sebi wrote:Yep, partly the reason for their absence is that initially I imported the sets from a wizards listing of World Champ deck contents, and that listing did not include these. I do want to import them though.
I need to find a proper decklist for all of them somewhere...
Gotcha right here: (.xlsx file with all decks sorted by tabs for Player name and in both .dec and MTGO formats) (.xlsx file - using formatting; containing only the 123 cards unique to this set -instead of by deck-) (.xlsx "master" file with csv formatting of all decks in one tab sorted by qty, player, etc.)
I could only upload one attachment directly within this post and it is the same document as the last linked above. If you have any issues downloading or accessing the dropbox shared files, please let me know. (apparently tinyurls will sometimes "corrupt" the target DL and you have to simply re-follow the link for it to work)
Anyway, I doubt these file lists will be perfect for your integration but hopefully they'll make it easier - - I think my Premium Membership to Deckbox has expired because I wasn't able to access and mimic precise formatting for some of your exports/files - so I guessworked best I could 
NOTE: The file lists DO NOT contain any of the "EXTRAS" cards in the set: Blank cards, Bio cards, and Deck List cards
NOTE²: Annoyingly, Wizards left out two cards from Justice's deck: 1x Balance and 1x Incinerate. I don't know if this would necessarily affect adding the set to Deckbox, but I wanted to mention it
Reference: Magic Rarities
Post's attachmentsProTour1996 decklists - by deck.xlsx 30.1 kb, file has never been downloaded.
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