Topic: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

I have a trade with him, i sent off my cards and he hasn't sent his and will not respond to any messages.  Also how to i report him to a moderator?

Here is my Profile, Tradelist, and Wishlist

Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

last I traded with him was in may, and he forgot to put a stamp on the envelope...
but he hasn't left me feedback since then so im not sure.

Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

did you get your cards?

Here is my Profile, Tradelist, and Wishlist

Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

You're gonna want to go to the Bad Trader Reports thread in the forum, and post a new topic there. Be sure to read the guidelines contained therein before posting.

Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

I did get my cards, but it took a month and a half

Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

Not going to lie, I've been waiting for a post about him

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Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

UnstableFlux wrote:

Not going to lie, I've been waiting for a post about him

Same.  Always see those people you just FEEL are going to be scummy.

Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

I mean, not even from my own dealing with him, but the fact that he had proposed about 30 trades in the span of a day going after money cards was a big warning. Then personally all he tried to get from me was high value stuff in my inventory, and wouldn't take other stuff I had from his wishlist that was in my tradelist..

Last edited by UnstableFlux (2013-08-15 17:18:05)

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Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

The only time he tried to trade with me he was really aggressive about pushing a trade through despite my continued claims that he was overvaluing his cards.  Shrug.

Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

Thats a big red flag for me when he has 8x times as many cancelled trades as he does completed trades and hes fairly new. Id expect that from people who have the the feedback to back it up but it just screams "shady" when you just constantly offer trades to people and far more get cancelled than accepted. It doesnt speak well of your trading habits.

Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

Had an accepted trade with him.  As soon as I mention he's going to have to ship first, the trade gets canceled shortly thereafter.   I open a BTR and he claims the card was "stolen".  Not having any way of disproving this I let it go but it sounds like it may have just been a scam attempt.

Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

Just sayin'... but I didn't have any problems when I traded with him.

Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

I had a Snapcaster "disappear" when I shipped it to him. DC was never updated to "Delivered" so he claimed he never got it. Could've been true, could also have been not true... I never got it back, and had to send another one.

I got the cards from him two weeks after he marked them as sent, with a stamp on the envelope being from just two days earlier (I took a picture just in case I'd need it for proof of something).

So, I got the cards, but walked away with a really bad feeling from the whole thing.

Edit: Forgot to mention he added a Snapcaster to his inventory on the day after it was out for delivery. That's what made me suspicious.

Last edited by asmodeanreborn (2013-08-15 18:59:57)

Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

Is LOLZ the same person as JAKElolz?

Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

No, this is the user in question in this thread

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Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

UnstableFlux wrote:

No, this is the user in question in this thread

What are staple cars? tongue

Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

Different username, but same location... there looks there's another user with lolz as well in that location (a third).

Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

Deckbox should add a way to track/ban people based on a address yikes

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Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

UnstableFlux wrote:

Deckbox should add a way to track/ban people based on a address yikes


Re: Does Anyone know or heard from LOLZ

UnstableFlux wrote:

Deckbox should add a way to track/ban people based on a address yikes

That's definitely something to consider. A concern that I've brought up to Sebi before is that users can change their profile name, which also happens to be their profile URL. This can make them harder to track. In fact, LOLZ used to go under the name "kalkrukowski". He changed his name to "LOLZ" after a BTR was filed against him a couple months ago.

Last edited by AsymptomaticPyrexia (2013-08-15 22:05:22)