: H: UNL Bayou W: Lists (11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I'd be interested and have a few matches on your wishlist on my tradelist...take a look let me know. Thanks
8 2014-12-21 21:29:15
Re: Premium Accounts at 3.99. Preview of possible Trade Dispute System (53 replies, posted in Announcements)
I have separates question for you sebi related to premium accounts.
I realize you are still in a state of transition/figuring things out and have 2 questions if I sign up for a 1 year premium account today:
a) If you decide to add additional service levels (ie premium, premium plus,etc) within the next year, am I locked in to the highest service level for a year?
b) If you decide to lower price levels again within the year, will you credit current premium subscribers as you just did with this price change.?
9 2014-12-21 21:11:07
Re: Premium Accounts at 3.99. Preview of possible Trade Dispute System (53 replies, posted in Announcements)
bactgudz wrote:It seems gnp17, sebi, and the OP are consistent...if he owes the site $0.85, then he has incurred a total of $10.85 in fees (since the first $10 is covered by the initial charge)....He must have sold more than $41 or fees were incorrectly calc'd; if he had only sold 41, he'd have a credit balance, not owe $0.85.
Sure except that if he paid his intial $10, and has incured .85 in fee's, he has $9.15 in credit and owes nothing, which is not what he said at all. The OP makes it sound as if deckbox's transaction fee is 25% or something crazy (he says its higher than Ebay which he's just flat wrong about).
Sebi knows I will criticize deckbox if I feel something isn't correct but at least get the facts correct if you want to discuss things. I like this site and want to see it grow and evolve and prosper.
Sebi said he "owes the site 0.85"... if he's only incurred .85 he wouldn't owe anything...and if he sold $41 he wouldn't owe either 0.85 or have 9.15 in credit...he'd have 7.17 in credit. So something is off either with the seller not realizing how much he sold or the fees being wrong. It's likely the former, but the point I was making was that sebi nor the previous poster had addressed it.
10 2014-12-21 20:46:17
Re: Premium Accounts at 3.99. Preview of possible Trade Dispute System (53 replies, posted in Announcements)
It seems gnp17, sebi, and the OP are consistent...if he owes the site $0.85, then he has incurred a total of $10.85 in fees (since the first $10 is covered by the initial charge)....He must have sold more than $41 or fees were incorrectly calc'd; if he had only sold 41, he'd have a credit balance, not owe $0.85.
11 2014-12-16 21:18:54
Re: v4.0: Deckbox Premium: Features Galore! (179 replies, posted in Announcements)
Yeah, if a premium account let you specify your own buy list a commission system would work or it'd be worth $20-$30/month if you wanted to just link buylist carts to paypal and not bother with commissions/reimbursement policies/etc (which would avoid a layer of complexity).
12 2014-12-15 23:04:05
Re: v4.0: Deckbox Premium: Features Galore! (179 replies, posted in Announcements)
For me as a buyer I turn to tcgplayer over deckbox simply due to supply. Deckbox doesn't have the critical mass of sellers that tcgplayer does that lets you find almost anything in stock. A huge chunk of the tcgplayer sellers use the crystal commerce platform...I think if you could work with Crystal Commerce to sync CC accounts with deckbox (and advertise this ability) you'd see a huge influx in sellers on the platform. Right now moderate sized sellers have to maintain their own processes to sync their inventory with deckbox. CC automatically does this for their own sites, tcgplayer, and ebay...adding deckbox to this would be huge.
13 2014-12-15 18:08:59
Re: v4.0: Deckbox Premium: Features Galore! (179 replies, posted in Announcements)
Kickstarter and other one-time donation schemes are good for infusions of cash, for things like initial print runs or individual features, but they aren't meant to be a recurring source of income.
This is a bit myopic, they are also very good at getting an initial paid customer base for third party partnership purposes, identifying paying early adopters of your service and being able to gather data about those who are willing to pay for your service. They give you information on how best to monetize your service.
When somebody buys the $x,000 tier of a kickstarter they typically meet and/or communicate with the developers...this is not just for the edification of the "donator" but rather a recognition that the developer values the input of someone who values their service to that level.
14 2014-12-15 17:09:20
Re: v4.0: Deckbox Premium: Features Galore! (179 replies, posted in Announcements)
I would suggest you create a user survey to find out which features users would be willing to pay for to prioritize what you add. Right now you are just getting random ideas flung at you through your fora with no organization...which is fine for a free service, but when you want to monetize features you will benefit from a bit of market research.
