Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

The undying being limited to non-token creatures is fine, as Gutter Grime only triggers when non-token creatures die anyway.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

NullParameter wrote:
TyWooOneTime wrote:

All the current turns have been input.

So we can add something like Mikaeus, the Unhallowed (when it gets back to my turn) for the undying for all the creatures, but I can see where Gutter Grime getting picked off would be a big problem.  How could we protect it?

I think that protecting the Gutter Grime is going to be difficult if we don't expand into white, and I'm not entirely sure that is a great idea to spread things that thin.  But adding white would give us other such options as Faith's Shield to protect it, as well as Gavony Township to pump our creatures to keep them around even if the enchantment gets destroyed, as well as opening up the avenue for more ramp with Avacyn's Pilgrim.

And we do have to remember that undying doesn't work for the token creatures, even with Mikaeus, because the creatures have to go to the graveyard, and the instant that a token goes to a graveyard it ceases to exist.

Are the named dual lands open for consideration? They are great if looking for a splash of color.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

HikingStick wrote:

Are the named dual lands open for consideration? They are great if looking for a splash of color.

I think we were going to leave the land for the end, and determine then what we needed.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

NullParameter wrote:

I think we were going to leave the land for the end, and determine then what we needed.

This is spot on.  I can envision numerous special lands, but we'll get there once we know what is/isn't going in the deck.  Again, we're going to repeat this process until we're at 50 cards, and then work to narrow down/drop ideas.  Then we'll figure out the land.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

I guess I'll go again, since we've been sitting for 24 hours.

I've added 3x Altar's Reap to give us some added sacking (to feed the grime!) while also helping to draw.

Everyone is on deck... what's next?

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Just thinking we could use more undying so throw in x4 young wolf

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

imsully2 wrote:

Just thinking we could use more undying so throw in x4 young wolf


Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

I think we need some removal and sacrifice all in one.  3x Barter in Blood

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

NullParameter wrote:

I think we need some removal and sacrifice all in one.  3x Barter in Blood


Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

I've tacked on 2x Predatory Rampage to give all those ooze and wolf tokens some added bite.

What's next?  We're only 5-6 cards from getting to the narrowing down phase, then to the mana... although, looking at the leaked RTR cards, just about all the strategies people are used to running are about to get blown to hell... hah.

For anyone who wants a good look at what's coming: … avnica/cig

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

I'm gonna give us a bit more expensive creatures to work with, plus giving us a whole load of evasion if things really go off well.  2x Champion of Lambholt

Last edited by NullParameter (2012-09-03 03:49:56)

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...


Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I've tacked on 2x Predatory Rampage to give all those ooze and wolf tokens some added bite.

What's next?  We're only 5-6 cards from getting to the narrowing down phase, then to the mana... although, looking at the leaked RTR cards, just about all the strategies people are used to running are about to get blown to hell... hah.

For anyone who wants a good look at what's coming: … avnica/cig

I'm liking Korozda Guildmage for post rotation in this deck, just saying

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

imsully2 wrote:

I'm liking Korozda Guildmage for post rotation in this deck, just saying

I'm also a big fan of Death's Presence, although it is a bit expensive.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Hrm.... not sure how we could/should add those here... any thought on what you want to use as a placeholder?  I can put a note at the bottom to denote what the placeholders are.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Hrm.... not sure how we could/should add those here... any thought on what you want to use as a placeholder?  I can put a note at the bottom to denote what the placeholders are.

I'm not suggestions that we add them now, it was just a little side discussion.  If you want, you can put them into the notes on the deck as a reminder for later, but I think we should build an actual working deck for right now.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Gotcha.  Notes updated.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Corpsejack Menace will also be SICK.  Double the +1/+1 counters your creatures would receive?  Yes please.  Pair that with Increasing Savagery or even Bond Beetles or Timberland Guide with Roaring Primadox... yeah... Golgari might have a chance here.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Any other moves? 

I'm adding 2x more Champion of Lambholt to the mix, as it will just be nuts with all those ooze tokens coming and going. 

That will put us at 49 cards, so we need like 2-3 more and then we'll figure out the mana and try to narrow it down to work.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

I know I haven't been contributing much here, mainly because I don't know much about what's available in Standard, but I do know that where you sacrifice nontoken creatures, Reassembling Skeleton is a must...even if it does cycle out in the next rotation.  Maybe something else will come in the next block that fills the void, but yeah, it needs to be there as long as possible.  I'd say 4 of them...can always cut back the numbers if needed later tongue

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Reassembling Skeleton.  Done.  That puts us over 50 cards, so it's time to figure out the mana.

I'm proposing we should have the following:

4x Woodland Cemetery
2x Grim Backwoods
9x Swamp
9x Forest

That puts 24 lands, meaning we need to ween down some cards... but I'm open to reducing that number to 22 or even 20 if that's what it comes to.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

I think we can probably knock it down a few lands, simply because we have a fair amount of ramp with our mana dorks and a lot of our creatures are very low mana cost, but probably no lower than 22 lands, because we do have a lot of high cost enchantments.

If we're going to weed something out, I'd say that the Fogs can probably go, because they almost go against our end goal.  We essentially want our creatures to die, so blocking a big attack and killing most of our stuff off isn't a huge deal.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

NullParameter wrote:

I think we can probably knock it down a few lands, simply because we have a fair amount of ramp with our mana dorks and a lot of our creatures are very low mana cost, but probably no lower than 22 lands, because we do have a lot of high cost enchantments.

If we're going to weed something out, I'd say that the Fogs can probably go, because they almost go against our end goal.  We essentially want our creatures to die, so blocking a big attack and killing most of our stuff off isn't a huge deal.


Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...


Fog = Gone and I've dropped one Forest and one Swamp.

Still sitting 11 high... This is going to cost some critters...

Note that I think we should keep at least 3x Champion of Lambholt as that's one clear win condition (pending we don't just overrun them with creatures).  They also work so well with the Gutter Grime.

Should we try to make it rotation safe?  That could buy us some space.  (But on a side note, I LOVE the thought of Reassembling Skeleton in here... I hope they give us another creature with the mechanic that it actually goes to the graveyard and can be brought back).

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Yep, I agree that we can probably cut one Champion of Lambholt.  And if we did want to make it rotation safe, then we'd have to cut both the Reassembling Skeletons and Birds of Paradise (although, most people thing that is coming back).  I don't really think that we want to cut too many creatures though, personally.  And sadly, at the moment, there isn't really any good mana ramp creature to replace the BoPs if they aren't reprinted in RTR.

If I had to pick some other stuff, I'd say that Predatory Rampage isn't going to do us a whole lot of good, because a lot of our creature are very small, and even then, your opponent still gets to choose how to block, so they could block in a way that the fewest number of creatures die, and then we don't really benefit from it all that much.

And while Exquisite Blood is an awesome card, I think that we have a few too many very expensive enchantments, and this one doesn't specifically build on the theme that we have going.