I'm trying to build a Naya Auras deck, but I don't have Voice of Resurgence or Witchstalker. Could someone take a look at this and tell me if it looks competitive or if I'm missing something? I suppose for competitive play I need those two cards I don't have (yet), but for casual play? Playing primarily against WB Tokens and Hate Bears.


Hm I don't have any reassembling skellys. Although I may soon wink

I do have:
Font of Return
Ghoulcaller's Chant
March of the Returned
Reviving Melody (would also return the Jitte from the graveyard)
Tenacious Dead…which is very like Reassembling Skeleton.

It's casual. I've seen competitive legacy decks and I don't entertain any notions that I have the money to put together anything that would be competitive.

You caught this deck when I was modifying it which is why it was only 59/60. I'd had a 4-of of Guul Draz Assassin in it up until yesterday (but I may put him back in since he's one of the few creatures I can play on turn one). And I pulled out 4 Trepanation Blade because in actual play it proved you were right, too many artifacts, not enough creatures. The Fireshrieker actually proved useful when at one point I equipped it to a Hand of Cruelty which already was equipped with Umezawa's Jitte and that immediately ended the game as he became 16/16. However, I do agree there are too many of them in there.

Bile Blight was a card I added in after I posted this, primarily because I was playing this deck against Orzhov Tokens, which Blight would have been particularly effective against. I've also been thinking about playing Thoughtseize in here.

Dark Ritual proved to be quite effective, especially when I got one in my opening hand. I was able to play Guul Draz Assassin and either Umezawa's Jitte or Hand of Crutelty on turn one. If I'd had my Thoughtseizes in here I could have hit with that and still had mana for a creature or Jitte to put on the board. Dark Ritual would work very well with Dark Confidant in later rounds I think, but I don't have 4 of Confidant sad

What do you think about it now? Any creature recommendations? I've got several other creatures that I thought would fit the theme I'm going for, including Kiku, Night's Flower, Harvester of Souls, Nekrataal and Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni. Oh and I have 4 of Royal Assassin on their way.

I had it in mind to make an assassin deck with Umezawa's Jitte, which I happen to have 4 of. I didn't want to make the old standard assassin deck, however, using Scarblade Elite, even though that is a powerful card. I didn't want the cards to *necessarily* be assassins. Just cool humanoid-types that I liked. Some with Deathtouch would be good, I figured. So I picked 4 character creature cards that I liked and added some artifacts (including the all-powerful Jitte) and a 4-of of Dark Ritual so I could put two characters in play  or Guul-Draz Assassin plus the Jitte on turn one. Add in a 3-of in Vraska the Unseen and some removal spells and I felt like I had a decent deck.

I have a friend coming over tonight who has a lot of MTG experience, whereas I have very little. He got rid of all his cards a few years ago and is only now starting to play again primarily because he's got me to abuse now and he has been, using my own cards, for a couple of weeks now. So last week he bought a new deck for himself. He said it's BW but won't go into more detail than that other than to say it does have 4 Thoughtseize that he bought separately and added to it. I think the original deck he bought was in the neighborhood of $40.

Now, I have completed Jund Monsters, Boros Burn and Monoblack Devotion decks, but I thought it would be fun to play my lil Wetwork deck since it may never see any action other than this. So here are my questions: Is there something I should be doing differently with this deck? Should I change anything or add some dynamic that I haven't thought of? Any help would be appreciated and I can take criticism so don't worry about my feelings.


Ah well that makes sense.

What do you think about Epic Experiment? It looks like it could develop into a pretty kickass combo with the rest of this deck.

With Gitaxian Probe, what do you do with the card you draw from their hand? Do you add it to your hand and play it? Do you pay the mana cost? I can't find an answer.

And I agree with every other recommendation you made. I was iffy about Tome Scour, too. Grapeshot is a new card to me but I really like the look of it in this deck. Armed//Dangerous was just going to be Armed here, but I get your point, and it is one of the only cards that I picked that didn't fit the theme. Other than Mizzium Mortars. But what could I cut Mizz for? I could cut it and add more Chandra, Pyromaster I guess. But thanks for looking at it, this is a big help.

I just bought my 4 Wurmcoil Engines for this deck, would really love a little feedback on it if anyone felt like throwing some this way. smile


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Well right now I'm trying to pick up 4 Wurmcoil Engine and 4 Umezawa's Jitte for two other decks I'm building. That's about the extent of my range for playsets. Maybe one day those will be worth $200 apiece lol.


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Just dealt a test hand with this as it stands now and this is what I pulled:

Avacyn's Pilgrim   
Fauna Shaman   
Channel the Suns   
Quicksilver Amulet

This hand could put Progenitus on the battlefield on turn 4 I believe.

