Topic: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

So I'm not peeved at anyone in particular, but a couple of things keep rearing their head and just need to stop (or at least I think they do).  I do a hell of a lot of trading on here (I think I'm one of the most, if not the most active trader in terms of complete trades) and this is just things that I see.

  • If you have something on your tradelist don't have a set of arcane crazy conditions of what you'll trade it for.  Sure, trading legacy for legacy and standard for standard everyone understands, but if you REALLY have no intention of trading the damn card, take it off your list.

  • The system uses tcgplayer for pricing, for the most part everyone is fine with it, if you want to use something else, well, use tcgplayer.  I'm not about to do manual math to figure out a trade with 40 cards on it.

  • If you want a high-value card, don't just have a bunch of random shit in your tradelist, you are more than likely going to find very few pople willing to trade.

  • RESPOND to trade offers with SOMETHING instead of just canceling them, if you don't say SOMETHING how do we know what to change or tweak?

Sure what I'm asking people to do is think about what they are doing.  Yes it's cardboard, and quite valuable cardboard, but in the end run, it's just a game nicely and don't be douchey.

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

cbwebber wrote:
  • If you have something on your tradelist don't have a set of arcane crazy conditions of what you'll trade it for.  Sure, trading legacy for legacy and standard for standard everyone understands, but if you REALLY have no intention of trading the damn card, take it off your list.


Also, be prompt about taking things off your tradelist if they're involved in other trades. It's really not that complicated and it saves everyone a lot of frustration.

In the same vein, don't offer the same cards in six different trades. It's kind of a douche move when you offer up a trade, someone accepts, and then you back out saying you traded those cards away to someone else.

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

cbwebber wrote:
  • RESPOND to trade offers with SOMETHING instead of just canceling them, if you don't say SOMETHING how do we know what to change or tweak?

Sure what I'm asking people to do is think about what they are doing.  Yes it's cardboard, and quite valuable cardboard, but in the end run, it's just a game nicely and don't be douchey.

I couldn't agree with this more!

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

cbwebber wrote:

RESPOND to trade offers with SOMETHING instead of just canceling them, if you don't say SOMETHING how do we know what to change or tweak?

I know I'm guilty of doing this for trades I send out if someone doesn't reply within two days or so. I like to keep my current trades clutter free and if someone doesn't reply within 48 hours, I don't want to wait around. I see some people have 20+ active trades. I think I have one right now and I'm just waiting on cards that should be here Thursday.

BaronVonVanderham wrote:

In the same vein, don't offer the same cards in six different trades.

Wow. People do this? I've been super anal about removing cards from my Wishlist and Tradelist after addressed have been exchanged.

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

Yeah whenever I make a trade I always hit that I sent the cards even though they technically don't get picked up till the next morning to make sure I don't offer something twice. I also make sure to remove things from my wishlist so that I don't end up with seven of the same card, learned my lesson the hard way.

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

srrogers1985 wrote:

Yeah whenever I make a trade I always hit that I sent the cards even though they technically don't get picked up till the next morning to make sure I don't offer something twice. I also make sure to remove things from my wishlist so that I don't end up with seven of the same card, learned my lesson the hard way.

That works if sending simultaneously.  If waiting for the other party to ship first, it could be days or weeks before the cards are received and you ship yours.  I had this happen recently with a fairly large trade.  The other party had no feedback when we agreed on a configuration.  He had a delay getting them out, and when they arrived, he had missed a few cards.  By the time the rest got to me and I shipped, a month had passed.  In the interim, I ended up agreeing to trade a few cards that I had intended to keep, because that one pending trade had not come off my trade list.  In the end, I ended up marking it shipped early (with the other trader's consent) just so I wouldn't have more problems.

Why not just mark it shipped right away? I've had a trade or two fall through. I don't enjoy re-entering cards that were already in my inventory.

I'm hoping that Sebi and the crew will eventually add support for one's inventory, wishlist, and tradelist to reflect pending trades.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

That would be good. Just a little icon similar to the one that pops up if its not in your tradelist, it can be a different one to bring to our attention that it is already included elsewhere.

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

BaronVonVaderham wrote:

In the same vein, don't offer the same cards in six different trades. It's kind of a douche move when you offer up a trade, someone accepts, and then you back out saying you traded those cards away to someone else.

