Unfortunately it is not possible.
Looks like many people are, one way or another, requesting this feature.
1 2017-02-10 18:52:13
Re: List my editions, rather than latest (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
2 2016-09-12 19:30:09
Re: Error during inventory update? (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I understand. Luckily it was only basic lands so no real harm done (I just need to try to forget about having the wrong inventory forever ).
Unfortunately I didn't keep track of the support request number. The only thing I remember is that I logged it within two minutes of posting the initial message here.
If I may, what you may want to look at, when you have time, is how to prevent db updates before the inventory form is fully loaded. I think this may only happen for cards with many different versions in inventory.
Happy to do some testing if needs be.
3 2016-09-02 18:45:39
Re: Error during inventory update? (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Hi Sebi,
I also sent a support request more or less one month ago but got no answer so far.
Would it be possible for you to check my db update log from just a few minutes before my previous post (2016-07-24 15:58:22).
You may not remember but I had a similar problem many months ago and you were able to fix it.
I don't mind fixing the inventory myself but I'd need you to share the db update log so that I can check the right numbers.
Thanks for all the great work you do.
4 2016-08-28 07:20:52
Re: New Feature: Option to disable the Quick Add functionality in inv/wish (7 replies, posted in Announcements)
This is an excellent idea.
Little change BIG difference.
5 2016-07-24 15:58:22
Topic: Error during inventory update? (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I just added some cards to my inventory (some revised basic mountains and islands) I have the impression the total inventory count (all editions) for both cards changed somewhat randomly after the update. It increased by more than 13 for the Mountains and decreased by at least 300 for the islands.
Would it be possible to check the database update log?
I added:
- 13 Revised Mountains (all Played - all the same picture)
- 13 Basic Islands (all Played - split 2/5/6 between the different pictures)
Thanks a lot
6 2016-02-14 22:06:06
Re: Missing printings, card numbers, editions for specific cards (852 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I see the following Commander 2015 tokens showing the OotG symbol, didn't check the others.
- Zombie
- Elemental
7 2016-02-12 19:25:53
Re: Missing printings, card numbers, editions for specific cards (852 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Looks like there are two Endbringer Launch promos (#33 and #34). Is there a difference between them, or is this just some bad data?
https://deckbox.org/editions/147-launch =n&o=a
Did anybody clarify?
I'm interested as well.
8 2015-11-22 18:28:37
Re: Shapeshifter token's rules text (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Actually, the token and the creature are mixed together also from an inventory point of view.
9 2015-11-22 17:31:52
Topic: Shapeshifter token's rules text (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Commander 2015 Shapeshifter's token is showing Formats and Rules information of the AQ/5ED Shapeshifter card, it also links to Shapeshifter's page on Gatherer.
10 2015-09-22 21:16:27
Re: database: Added World Champ cards, MPS, Challenge decks, etc (11 replies, posted in Announcements)
On the note of foreign...being able to specify black border foreign revised would be sweet.
Yes, Please!
11 2015-03-05 07:04:31
Re: database: Duel Decks: Kiora vs. Elspeth (14 replies, posted in Announcements)
Fixed the Plains caching issue.
12 2015-03-03 22:55:29
Re: database: Duel Decks: Kiora vs. Elspeth (14 replies, posted in Announcements)
There seems to be a bug when adding the Plains from this set to your collection. They don't appear in the dropdown list to choose the specific card art / number. ... Added every other card in the set without issue.
Same here.
13 2015-02-28 21:36:02
Re: database: Promos - FNM, Clash Packs, GP, Duel Deck Anthology (25 replies, posted in Announcements)
The Duel Decks Anthology: Elves VS Goblins is listed as Elves Vs Dragons instead!
14 2014-09-19 22:35:37
Topic: Import dialog - Increase display digits of inventory count (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I know this may be irrelevant for, probably, the largest majority of the users.
I'd like to see at least 3 digits available in the Inventory import dialog instead of current 2.
I happen to have a number of foreign basic lands and also, for lack of better alternatives, I decided to inventory together BB and WB cards. Net result is that I have some Forests, Mountains, etc. in triple digits.
In this situation the 2 digit field can generate some annoying effect when doing data entry as, depending on where your cursor is, either the first or the last digit is not visible and you may be led to believe you entered a number which is not what is actually there.
This also happened to me on a Urza's Saga forest, where I wanted to increase the count from 14 to 17 and somehow ended up saving 174. I believe this happened because instead of overwriting the 4 with the 7, as I was aiming at, I entered the 7 in front of the 4, who disappeared to the right, leaving 17 on screen... And there I went and applied the change.
15 2014-09-19 21:57:53
Re: Support for FBB ? (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Also for foreign players who've been around for a while...
16 2014-09-11 21:58:19
Re: Request: More tools for collectors (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I do agree some more features aimed at the collecting aspect would be much appreciated.
The thing I'm missing the most is the ability to rapidly see which card I'm missing of a specific edition.
Something like the inventory view with the ability to filter for cards with Edition Owned = "a specific edition" and quantity owned = 0.
I'd also appreciate some summary level views as you suggest.
17 2014-08-27 23:20:02
Re: Anthologies set icon (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Same problem with safari, with the exception of Anthologies basic lands!
18 2014-08-27 23:15:02
Re: Ability to filter inventory by edition, including qty zero (4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I agree with the original request, this is a very important feature that's currently missing.
Including the ability to print.
I'd also like to be able to apply filters to this view: by rarity, language, color, card type. Especially the language is important to me.
