Re: Why don't people respond?

morph66 wrote:

Is the lack of reading comprehension and rudeness just an American thing?

Don't even start that snowball.

@OP - Paul_K Actually said it very well. You will not be able to just snap-ship everything you want overnight on deckbox.

It takes time. People not even having the kindness to reply is pretty crappy, but eh. It happens. I atleast try to respond to all of my trade offers, unless its someone who is obviously stupid (this would include offering bulk for legacy/modern staples, when I state in 50 places not to do that shit with me). Plus keep in mind, what you consider "in their favor" may not actually be in their favor.


Someone could offer me 2x Voice of Resurgence for a Dark Confidant. Slight monetary advantage to me, but the actual value loss is huge though, as Bob is a legacy (and modern) staple. Voice is still unknown in modern and has not arrived in legacy yet (of any substance, mainly due to G/W not being broken enough in legacy).

So even though you may feel your trade is in their favor, it may (or may not) be in actuality. It all depends on how that person trades. I trade the same on here as I do in person. I don't take downtrades unless I need something or there is some other reason.

Just a thought

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
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Re: Why don't people respond?

marumari wrote:

Morph, I think it couldn't hurt to maybe take a few deep breaths and a short break.  I know you're really upset, but nothing here is even remotely worth getting that angry about.  It's the internet, so let's just shrug it off and move along.  And in the interests of keeping everything here pleasant, let's please avoid the name-calling.


Thanks for your concern but i'm not upset in the slighest. I'm just trying to clear the air but joecat is more interested in bating me. For all i know the other poster who made his comment is one of their friends and i'm just being trolled now.

I know I didn't do anything wrong, I know Joecat is sticking up for his "friend" although not doing it in a very fair and rational way. The other guy just doesn't know how to read.

But i'm good wink

Re: Why don't people respond?

Vincentarasin wrote:

Someone could offer me 2x Voice of Resurgence for a Dark Confidant. Slight monetary advantage to me, but the actual value loss is huge though, as Bob is a legacy (and modern) staple. Voice is still unknown in modern and has not arrived in legacy yet (of any substance, mainly due to G/W not being broken enough in legacy).

Actually, apparently Voice is falling somewhere in between Vendilion Clique and Spell Snare in Modern use.   O_o  Something I learned just the other day myself.   It's still only about 2/3rds as popular as Bob in Modern, and sees really no Legacy play, but I imagine that as long as Melira Pod remains a thing in Modern, Voice will remain popular.   </offtopic>

Last edited by marumari (2013-08-29 17:24:54)

Re: Why don't people respond?

blackdog_9 wrote:
daruiner wrote:

Am I missing something?  Isn't there etiquette...?

Apparently not.

Morph - This was turning out to be a nice thread that contained helpful ways for people to ensure that their time on DB was spent more effectively.  You hijacked it for something silly.  Can you please stop so that we can have the thread back and continue discussing how to get trades done on this site?

Actually joecat hijacked it to push his friends agenda and slander my name. Just like you now, are misconstruing what is happening and trying to lay blame on myself instead of where it appropriately belongs.

I hear what you are saying though, so if no more responses are made towards me, consider it dropped. If it continues, then expect the same in retaliation

Last edited by morph66 (2013-08-29 17:28:15)

Re: Why don't people respond?

Wow you really have issues.

To the rest of you, for what its worth, sorry he is wasting all your time, but how many of you have a regular store you go to?

Imagine you go to your local gaming store, you are very comfortable there, you have been there for a few years and really like the place. You have lots of friends and people you trust and consider it a great place to hang out. You see some new people who are looking for trades so you open up your folder to see if anything may work out.

Now you start a conversation about making a trade with a few guys and out of them only one has something that seems workable.  He is obviously new but seems to be interested in some of your cards so you make an offer that is Fair.  you look up the prices at TCG and use the avg for everything.   The guy first asks (in a easily to be taken as condescending way) whether your cards are MINT because HIS sure are.  You know the card is fine so you try to continue the trade, ignoring the arrogant behavior.   He starts adding cards from your folder that makes the trade a little uneven,  and asks you to accept.  You assume he is interested in a bigger trade but nothing to balance it out so you adjust it a bit, and offer another equal trade.    He repeatedly adds cards from your folder and asks you to accept the trade, even though its obvious to you that the trade is horribly uneven in his favor and he wont let you add more cards from his side.  He always changes it to something uneven and stupid.

Now at this point most of you would be wondering what the hell this joker is thinking making more and more unreasonable offers (he got worse not better) and he tells you in what can only be taken as an arrogant tone how HIS card was worth more two months ago and so you should give him a lot more in value, even though the value today is less. (its called market price dumbass)  Now you had been polite and patient with him so far but at this point you realize he is either 1. an asshole/shark that is trying to screw you over due to his arrogance, or 2.  he is an idiot that doesnt understand the basic common sense of trading and changes in market value.

