Topic: Welcome!

I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone officially into the group.

While I've traded with many people on this site, there are always stronger and more reliable/recurring standbys. After more than a couple recent issues with new traders, I decided to make this group (Invitation only, FTR) to conglomerate those that have stood out in this vein into one collective. I appreciate all of you, the trades that we've enjoyed in the past, and hopefully many more to come in the future, for however long we stay in the game; pun intended.

Please feel free to use this forum for any form of discussion - say hello, introduce yourselves, let us know if you're looking for a particular card,etc. Otherwise, just stay true to the credo - remain honest, reliable, and personable to your collective brothers and sisters.

Stay amazing!


Re: Welcome!


If there are any traders not included in the group that you feel should be & would be a benefit to have, please let me know, so I can send them an invite.
As of now, the only invites I've sent out were from my own personal trade experience, which feels a bit too pompous, lol.



Re: Welcome!

Sightburner wrote:


If there are any traders not included in the group that you feel should be & would be a benefit to have, please let me know, so I can send them an invite.
As of now, the only invites I've sent out were from my own personal trade experience, which feels a bit too pompous, lol.



Here are a few more good ones. smile

Re: Welcome!

Resending (All good traders :-))

Thank you!


Re: Welcome!

I've never been in a community or a forum of any kind on the internet, so this will be a new experience for me.  It was funny, when I saw this E-Mail I instantly expect that Roy somehow had something to do with this invite.  I checked over all the posts, and low and behold, I was right.

That being said: About myself a little.  I represent about ten magic players that all play casually and for fun and across every format.  Whenever someone wants a card I get asked and I look here to see if I can find it.  I accept any and all forms of trade from them for the card, it doesn't matter, as long as my friends get the cards they are looking for.  That being said, I feel the same way about helping people out on this site, if I ever have something you want, just ask.

My only drawback is I'm an old player and most of my cards are old.  I seldom invest actual money in the game, instead I just squander the cards I have till I have whatever I'm looking for.  So I don't know I'll be much help with completing new sets.  I do however, have an extensive bulk stack in my room with commons / uncommons from lots of older sets, I just don't like spending time shipping large stacks of cards for small amounts so never posted them all. 

I love this site and will help support it as best I can. 
Thanks for the invite ^_^

Re: Welcome!

Veldwraith wrote:

My only drawback is I'm an old player and most of my cards are old.  I seldom invest actual money in the game, instead I just squander the cards I have till I have whatever I'm looking for.  So I don't know I'll be much help with completing new sets.  I do however, have an extensive bulk stack in my room with commons / uncommons from lots of older sets, I just don't like spending time shipping large stacks of cards for small amounts so never posted them all. 

I love this site and will help support it as best I can. 
Thanks for the invite ^_^

We're more than happy to have you!

And FTR, I've been playing since Beta, so you're not alone ;-)


Re: Welcome!

Zanzz is a great trader as well.  He's my brother who finally convinced me to get back into Magic about 2 years ago after a 30 year hiatus.

Last edited by Marrober (2024-03-22 19:39:49)

Re: Welcome!

Marrober wrote:

Zanzz is a great trader as well.  He's my brother who finally convinced me to get back into Magic about 2 years ago after a 30 year hiatus.

Agreed (that he's a good trader - NOT my brother, lol).
I sent him an invite when we first started, but resending now.


Re: Welcome!

Thanks for the invite folks, I didn't even know I had one. Stumbled on the forum when I saw it on Veldwraiths profile, I was like ooooo whats that? Clicked it and saw a pending invite, sorry for the late add.

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: Welcome!

AmarusCameron wrote:

Thanks for the invite folks, I didn't even know I had one. Stumbled on the forum when I saw it on Veldwraiths profile, I was like ooooo whats that? Clicked it and saw a pending invite, sorry for the late add.

We forgive you ;-)

