(0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)


First off, I should note this deck is for Tiny Leaders (as long as all cards are legal for that format) and not Legacy.

Second off, I should note I'm starting to turn away from the Standard format for a while as I don't have the money to get any of the decks I want to run in Standard right now.

EDIT 6: Finalized the deck list, for the most part. Just need one more sideboard card, any good suggestions?


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Dromoka is Selesnya? O_O i checked colors and didn't notice, though I've decided to try an obtain this list, minus foothills and thoughtsieze. Also trying to figure out if it'd be worth it to run Managorger Hydra SB? Thoughtsieze I replaced with Duress, but someone told me it doesn't fit this build; also trying to fit Thornbow Archer in MB as well.

GB CoCo Elves
4 Elvish Mystic
4 Elvish Visionary
3 Deadbridge Shaman
2 Nissa, Vastwood Seer
3 Gnarlroot Trapper
4 Dwynens Elite
2 Sylvan Messenger
3 Dwynen, Gilt Lead Daen(legendary)
3 Obelisk of Urd
2 Yevas Forcemage
4 Shaman of the Pack
4 Collected Company
4 Llanowar Wastes
4 Temple of Malady
9 Forest
3 Wooded Foothills
2 Swamp
4 Thoughtseize
2 Self-Inflicted Wound
3 Deadblight Assassin
3 Reclamation Sage
3 Plummet

one thing you're forgetting is mystic is/should be standard olayable until rotation.
But so far Honored Heirarch seems to be the best choice; Also, dont forget about Managorger Hydra. 3 drop 1/1 or 2/2 with Trample that just gets beefier with each spell cast.


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I was thinking maybe taking out Murderous Cut and 1-2 other things for 3-4 Savage Ventmaw.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I know, but for some reason i feel mono green or green splash any color is going to be good cos elves are in play. The deck Im thinking is a Selesnya Aggro without going over 3-4 cmc or so; more only if the rampproves useful into a big creature thats not say a dragon from THS or KTK. Unless theres a Selesnya dragon idk about?


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So, in light of new spoilers, what do you guys think of a Selesnya Elf Renown deck that runs 3-4 Archangel of Tithes with ways to protect it from burn/death?


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Savage Ventmaw could be good; what should come out for 3-4 of them, im guessing?


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Well, right now Im focusing on obtaining the cards for a Mardu Dragons build and may end up turning that into the Jund build. As for Foothills and Mires, they should be in the deck. If not, I'll need to update the list. As far as Stormbreath, hes also in the Mardu, so I already neee him. As far as rotation, if I like it, I will use one/both (if i can get the cards before then) as a shell or change the deck for either modern or standard, depending on whats in BFZ and Origins (already debating a Mardu/Jund Superfriends Post-Origins release). Also, I cut cut because there isnt enough delve. Though, I may need to look at the list again and make sure its updated properly.


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Also, entirely new post! (Yay!) anyway. I was talking with a guy on FB I know from a page on FB, and this is what my Jund Deck looks like now. http://deckbox.org/sets/1005691 What do you think? Anything be done to it to make it better/worse? What about the SB? Less Removal? More? Anger of the Gods? Less Planeswalkers? More?

Jund Dragon Superfriends, Away!


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

How man Outpost Siege SB? What are your thoughts on the new planeswalkers in Origins? Incorporate or no? How many Crucibles?

Maybe put Atarka, World Render & Dragonlord Kolaghan SB? Atarka, World Render does give double strike to attacking dragons, so that's a huge threat. DL Kolaghan gives haste to all dragons, which is redundant if Dragon Tempest gets on board, though its second ability doing 10 damage to an opponent who casts a planeswalker or legendary creature? spell with the same name as one his/her graveyard.

What else can be changed/rearranged? What about any other Commands? or Sieges?

http://deckbox.org/sets/997291 this is MY Mardu Dragons Build! And so far, it runs fairly well, at least playtesting on TO anyways. Is there anything that can be changed to it?

1st Edit: How do i fit Elspeth in a Jund deck?
2nd Edit: What about Explosive Vegetation?


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Yea, that makes sense. This deck is more of an idea between me and another guy on a page on FB, since I don't really deckbuild well on my own. What would come out for the extra mana? Assuming you're suggesting bumping it to 24-26. What removal besides Draconic Roar? And yea, that's true. I just like the idea of Tempest & Whisperer & Whip in my Mardu Dragons build that I'm currently trying to acquire all the cards for atm, that maybe it could fly here. What about any of the sieges or other planeswalkers MB/SB and Commands? Or are there better cards than that?

You said you disliked Deathmist in this deck, so that opens up 2 slots. Mana? How do you feel about the fetchlands in this? Y/N? And I'm thinking of putting Haven of the Spirit Dragon in my Mardu build too, or maybe not? That's a different story; what about Crucible of Fire or anything like that? Necessary or SB? Should I put in more force-fight cards for Foe-Razer Regent's ability? Or take him out altogether? Surrak is indeed useless if Tempest is already on the field. Maybe throw in a Whip or two as well? Y/N to any of these random thoughts?


