Topic: Boolean logic in "Search and Filter"

When searching cards, I frequently want to find spells that target certain types of other cards.  For example, I may want to add some enchantment destruction to one of my decks.  Therefore, I may want to find all cards that contain the word "enchantment" and either "destroy" or "exile" somewhere in their rules text.  However, currently the I can't do an "or" search in the "Search and Filter" (as far as I know).

Last edited by Raziel (2012-01-02 15:09:47)

Re: Boolean logic in "Search and Filter"

Seconding this.

Re: Boolean logic in "Search and Filter"

Yes, this is something not possible with the current filter system.

I've tried in the beginning a couple of UIs allowing for this extended filtering, but they were all very clunky and bad. It's on the list though, we just have to find a nice way to implement it smile

Re: Boolean logic in "Search and Filter"

Seconding this.  Also if i search for all cards with, for instance, "elf" in the rules text, it also returns everything with "itself", "belfry", etc.  Trying to use quotations in the search to restrict it simply returns nada.

Re: Boolean logic in "Search and Filter"

Thread necromancy in progress. Any update on this?
I google searched the site, and found no other mentions of it, so I was left with "Animate Thread" as my line of play.

Re: Boolean logic in "Search and Filter"

This would be super useful especially in the rules text. Instead of parsing a boolean string in the existing rules perhaps adding another text input with a simple and / or toggle to start would suffice. Just drop the search term as ." AND ". $strSearch right into the SQL query when concatenating the statement... but hey I don't know the backend  .. maybe not so simple?