What do you do? 

You could just quit the trade as usual, you have done it a hundred times before and will do it countless more, but for some reason this guy's attitude really bothered you. Perhaps the arrogance and selfish behavior makes you realize this person is a bit of an asshole and you dont like that people like him might start screwing up your fav hang out place and probably turn other people off due to his behavior (most people will ignore it as you do, shit happens and its only a failed trade,  but its always good to be warned of jerks ahead of time.)

Also, seeing as how you met the new group because someone was talking about being unable to make trades due to poor/no responses, and being someone who hangs out here a decent amount you know exactly what they are talking about, its quite possible that you also feel that while many people just quit and you wont see them again due to normal life issues, there are others who get turned off due to jerks like the guy you just met, and those people  end up quitting the site due to one or two bad apples.   (he isnt that important but every little bit hurts)

So as you choose to walk away you take the extra step (which you dont normally do) of kindly warning your fellow members that this guy is a little crazy (He really does need to chill out). You dont curse him out, but your choices are crazy or jackass, and being the  calm individual you are, you figure being called crazy is the more polite thing to do.   You dont give the guy a negative because that is a little extreme for a failed trade but still a zero is a fair warning for poor social behavior. 

Thinking back, if the person didnt want to be called crazy he shouldnt have acted like a crazy person, and when he starts cursing you out, well all you can really do is laugh about the whole thing cause its pretty damn funny.    You continue on with your other successfull trades and remember that its good to have a place where the majority of people are sensible and reasonable and not to take the bad apples too seriously.

Re: Why don't people respond?

Reddit has literally ruined this site.

Re: Why don't people respond?

Well, I don't really know who is right or wrong, but I will say that I've always had enjoyable trading experiences with mbknight, even when they haven't worked out.

Now, can we please just get back on topic?  Anybody else have any neat tips or tricks for getting people to respond or for finding active traders?

Last edited by marumari (2013-08-29 20:13:42)

Re: Why don't people respond?

You should look at the trading for dummies thread that just poped-up if you haven't read it smile

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Free yourself from yourself

Re: Why don't people respond?

UnstableFlux wrote:

You should look at the trading for dummies thread that just poped-up if you haven't read it smile

I literally posted that in response to this thread XD

Re: Why don't people respond?

oh wow mbknight you are such a god damn victim here, you poor sweetheart. All you did was call me crazy to warn the others when what you actually did was insult my intelligence by  calling me retarded.

WTF did i just read. what a slanted view of what actually happened.

You proposed a trade, i didn't like it. I countered, you didn't like it. Instead of putting your big boy pants and moving on, you decided to take it a step further and wail like a baby and and call me names. Now you are here trying to appeal to the masses by making up some really lame "I did it for the people speech." Grow the hell up, you immature brat. Nobody forced you to do anything. There is a cancel button. You hit it and bid a person farwell, get some thicker skin.

Last edited by morph66 (2013-08-29 20:31:55)

Re: Why don't people respond?

morph66 wrote:

oh wow mbknight you are such a god damn victim here, you poor sweetheart. All you did was call me crazy to warn the others when what you actually did was insult my intelligence by  calling me retarded.

WTF did i just read. what a slanted view of what actually happened.

You proposed a trade, i didn't like it. I countered, you didn't like it. Instead of putting your big boy pants and moving on, you decided to take it a step further and wail like a baby and and call me names. Now you are here trying to appeal to the masses by making up some really lame "I did it for the people speech." Grow the hell up, you immature brat. Nobody forced you to do anything. There is a cancel button. You hit it and bid a person farwell, get some thicker skin.

Here's a simple question: did you or did you not try to evaluate your cards at your own value based on past value?

His story explains the trade in question ( better than yours. 

People making up their own value for cards is a personal pet peeve.  Card value constantly change.  You can speculate all you want on card value but if you want to trade for cards on the decline at the lower value, then wait for that card to actually reach that value (unless both parties agree beforehand of course).  The same with trading cards on the rise for higher than current.  You don't get to value a rising card at some higher future value until that card actually reaches that number.  Of course a trade is more than just comparing numbers.  It is, however, insulting when one party starts pulling out random numbers out of nowhere.

Re: Why don't people respond?

Neokarasu wrote:
morph66 wrote:

oh wow mbknight you are such a god damn victim here, you poor sweetheart. All you did was call me crazy to warn the others when what you actually did was insult my intelligence by  calling me retarded.

WTF did i just read. what a slanted view of what actually happened.