19 2014-08-27 05:47:38
Re: Missing printings, card numbers, editions for specific cards (852 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I noticed when adding some cards that the Lorwyn Islands have transposed images.
Island 286 shows image for 288 - http://magiccards.info/lw/en/286.html
Island 287 is correct.
Island 288 shows image for 289 - http://magiccards.info/lw/en/288.html
Island 289 shows image for 286 - http://magiccards.info/lw/en/289.html
I do enter stock based on picture and not on id number.
It is important to know how this is fixed so that we can adjust stock accordingly.
20 2014-08-25 22:40:12
Re: Missing printings, card numbers, editions for specific cards (852 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Basic lands from Anthologies exist with two different pictures. Only one of each is available in the database.
Missing versions:
Plains (Portal)
Forest (Portal Second Age)
Mountain (Mirage)
Swamp (Tempest)
21 2014-08-23 16:17:29
Re: Missing printings, card numbers, editions for specific cards (852 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Soldevi Sentry - Alliances: the two versions have the same picture and ID
22 2014-08-23 15:02:03
Re: Missing printings, card numbers, editions for specific cards (852 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I saw some Homeland cards with multiple printings have been fixed recently, since I'm adding my Homelands collection today (sigh...) I checked all the ones that are still to be fixed, hope this list is useful.
Abbey Matron
Mesa Falcon
Samite Alchemist
Trade Caravan
Dark Maze
Labyrinth Minotaur
Memory Lapse
Dry Spell
Feast of the Unicorn
Sengir Bats
Ambush Party
Anaba Bodyguard
Anaba Shaman
Dwarven Trader
Folk of An-havva
Willow Faerie
23 2014-08-15 09:55:16
Topic: Active filters not highlighted (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Over the last few days I noticed that active filters are not highlighted anymore in the drop down menu, this feature was very useful to quickly find (in order to remove them in a selective manner) them especially in the long list such as editions.
Not sure if this is a bug or an intended change.
Personally, I prefer to see active filters highlighted.
24 2014-08-12 21:49:20
Re: Upcoming Feature: Inventory Improvements - Tags (or Labels) (58 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
As for creating new inventory I don't see why it couldn't stay the way it is. If you tell it you have 200 of the same cards that could be entered as one record and managed as one record until one of those items changes. Or if it's not a single record there's no reason the computer can't automate the creation of 200 duplicate records.
As for displaying this is just as easy too. It would be handle by way of grouping statements in the back end. Anything that is sufficiently identical in the display can be grouped together and displayed as a single record.
This is exactly what I meant with "But this can be managed regardless the granularity of the database, I assume.".
Going to maximum database granularity without some smart grouping statements, as you suggest, would create more problem than it solves. Totally agree with you.
25 2014-08-12 20:58:25
Re: Upcoming Feature: Inventory Improvements - Tags (or Labels) (58 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
This discussion is becoming more and more interesting.
I see many aspects being covered with a lot of smart ideas.
While I was trying to understand which of the proposed features/solutions would best fit my needs, I realized I first had to classify my needs.
Here is my basic list, for simplicity's sake I named the six basic needs.
1. INVENTORY: keeping track of what cards I have
2. DECK LISTS: keeping track of decks I "like"
3. MY DECKS: keeping track of decks I have currently built
4. STORAGE: keeping track of where my cards are physically located
5. WISH LIST: keeping track of the cards I need
6. TRADE LIST: keeping track of the cards I'm willing to trade/sell
and here is how I see DB supporting me so far:
1. INVENTORY: with the latest release I'm pretty much ok, the only thing missing is the ability to distinguish between BB and WB foreign first editions. Almost there. CHECK
2. DECK LISTS: I can keep track of decks regardless if I have the cards to build them or not. CHECK
3. MY DECKS: I can keep track of decks for which I own cards. If I want to distinguish DECK LISTS from MY DECKS I believe the only way is to use separate folders. Not the most flexible option, but it works CHECK
4. STORAGE: I have binders, large and small boxes, you name it. MISS
5. WISH LIST: significantly improved after multiple-pictures feature in the latest release CHECKED
6. TRADE LIST: significantly improved after multiple-pictures feature in the latest release CHECKED
So STORAGE is a problem.
I do agree with Moxy about ultimately having to go 1 physical card = 1 database record in order to have impossible-to-beat accurate tracking of a card's conditions. This, from my point of view, would allow both perfect INVENTORY and perfect STORAGE tracking.
What scares me, is the usability. If I have 200 Swamps same edition/language/conditions and in the same box. I'd prefer entering the information just once rather than 200. Also, when I look at my inventory, I'd like to see one line with 200 identical swamps rather than 200 identical lines. But this can be managed regardless the granularity of the database, I assume.
The other interesting point I wanted to discuss about is TAGs. In general I'm not a fan of tags, actually I'm a bit scared about freeform tags as they can be a very powerful organizer but they can also become a nightmare if not properly managed, especially with large inventories and multiple tagging.
Said that, I like a lot scshunt's idea of separating deck lists from the cards I have in decks, and to use a Tag to indicate in which physical deck a card I own is currently placed. Simple and elegant. Love it. I have a feeling this same concept could be extended to manage the whole STORAGE problem.
If the whole MY DECKS + STORAGE could be managed through "controlled" tagging maybe it would help with sebi's concern about "working with these cards more difficult".
Last point, I don't see me using multiple/separate inventories but I understand why someone could need/use such a feature.
Not sure if I'm adding something useful to the discussion.
But I'm sure coming back to see how it evolves.