Topic: Two of Three - Izzet Broke Talrand

I introduce my second post-RTR FNM deck...

The plays here, as I see them, are to setup the majority of the spells using Goblin Electromancer. Reducing the cost of instants and sorceries really opens up a lot of options, allowing you to actually untap two lands with Rewind, rock Negate/Essence Scatter/or even Searing Spear for one each. Two electromancers also provide Ghostly Flicker for free (if you target the Island you tapped) or even can make the overcharge cost of Mizzium Mortars easier, at two red for a one point hit.

But there's more, as this deck has an infinite combo. Well, 2x Goblin Electromancer, when paired with Talrand, Sky Summoner, Ghostly Flicker, and Archaeomancer equals infinite drakes. Once all the creatures are on the board, you flicker the Archaeomancer and the Island you used to cast it. The spell resolves, producing a drake and going to the graveyard. Then Archaeomancerand the Island return to play, so the ETB from the Archaeomancer can target the Ghostly Flicker to bring it back into your hand. The Island re-enters play untapped, so you simply cast the flicker again, and get another drake. Rinse, repeat.

Jace, Architect of Thought is here to help slow the enemy down with his +1, draw some cards with his -2, and potentially, if need be, provide an instant win with his ultimate and Worldfire.  I would use his ultimate, cast Worldfire from my deck, and any creature from theirs after the fire resolves.  Then I swing for one damage (could be next turn, who cares) and that's the game ladies and gents.

I could see this being 1) a lot of fun to play, 2) really cool if you pull off the combo explained above. I'm thinking an alternate win con could come from Guttersnipe - which makes the Ghostly Flicker combo above an instant win.

All thoughts are appreciated.

Last edited by TyWooOneTime (2012-09-27 17:15:29)

Re: Two of Three - Izzet Broke Talrand

Bumping this thread as I've edited to a new version that I'm hoping I could get some input on.  Thankfully I have almost everything in this, so I'll be trying to playtest soon to see if it works, but any input is welcome.

Re: Two of Three - Izzet Broke Talrand

Thanks for bumping this.  I thought it a very interesting topic when I first read it, but now that I have the cards to try it, I plan to do so!

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Two of Three - Izzet Broke Talrand

With the Jace/Worldfire combo. don't you have to cast the exiled cards immediately? As in, before you have a chance to cast Worldfire?

Shahrazad - Yo Dawg! We know how much you like playing MTG, so we put a game of MTG in your game of MTG!

Re: Two of Three - Izzet Broke Talrand

You would need to get a clarification from a judge, but my understanding is that even if you have to cast them immediately, that doesn't change how the effects will resolve, such that you can arrange them on the stack such where Worldfire resolves first and then you cast a creature of theirs.  Simply because it's a product of Jace's ability doesn't change the speed of the spells and just because he leaves the battlefield doesn't negate his ability (much like how you can ultimate a planeswalker, resulting in it "dying" but still get to enjoy the effect).

Re: Two of Three - Izzet Broke Talrand

TyWooOneTime wrote:

You would need to get a clarification from a judge, but my understanding is that even if you have to cast them immediately, that doesn't change how the effects will resolve, such that you can arrange them on the stack such where Worldfire resolves first and then you cast a creature of theirs.  Simply because it's a product of Jace's ability doesn't change the speed of the spells and just because he leaves the battlefield doesn't negate his ability (much like how you can ultimate a planeswalker, resulting in it "dying" but still get to enjoy the effect).

I agree, I don't think it would work if you tried to exile an instant speed spell that dealt damage or a creature with flash since they'd resolve first, but as long as it's a regular creature you would get to choose what order the spells resolve in

Re: Two of Three - Izzet Broke Talrand

As far as my thoughts on the deck, it looks really fun to play and I think it will throw people for a major loop which I love in a deck, I'm a little confused though, you cut the Archaeomancers so I would have thought you would cut the  Ghostly Flickers as well since you have no ETB effect creatures or permanents for that matter (Are you trying to protect planeswakers from Dreadbore?? (On the same note I'm a little sad that you cut the infinite combo but I understand especially with all the graveyard hate printed)

I feel like the only closer that you currently have is the Jace combo and that doesn't seem very likely without including ALOT more boardwipes which if you splash white could actually be successful, but it's up to you

Re: Two of Three - Izzet Broke Talrand

I'm not really sure as I was sitting at 65 cards (or there abouts) and didn't know what to do considering how crowded the four-drop is.  I pulled Archaeomancer for the time being as Tamiyo's emblem manages the same thing... but I'm certainly not opposed to putting the good ole mancer back in.

I'm in the process of getting the last few cards for this (lands excluded of course) and hope to playtest with it a fair amount soon.

At current the win cons come via Krenko overrunning them with goblins, Talrand flooding the skies with drakes, Niv opening up a big ole can of whoop-ass or any combination of them.  I also like the flavor of the Psychic Spirals such that I can drop cards with total abandon via the Nivix Guildmages, Niv, and Mercurial Chemister only to recycle them back into my library while also milling them for like 15-20 cards in the process.  Not a win con by any means, but certainly a great time - although in reality they're likely going to get pulled once playtesting proves that scenario is just a pipe dream sad.

I'm also still in the process of getting a Worldfire to throw in for grins.  Then I need to toss in 2x Amass the Components in case I draw it.  Alas, so many good options.

Re: Two of Three - Izzet Broke Talrand

I'd like to hear how it works out, I see how you put everything together but I know that with my luck at FNMs I'd get all of my goblin creatures and Talrand, then get all of my Mizzum Motars and the like with Krenko, ;P but I have terrible luck (I lowered my opponent to 1 life, he topdecked a Day of Judgment and I proceeded to topdeck lands, rancors, and other enchantments/artifacts that didn't deal damage in a deck running 4 Bonfires and like 26 creatures sad )

In summary I feel like it's too unfocused but that can be powerful in and of itself because other people's decks aren't designed to handle that so they can fail against non-archetypal decks.

Overall I'd say your amazing Golgari pulls make that deck more competitive for a FNM but this might be more fun since I doubt you're going to drop another 200$ to buy singles to make "The" zombie deck (At least I wouldn't) I would say this seems like it would be more fun to play and improve upon, I'd recommend adding Electrickery somewhere, either main deck or sideboard just because it can really mess up people's tempo, especially ramp decks or Champion of the Parish decks, good luck either way though!