You proposed a trade, i didn't like it. I countered, you didn't like it. Instead of putting your big boy pants and moving on, you decided to take it a step further and wail like a baby and and call me names. Now you are here trying to appeal to the masses by making up some really lame "I did it for the people speech." Grow the hell up, you immature brat. Nobody forced you to do anything. There is a cancel button. You hit it and bid a person farwell, get some thicker skin.

Here's a simple question: did you or did you not try to evaluate your cards at your own value based on past value?

His story explains the trade in question ( better than yours. 

People making up their own value for cards is a personal pet peeve.  Card value constantly change.  You can speculate all you want on card value but if you want to trade for cards on the decline at the lower value, then wait for that card to actually reach that value (unless both parties agree beforehand of course).  The same with trading cards on the rise for higher than current.  You don't get to value a rising card at some higher future value until that card actually reaches that number.  Of course a trade is more than just comparing numbers.  It is, however, insulting when one party starts pulling out random numbers out of nowhere.

That's fine, and it's my right that if my card is on a downswing and i don't want to trade it, then i won't trade it. I didn't want to trade the card. it was in my inventory not on my tradelist. So if he wanted it so bad then he either took my offer or moved on.

Last I checked, I am free to do what I want with my cards, as is he. If i don't want face value for something and he's asking me for it, I don't have to make the trade .

Last edited by morph66 (2013-08-29 20:53:38)

Re: Why don't people respond?

nvm it's not worth it anymore

He's still making nasty comments via private message in that trade window. It's to bad i'm the only one who get's to see your true character.

Last edited by morph66 (2013-08-29 20:59:01)

Re: Why don't people respond?

for the record I only called him semi-retarded.   ;p  ok sorry i am done, even if he posts more.  If you dont want to trade with me paul thats fine, I understand but i figured I was allowed one response on the forums. he seems to have been very active in his story telling. 

as far as contacting people, i have sent email via the site every once in a while to someone who seems active but doesnt have any active trades and maybe four out of ten respond back, and maybe two of those try to make a trade happen.   low odds but not a complete waste.

Marumari mentions in another thread how difficult it is to filter through all the various people via the reddit group, or via card and I agree that its almost impossible.  Honestly I have mostly given up on it and most of my trades lately have been initiated by other people when i seem to have things they want.  I have even found myself adding more crazy things to start collecting because not much else I need and got most of the smaller stuff already.   

Anyone think that with the new greek themed theros set, people might start coming back? or even a new influx of players?   RTR seemed to have brought a fair number of people if my general impression is correct.

Re: Why don't people respond?

morph66 wrote:

Let's just agree there is 2 sides to a story, and the majority of you seem to just be siding with the veteran poster/trader. He was a dick because i didn't want to trade with him. He called me names and went overboard. I was nothing but polite to him in my refusals for his offers. I don't care if he thinks his feelings were hurt because he didn't like my counter. It still doesn't give him the right to slander me as a trader. If i'm that out to lunch, people will figure it out on their own. I don't need him mucking up my potential trades even though this sort of garbage doesnt exactly help. At least im safe though because the only people who seem dense in this situation are americans and i don't want to trade with them anyways...

Again, two sides to every story and you both are whining like little girls. BTW all you are doing is (as Paul stated) making the community less and less likely to trade with the both of you. The bad trade forum exists for a reason, keep your drama out of the community forums. Can a mod please close this thread?

Profile   |   Foil Traders Community
Free yourself from yourself

Re: Why don't people respond?

Again, two sides to every story and you both are whining like little girls. BTW all you are doing is (as Paul stated) making the community less and less likely to trade with the both of you. The bad trade forum exists for a reason, keep your drama out of the community forums. Can a mod please close this thread?

I absolutely agree, and joecat was out of line bringing the BTR into this thread in the first place.

Last edited by morph66 (2013-08-29 21:01:44)

Re: Why don't people respond?

mates lets lay this to rest ad call it a day and go our seperate ways. There is never a winner or loser in an argument just two hurt people. So i advise both of you to please stop squabbling or saying "who said what" and "he did this" and lay it to rest.... what good does arguing do on the internet? u cant even see the person or hear them so you might as well close this thread!!!

Have a nice day all! smile


Re: Why don't people respond?

woodmster123 wrote:

mates lets lay this to rest ad call it a day and go our seperate ways. There is never a winner or loser in an argument just two hurt people. So i advise both of you to please stop squabbling or saying "who said what" and "he did this" and lay it to rest.... what good does arguing do on the internet? u cant even see the person or hear them so you might as well close this thread!!!

Have a nice day all! smile

I don't get the point of everyone saying it's over, then someone jumping in an hour later to bump the thread to get it all going again. Letting it die, means letting it die, not resurecting it a few hours later.

Re: Why don't people respond?

then don't respond smile:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