Next 5 draws would be:
Avacyn's Pilgrim   
Craterhoof Behemoth   
Garruk, Caller of Beasts   

If I can get draws like this, this deck may work out ok.


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TRZ wrote:

It looks like you're headed in the right direction. Personnally I would probably consider Dropping the Summoning Trap + Channel the suns and adding back in 4 Avacyn's pilgrim (or Noble Hierarch if you have Fat Stacks) That will make the deck abit more consistent and should work pretty well I think. Its worth play testing from at least!

That I can do. Now I just have to buy the cards I'm missing and play it! (BTW My stacks are potbellied but nowhere near fat enough for a playset of Noble Hierarch wink


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Timber wrote:

I hope I didn't come off as too callus because that wasn't my intent.  I encourage people to try new things, I just want you to know what you might expect to see in Modern.  I've been to events where everyone's playing their own brews and events where everyone's playing a tier deck. 

You never know what could work until you try it.

Not at all, I think it was great feedback. I dropped the Spear didn't I? And I'm adding more mana production! Your comment had value!!

Thanks smile

Chaim wrote:

I would cut red, mill, and Xathrid Necromancer. I would then add 4 Endless Ranks of the Dead.

I'm lovin Endless Ranks. It was a great suggestion. Thank you.


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

All this, everything, it's very very much appreciated. I've gotten value from every single comment in this thread so thanks to everyone. I realize this is just a little pipe dream of mine that will never be *really* competitive, but if I can throw down one of these fatties in one of my casual kitchen table games the look on my buddy's face will be priceless. And who knows, maybe I'll take this bitch up to FNM and see how fast I get slammed. So thanks.

Now, taking what I can glean, especially TRZ's well-thought out suggestions, I may have something workable. I don't have all these cards but I should be able to get them within a week or two. I added Channel of Suns because I have a playset of them, and I threw in a Wrath of God because I have a playset of them too and could wipe the board at some point if needed. Of course, I'm learning that a lot of my ideas that sound good in my head don't actually work so if I need to pull them back out I will. Here's the latest rendition.



(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Timber wrote:

What's with the spear of heliod?  I think I'm missing something there.

You may want to try some non-creature or more resilient ramp spells because Modern has a lot of cheap removal to take out your mana dorks.  I'm not saying any is better than another, but here are some options:

search for tomorrow
pentad prism
lotus bloom
Sakura-Tribe Elder
Rampant Growth

My thinking for Spear was to include something that could pump the little guys but still act as a removal, too. In my head it made sense, lol. But the plan for this deck began as something to make Progenitus appear, not to actually earn the mana for him. Fauna Shaman to search the deck for him and then Quicksilver Amulet or Garruk, Caller of Beasts to get him into play. And I only have one copy of Progenitus because he can't be put into a graveyard--he just dies and goes back into your hand, and with Fauna Shaman you search the entire deck for him so it's not like you have to luck into him being in the top 5 cards or something. Again, though, this is what my brain is telling me and I'm obviously new to this.


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Actually…that looks like it will work…Nice! Thanks!


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Kammikaze, can you make any suggestions to make this work? I've taken all your advice for getting rid of cards but those were my best ideas so any help would be appreciated if you can think of anything.

Steampunk! Goggles and steam and contraptions….Wurmcoil Engine is steam powered, right?? Usually when I try to stay with a certain thematic synergy it fails me for various reasons. But this one…could this be competitive? If not, how would you fix it? Don't worry about hurting my feelings just lay lay it down I can take it I try to find value in every comment. 
The idea is pretty simple, Wee Dragonauts and Nivix Cyclops get pumped by instants and sorceries and then Wurmcoil Engine stomps a mudhole in the opponent's derrière.

Other cards that I've found would fit the theme:
Gitaxian Probe
Cobbled Wings
Frostburn Weird
Illusionist's Bracers
Izzet Guildmage
Ratchet Bomb
Sundial of the Infinite
Cunning Sparkmage
Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
Lightning Talons
Turn // Burn
Chandra's Outrage
Blast of Genius
Darksteel Forge


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

That would be a great option.


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Upon reflection, you're probably right. But I have seen many decks on here that I have *nearly* all the cards for, I was thinking that surely there would be some that would match outright. I may be wrong, but it would be very interesting to see.


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

If the search focused on modern-only, maybe?


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

DrakeSlade is right on.


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

+1 if you add a mechanic that lets people +/-1 decks that are built by Deckboxers.


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yeah, so if I clicked through to my inventory, and then clicked the newly invented link which states something like "Decks built with cards existing in your inventory" then I would see decks other Deckboxers have built using cards which I already have.


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

As a new player, it would be great if our inventory included a link which could show decks made with cards already in our inventory. That would help me immensely.


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

That is exactly the kind of feedback I wanted! I knew there would be problems but I just couldn't see them. I'm going in for reevaluation. Thank you thank you thank you.