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

WEll, theres also 4 slots left so fill with Caryatids? Or more mana? switch Atarka with her world render counterpart? Was trying to fill mana gap with 2/3 rop creatures for some board presence. SB Garruk. what else? Also, whisperers ferocious ability + tempest....


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)


4 slots left and trying to fit either Nissa, Worldwaker, Liliana Vess, Kolaghan's Command, Atarka's Command, Frontier Siege, Outpost Siege & Palace Siege or the Nissa and Liliana coming out in Origins (along with the Commands and Sieges).

Also, I think mana base needs help.


(24 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So cut Sarkhan, that opens up 2 MB and 1 SB and also cuts out the green and blue lands. You're also saying cut Sarkhan's Triumph I do believe? and Boltwing Marauder too? So that opens up 9 slots, so maybe put Sarkhan Dragonspeaker in SB as a one of and 3 Stormbreath Dragons in MB with 3 Soulfire Grandmasters and 3 Crackling Dooms? How would I fit the duress or thoughtseize in?

Same with Crux of Fate and Anger in SB.

Also, on the topic of Walkers, what about Sorin, if i'm splashing white for Crackling Doom? Or Liliana or Ajani at that? Or maybe an Ugin? Idk. Just playing around with options.

Note: I was trying to build this deck based on what we know will be in standard come end of September when Theros block rotates out.

Edit: Does it look better now? I put Anger in as 2 of; maybe get rid of Rending Volley and put in 2 more? or move an Ultimate Price and a Foul-Tongue Invocation and put 2 in MB? Also, playing around with mana base: how important is it to have Bloodstained Mire for search or any of the tap lands in a deck like this? According to the stats I only need 16 Mountain produce, 6 Swamp produce and 3 plains produce, so i modified the mana base to fit that. Would it work properly without the tap/search lands (other than temple of malice) or no? Or should I play around with Evolving Wilds?


(24 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

And seeing as you keep talking about dragon decks, what do you think of this? http://deckbox.org/sets/997291/ i just threw it together going by what's in Khans block and I think it could be decent; ofc the mana base needs work, i'm never good at that, but other than that i think it could do good.


(24 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Yea but if you read my first post, my decks are normally shit when i first start. I don't have any of the resources I did when I was making decks and living on the west coast. I also don't have a job or any trades, so the better cards are hard to come by for me atm. I also said I *think* it could be a decent deck, though I know it needs more work, as most of my decks normally do. Like I said, closer to rotation and when I have the money to sink, I'll look more into the one or two colored dragon decks that run planeswalkers as threats.


(24 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

https://deckbox.org/sets/995906 obviously the mana base needs fixed but other than that i think this could be a decent deck for being less than a hundred dollars to play. maybe closer to rotation and after my job's been fixed and i'm able to sink money into magic again, i'll look at whatever decks are topping 8 at the big tourneys and such.


(0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

http://deckbox.org/sets/995906 <--- updated list idea (literally only an idea until i can acquire the cards). The other problem is its also more control based than aggro based. Maybe this is a better route to run? Thoughts?


(24 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Well, like i said, i don't really have any money for cards atm or I would try a Mardu Dragon Aggro build. OFC recently i've been thinking of switching it to black/white warriors splashing red for burn with Athreos, Black God and Whip.


(24 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Uhh that doesn't tell me anything? But I also have literally no money for cards and dragons are too high mana for an aggro deck.


(24 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

http://deckbox.org/sets/782352 <--- Updated list. Bought some cards off a guy during A2F this last weekend and even attempted a GPT while there; didn't win anything in the first 3 rounds. What needs to go and what can stay?


(24 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I just noticed this but you didn't say anything about Iroas being SB. He's now MB until I can get a fourth Butcher of the Horde; should he stay MB, go back to SB, get more for SB or scratch him out completely? He's a nice little powerhouse for a deck like this, I think, seeing as how well he worked in my Boros Aggro when Boros was standard legal.


(24 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

okay so SB Rams, what about the others? Grim Haruspex I feel could come in handy against some decks that are all about board wipes or control. Battle Brawler is .25 according to SCG.com so that shouldn't be too hard to get a hold of; Lightning Strike I know, 1 and Mt for 2 damage right? Wild Slash shouldn't be too difficult to get a hold of, stoke the flames, if I need an extra 20$ to do it, would be a bit difficult.

You mentioned something about being able to help me get/give me some of the cards? Just curious. And thanks for the advice, my main thing is now where do I put everything I'm taking out? SB or just Scratch it out? Not to mention I noticed you haven't said anything about Utter End, get more or leave it as is?


(24 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Something i was thinking about was puttig descent of the dragons in SB. umm what would you take out for burns/contol?


(24 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

XD That'd be awesome; i was looking on tappedout.net and a lot of the decks i found weren't even aggro, they were mardu control (which i managed with a bant control that wrecked, which bounced between a bant and a simic aggro/control, either way it wrecked amazingly) and now i want a decent aggro deck (sadly after RTR went out, the aggro deck I had disappeared.) and now I need to make this into a decent aggro deck.... fun fun fun.