Topic: Stuffy Doll deck help/suggestions

I am trying to create a deck with Stuffy Doll and I have some pretty good combos in there. I think that I need to work on mana acceleration and curve. Any suggestions or help with cards that would help this deck would be appreciated.

Last edited by CBall1311 (2012-08-06 13:41:08)

Re: Stuffy Doll deck help/suggestions

It's certainly good to see Stuffy Doll making a comeback.

The first question would be: What format are you aiming for?  The obvious option would be standard, but that limits a LOT of the options for the doll.  Perhaps the most effective combo I've seen for the doll is Pariah, but it's not standard legal sad.

I'm liking Inquisitor's Flail with the doll and when paired with Lure could prove devastating; however, unless they make a Lure equivalent in RTR, it'll rotate soon.

For Fling, keep in mind that being indestructible will not prevent the doll from dying if you sacrifice it.

I'm also not really seeing where Vexing Devil does much more than just give you another neat creature here.  Leave them for now, but I can see where you would benefit from including something different.

My best suggestion would be to hone in on the combos you already have by adding a lot of ramping.  Since you're including green in the deck, there's no reason not to ramp enough to spring the Doll on turn two or three.  Otherwise you'll be sitting on a deck whose combos really don't kick in until turn five or six, which would get you killed before you really get things going in most constructed tourneys (or so I've gathered). 

My only other thought is to include a lot of board clearing spells that will "hurt" the doll while taking apart their board presence.  Rolling Temblor is just one option but Pyroclasm and a few others are out there (but again, many will be rotating out soon, if not already).

Last edited by TyWooOneTime (2012-08-06 17:22:26)

Re: Stuffy Doll deck help/suggestions

Any stuffy doll deck in standard should have either Blasphemous Act or Into the Maw of Hell, with Blasphemous Act if you have 2 dolls out its GG immediately, with 26 points of damage done to the opposing player

Re: Stuffy Doll deck help/suggestions

TyWooOneTime, I think the better part of the addition of Vexing Devil is that you can make it fight the Stuffy Doll to automatically deal 4 damage to the opponent.  Either that or they take 4 damage to have you sac it.

Another interesting addition with the Stuffy Dolls could be Curse of Bloodletting.

But I definitely agree with imsully2 that Blasphemous Act is definitely a great way to go with Stuffy Doll, but it can get expensive as well.  I think keeping green in there and adding in some major ramp could be a great idea, especially because your main combo piece is at 5 CMC.

My suggestion would probably be to add in Borderland Ranger and/or Viridian Emissary for both early blockers and ramp.  Also, Krenko's Command could also help with early blockers, as well as increasing the creature count for the Blasphemous Act cost.

Might also want to come up with more ways to make things fight, like Prey Upon, at least for your sideboard, since they could easily destroy your Trackers and then you're hosed in that department.  Another option is Daybreak Ranger, which can also deal with flying creatures for you, since that will probably be an issue if you're focusing on green.

Sorry, lots of ideas floating around in my head.

Re: Stuffy Doll deck help/suggestions

Stuffy Doll would be interesting alongside Odric, Master Tactician. Have the requisite number attacking and Odric can have all defenders block Stuffy Doll.

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