Topic: Blue Green Mill [Standard], [Opinions]

Here's another I've been tweaking since reviewing some of the comments here.  I think this one might surprise an opponent in the first hand, as it can start looking like a typical green ramp.  Let me know what you think, and how you think it could be improved.

4 Evolving Wilds
10 Forest
4 Hinterland Harbor
6 Island
2 Tormod's Crypt
4 Arbor Elf
2 Fog
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Thought Scour
3 Jace's Erasure
3 Mind Sculpt
4 Elvish Archdruid
4 Predator Ooze
4 Sands of Delirium
4 Trepanation Blade
2 Gilded Lotus

In play testing, it has worked, but can have trouble against very fast decks with lots of token generation.  Against most other decks, it often keeps desired cards out of the opponent's hand.  Wins have been (perhaps not surprisingly) about 60/40 damage/mill out.  The Trepanation Blade on Predator Ooze can be a productive combination, but I often find myself wanting to keep the oozes as blockers.  Perhaps something that confers Vigilance?

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Blue Green Mill [Standard], [Opinions]

I think you could probably get more use out of Jace's Erasure by including a couple other draw effects, or possibly cut them for something else.  Don't get me wrong, Erasure can be an awesome card if you use it right; I know a guy who runs a Pauper deck with it as his only win condition, but he has tons of card draw.

Some additional draw options could include:
Trading Post - This would actually give some additional usefulness to any extra Sands of Delirium you have, since anything after the first is useless and you have four.  Play an extra Sands, sac it, draw a card.  It would also allow you to get back any of your artifacts that they happen to destroy, or reuse a Tormod's Crypt.

Staff of Nin - You already have the ramp to easily get it out early in the game.  Might as well get some extra card draw and some easy pings out of it.

Soul of the Harvest - Again, you have the ramp, and with so many little guys to cast this can be some great card advantage.

I gotta run at the moment, but I can come back later with some more ideas.

Re: Blue Green Mill [Standard], [Opinions]

NullParameter wrote:

I think you could probably get more use out of Jace's Erasure by including a couple other draw effects, or possibly cut them for something else.  Don't get me wrong, Erasure can be an awesome card if you use it right; I know a guy who runs a Pauper deck with it as his only win condition, but he has tons of card draw.

Some additional draw options could include:
Trading Post - This would actually give some additional usefulness to any extra Sands of Delirium you have, since anything after the first is useless and you have four.  Play an extra Sands, sac it, draw a card.  It would also allow you to get back any of your artifacts that they happen to destroy, or reuse a Tormod's Crypt.

Staff of Nin - You already have the ramp to easily get it out early in the game.  Might as well get some extra card draw and some easy pings out of it.

Soul of the Harvest - Again, you have the ramp, and with so many little guys to cast this can be some great card advantage.

I gotta run at the moment, but I can come back later with some more ideas.

I follow your ideas, and they sound good to me.  I'll try some of these, and welcome any further feedback (from you or others).

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Blue Green Mill [Standard], [Opinions]

In my opinion any mill deck should have some sort of annoying wall, and we currently have Fog Bank in standard, unless your opponent draws spot removal or has tramply creatures this will stop them dead in their tracks. It would also let you attack with the Ooze more easily without concern of not having enough blockers.

Also there's no excuse not to have at least 1 Jace, Memory Adept in here, some decks I'd say he's expensive and you don't want to drop the cash/trade but you've got a playset of Hinterlands, as such you need a jace or two.

Re: Blue Green Mill [Standard], [Opinions]

imsully2 wrote:

In my opinion any mill deck should have some sort of annoying wall, and we currently have Fog Bank in standard, unless your opponent draws spot removal or has tramply creatures this will stop them dead in their tracks. It would also let you attack with the Ooze more easily without concern of not having enough blockers.

Also there's no excuse not to have at least 1 Jace, Memory Adept in here, some decks I'd say he's expensive and you don't want to drop the cash/trade but you've got a playset of Hinterlands, as such you need a jace or two.

I just added a Jace last night for play testing.  smile  I do like the Fog Bank idea.  Some more tweaking will commence...

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.