A neat idea would be to allow users to place a donation with their survey response to "weight" their priorities. This gives you a bit of an idea about who is will to actually put money on the table and what features would bring them on board.
Another possibility is what did when they launched. At launch, the premium/pro features were fairly weak and buggy; but they raised 10k by offering a limited number of lifetime subscriptions at around $200 a piece. Lifetime subscribers would always receive the highest level of service. The smart thing they did was not the money-raising feature of this promotion in and of itself...but rather it identified a population for them that was willing to spend money on their services; and they could get valuable information from this population. Lifetime subscribers were aggressively surveyed in initial months to get insight into the development cycle that people were most interested in spending money on.
I for one would be willing to pay 200-300 for a lifetime deckbox premium membership trusting that the features will come; I'm sure you have a population of several others who would be as well. As weird as it seems, that is much more attractive to some than $120 for 2 years with no guarantee of price changes or additional service levels.
15 2014-12-15 15:38:04
Re: v4.0: Deckbox Premium: Features Galore! (179 replies, posted in Announcements)
I for one, think this is a great plan to get you a piece of some of the value that deckbox is adding to my life. It's just not quite there yet in terms of pricing for me. Once you have some of these features premium:
-mobile apps
-the ability to have inventory segmentation (multiple inventories or a field for custom "locations" of individual cards)
-notes on individual cards in inventory
-scans uploaded of individual cards
-linking individual cards or editions to decks
-Report generation for insurance claims
-MTG content (premium articles/videos)
I'd be willing to pay the price, but for now I don't think the value is there for me at the current price level.
Good luck Sebi!
16 2014-11-20 02:50:15
Re: Need input from everyone (32 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I jump through all the hopes of creating an account on USPS only to find out I can't fill a claim on a package that was sent domestically without insurance...
"The tracking number is not eligible for filing a claim because insurance was not available or purchased for this article."
No , you only file a claim for want an investigation, not a claim. You need to call and request for an investigation for this unlocated package and ask for them to provide you with a case number. Be insistent with what you want, don't just roll over when phone support people try to blow you off.
17 2014-11-19 14:18:08
Re: Need input from everyone (32 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
The mods are making it clear that being marked as delivered is sufficient proof of delivery as far as the onus on the sender is concerned. I do not view this as the mods "changing" the rules, but rather issuing a clarification of the correct interpretation of the rules.
Is that proof infallible, does happen on occasion that usps makes a mistake and incorrectly scans as delivered; but it certainly establishes a reasonable level of proof that the sender cannot manipulate...only the buyer or usps could be in the wrong if the package is marked as delivered and the sender claims it hasn't arrived.
As an additional note, I have had this happen before...but the package (or insurance) has been recovered in each case by opening a case with usps. I do believe that a very reasonable policy would be as follows (I do agree that it could be communicated more clearly through rewording in the rules):
a) Tracking indicating that a package has been delivered is sufficient for the burden on the sender with the following 2 caveats:
b) If the receiver claims the package did not arrive, the sender must open a formal case with usps (by calling 800-ask-usps) and provide a case number to the receiver. Upon doing so the sender has completed all necessary obligations.
c) Both parties may additionally agree before the trades are sent that signature confirmation and/or insurance must be purchased. If such agreements are noted in the trade chat, a sender must furnish proof of purchase for these services as well as a signature copy (if sig conf) upon request in addition to b)
In specific note on your trade, I don't understand why neither of you have obtained a formal investigation and corresponding case number through usps's national customer service...talking to your local po is NOT the same thing. If what you are saying is true, and your mailman claims to you he did not deliver it, usps will formally investigate and likely find the package.
18 2014-11-06 22:24:30
Re: Pricing differences causing shady behavior (45 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
renoan wrote:I see your point in wanting to take an overall look at the issue and wanting to make a "what's best for the community" decision. I simply disagree with you in your assessment that the false conviction rate is low enough to be acceptable. I have no idea how high or low the false conviction rate is at the moment, but what I do know is that any system should strive for a 0 false conviction rate.