In the same light sometimes accidents happen. I, for one, just accidently had my Mutilate offered in a trade from two people and I didn't realize til after I accepted both. Sometimes accidents happen, especially to those that work 40 hour weeks and attend college so people like me are honestly super sorry for our oversight.

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

Yeah, I've been guilty of accidentally overtrading.  Especially with Lili of the Veils.  I had to go out and buy one from my LGS so I didn't have to feel like shit or trade one of my foil ones smile

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

[*]RESPOND to trade offers with SOMETHING instead of just canceling them, if you don't say SOMETHING how do we know what to change or tweak?[/*]

Im guilty of this too, especially when people want to trade me 1000 uncommons for a force of will. that said Ill try to say something as saying nothing DOES come off a little cross

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

Zuul36 wrote:

Yeah, I've been guilty of accidentally overtrading.  Especially with Lili of the Veils.  I had to go out and buy one from my LGS so I didn't have to feel like shit or trade one of my foil ones smile

In a recently flurry of activity, I went from a playset of Chandra, the Firebrand plus one foil to having just one! I had to buy one at my LGS this past weekend just to top off my preferred deck for the day (a variation of my Krenko's Dance Party deck).

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

Another thing - if you propose a trade, don't immediately disappear for a week without replying to any questions I might have.  lol

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

  • RESPOND to trade offers with SOMETHING instead of just canceling them, if you don't say SOMETHING how do we know what to change or tweak?

Sure what I'm asking people to do is think about what they are doing.  Yes it's cardboard, and quite valuable cardboard, but in the end run, it's just a game nicely and don't be douchey.

Its good to know Im not the only one. Ive gone as far as to include it on my profile thing that Im sure no one reads lol. A simple "no Im not interest thanks" is far better than jsut leaving it open for a couple days EVEN THOUGH IT SAYS YOU WERE ONLINE and saw the trade was offered and you have a message. No if I dont hear anything from a person a propose a trade to for 3 days I just close it if they were online and saw it. Im then usually less inclined to trade with that person in the future bc I dont want to have cards tied up waiting to MAYBE be traded...

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

asmodeanreborn wrote:

Another thing - if you propose a trade, don't immediately disappear for a week without replying to any questions I might have.  lol

I get this constantly, and a lot of the time it's a trade submitted to me while I'm online and I respond within a few minutes. You're still online, where did you go?!

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

BaronVonVaderham wrote:
asmodeanreborn wrote:

Another thing - if you propose a trade, don't immediately disappear for a week without replying to any questions I might have.  lol

I get this constantly, and a lot of the time it's a trade submitted to me while I'm online and I respond within a few minutes. You're still online, where did you go?!

So many of my trades... I just get some random "HEY I WANT THIS" And I respond with a request of my own... 2 weeks later: Nothing. I cancel.

Profile          Wishlist          Tradelist

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

This thread has been very helpful for me. I just started the practice of removing cards in active trades from my tradelist, as well as from my wishlist, and will continue to do so. I appreciate the guidance you've all shown here. Thanks!

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

brightmatrix wrote:

This thread has been very helpful for me. I just started the practice of removing cards in active trades from my tradelist, as well as from my wishlist, and will continue to do so. I appreciate the guidance you've all shown here. Thanks!

Often, I have so many trades at different stages that it would take me quite a while to manually update my wishlist and tradelist.  You helped me identify a feature request, though--having an option in the trades window to automatically adjust your wishlist and tradelist for any active trade, and then adjusting only inventory when you mark the cards shipped.  That would go a long way toward simplifying things.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading

HikingStick wrote:
brightmatrix wrote:

This thread has been very helpful for me. I just started the practice of removing cards in active trades from my tradelist, as well as from my wishlist, and will continue to do so. I appreciate the guidance you've all shown here. Thanks!

Often, I have so many trades at different stages that it would take me quite a while to manually update my wishlist and tradelist.  You helped me identify a feature request, though--having an option in the trades window to automatically adjust your wishlist and tradelist for any active trade, and then adjusting only inventory when you mark the cards shipped.  That would go a long way toward simplifying things.


I have been manually updating the inventory/tradelist/wantlist manually for every trade I accept and it's easy to miss a card or two, especially when you have as many going as I have lately.