It's 0%. 1 person was convincted, and he did not even say he is innocent. Evidence was obvious as well. That's all the convictions in the last 6 years of deckbox
In fact, he said he was guilty, it wasn't just an absence of declaring innocence. It really rubs me the wrong way when someone says they are fully aware they are doing something unethical (which is what that guy said), but it's not against some set of rules so that makes it ok. Have a little more sense of self worth, if you think it's unethical then don't do it, period.
19 2014-11-05 17:09:17
Re: Changing of user names (9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I do see it as abuse potential since if someone is in a btr then by changing their real name info it is not obvious to people who read the btrs that he was involved when he initiates a trade.
Like the user I emailed you about. I read the btr's so I'm familiar with his real name since that is how he was identified in the btrs...but now that he deleted it, if he had opened a trade with me I wouldn't recognize him.
But more than abuse potential, I see it as convenience to be able to identify people I've dealt with before. Take me for instance, I've never entered my real name info, but now if I do people who've dealt with me before won't recognize me when I open trades with them. There are several legitimate reasons someone may change their real name info:
-an actual name change (through petition or marriage)
-use of a new nickname
-deciding to use abbreviations
-a change in one's want for privacy
-they had simply left it blank previously
and all of these will make a user unfamiliar to his/her previous trade partners.
20 2014-11-05 16:56:44
Re: Changing of user names (9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I guess I just never realized that login name was different than user name in the sense that how other people see you is not necessarily a unique name on deckbox. So if Mike starts a trade with me, it might not be the same Mike as before and it is not immediately obvious without going through his past trades if he is or isn't the same person.
I would be a proponent of people being identified in trades/profiles/chat by a unique name. So when somebody gets a trade from me they always see bactgudz...whether they see my real name followed by (bactgudz) or just bactgudz I wouldn't care.
21 2014-11-05 16:42:54
Re: Changing of user names (9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Something must be off if you aren't able to do it after two weeks, cause this user had multiple hundreds of feedback. What made me think he had changed his user name is that in one BTR the copied chat log had his full name whereas in a later one it showed his user name.
Is it the case that the chat uses your real name if you have populated it in settings and your user name if not? If so, I don't think this is good functionality, since in this case it would have meant that the user was able to alter how he was displayed to others in trade chats by deleted/changing his settings info. Can I change my real name to Sebi and make myself look like you in chat? That doesn't seem good.
Or is there something else I'm missing? Maybe in one btr the poster just replaced his user name with his real one?
22 2014-11-05 16:30:51
Re: Changing of user names (9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Functionally you are only able to change your username in the first 2 weeks after signing up. But we do not allow users to do it to dodge btrs and other such bad behavior.
Who is the user who changed his username?
Email sent
23 2014-11-05 12:26:00
Topic: Changing of user names (9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I read the btr's pretty regularly. It appears to me that an individual involved in several ongoing btr's has changed his user name on deckbox. It is concerning to me that we are functionally able to do this so easily and keep our trade score...being able to simply click on settings and edit the identity that is displayed to everyone is dangerous. Online trading is based on reputation and identification, we should not be able transfer the reputation we earn (trade score) to different identities (user names).
24 2014-10-31 02:38:50
Re: suggestion - filter by card value (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
anoda9 wrote:Oftentimes you are looking for a card/cards of a certain value to balance a trade. It would be useful to have a filter to only show cards in a certain price/value range. i.e. show all cards with price < 3$.
When I'm looking at someone's tradelist or wishlist I always sort by value. Just click on the (P) next to 'Details' to sort from high to low. Click it again to sort from low to high.
Yes but if the list is 10+ pages long and all you can click is next and previous it can take a while to get to the range you want; you can type pages into the url, but it would be clearer/easier if there were price filters or links to numbered pages.
25 2014-10-30 20:34:45
Re: Questions about the Confirm Address Step in a Trade (18 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
While we're talking about consolidating the trading process, I actually have a different suggestion: I think it might be useful to have shipping options built into the trading interface rather than have those be negotiated. ie. When you make a proposal, you would also choose a rule for who ships first and also options for how you intend to ship (tracking, insurance, etc.) and maybe for your partner as well. I think there's a tendency for awkward post-confirmation negotiations to occur when people forget to do these things upfront and it might be a good idea to force these parameters to be a part of the trade process itself.
I like this idea...check boxes for tracking, insurance, or none...and you send first, I send first or simulsend