Topic: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

I've had a great time here on Deckbox, making nearly 150 trades.  Lots of great people to work with and an increasingly helpful community.  That being said, I've been noticing a growing trend lately that has become kind of troubling to me.

I spend a relatively large amount of time tracking down people to trade with; finding people that want my cards and have cards I want.  It can be a very painful process with the current trading system (hopefully that will change a bit in the near future).  Or I see somebody post on the forum about wanting a certain set of cards that I have available and would be more than willing to trade, and I find something on their list that I'm happy to trade for.  I send a trade.
A minute/hour/day/week later it gets canceled; if I'm lucky, maybe with a small message.

Often times I'll ask for clarification, because I'm curious, and the reason given is usually something along the lines that the card(s) are already in another trade, or they don't want to trade down, or trade out of format, or whatever else might be the case.  That is a perfectly acceptable and reasonable statement that I fully understand that you wouldn't/couldn't trade those cards.

But why does that fact mean that those were the only cards that I was interested in?  Why must the the first proposition be exactly what we end with?  Why not take a few minutes to even ask if there is anything else that I'd be interested in, or see if there is anything else you're interested in?  If there's not then you're not out anything.  But if I'd be willing to trade for more/different cards then you just made a trade without having to restart that whole process of tracking people down and/or waiting for offers.

A little more communication will go a long way and make a lot more trades happen, thus lessening the burden of trading in general.

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

Seconded. big_smile

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

I agree with everything Mr. Parameter said.  A little communication goes a long way.

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

I absolutely agree with this.  I've seen way too little use of the chat box in trades.

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

I just want to give a shout out to LargeSack who has been working with me on a big trade the past 2 days. Not only have we been going back and forth with our lists, but he has also been searching through his hundreds of thousands of cards for stuff I'm looking for!

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Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

I agree with this as well - it would be ideal for the first draft of a trade to not be an instant deal-breaker ~

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

Get this man a drink...

Ive run into the same situation before and it annoys me to no end just having a trade cancelled for no reason. The same goes for proposing a trade without saying anything. In that case, if its something Id want, I tend to over look it but, but it really annoys me when I just no responses from people or even a hey how ya doing I was interested in this or that.

I mean you dont walk up to someone with an open trade binder and just point to their Sacred Foundry with your Stomping Ground and grunt and groan til you get their attention. Were not cavemen (well unless your like the Geico Caveman)

Something Ive come to find tho is, more often then no, people like to look at lists and see what people have OTHER than what they may have posted in a thread or discussion. Its good if you have something on their wishlists but I know in my case (since I have this addiction to janky foils) I might be more interested in something else then what was originally offered.

Usually before I even offer a trade, I look through their list and throw up any cards they have that Id be interested and just leave my side blank. If there is something I know they were actually looking for Ill include that but Ill leave my side blank to give people a chance to see if there was anything. And I usually propose the trade and leave message. Im pretty good about checking if they read my message so if after a few days I get nothing, I just cancel the trade and move on. Im not going to waste my time or potientally tie up a card just cause of the chance to get something.

I just really wish sometimes people were alittle bit more personal-able but I guess thats just me having high expectations.

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

I agree with what you said. smile

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

Here here.

Also, thanks to everyone who is easy to communicate with.

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

UnstableFlux wrote:

I just want to give a shout out to LargeSack who has been working with me on a big trade the past 2 days. Not only have we been going back and forth with our lists, but he has also been searching through his hundreds of thousands of cards for stuff I'm looking for!

Yep, there are definitely people who are willing to work through trades. 

I'd also like to shoutout to Krash who was an awesome trader that worked with me for quite some time to work out a great trade that worked out well for both of us.  One of the best communicators that I've seen here on Deckbox.

Thanks to everybody who has replied; I'm glad to see that there are other people of the same frame of mind.

Also, I'd just like to say that I find it hilarious that I think I've received more trade requests from this post then I do when I actually post looking for trades. big_smile

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

I would have to completely agree.

Trying to make trades has become absolutely crazy. I can't tell you how many people I have asked questions to, or offered trades to, or started a "negotiation" with who have just decided to let it sit for 2 weeks or never respond.

How complicated is it to express your interest or disinterest? It's about respect and honest dialogue. Don't try and rip people off, just offer reasonable trades and state your intentions clearly from the start. Don't get me started about people who send a trade offer without some sort of body text ... can you at least say Hi? Seriously, common decency.

End Rant.

An aside : I'm in Canada which basically means 2/3rds of the people here won't trade with me. I understand it, the delays blow on both sides. I usually title my trade offers as "Canada trade" or something similar to get it out in the open early and that helps.

Any suggestions on how we can fix the process?
Maybe include have a status option? Status "Looking to trade", "On the fence", "Just cataloging" or maybe a note on when the wishlist was last updated?

I'm just throwing ideas out here...

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

Yes we definitely need a way to filter the trading oppurtunities on our profile page. Whereas I don't mind trading with Canada, I have no interest in trading to other countries and that would be nice thing to be able to exclude. Also I hate finding someone that has a lot of the stuff I need and they haven't been active for over a year.

Communication is key in these transactions as we are not face to face with the other person. I have been guilty a time or two of letting a trade sit while I tried to broker another trade that involves the same cards on either end but I think two days is the max for something like this.

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

Truthfully, at the moment, I'm not too worried about the pain it takes to find a trade.  That's inherent to the process right now, but that process will hopefully be changing to support much of what you guys have suggested (filtering down the trading opportunities in more/different ways).

And I understand completely the process of seeing a trade come in, meaning to come back to it and forgetting that it was sitting there and not responding.  I've been there, done that, and I don't fault people for doing it, or getting upset about it.  I'd suggest that if you don't receive a response at all that you just give it a quick bump a while later by adding another line in the chat to see if the other party is interested or not.  It is easy to forget about trades if you don't constantly look at the page, or if you have a lot of trades going on at once; feel free to lend a helping hand in the memory process.

A little trick that most people might not know is that you can actually see if somebody has viewed the messages that you sent on the trade.  Just like on your trades page, where it shows that you have unread messages on a particular trade, the same can be viewed on other people's trades by going to their profile and then to their Trades page.  Any trades with unread comments will have the comment icon next to them, so you can determine if the other person has even seen your comment or not.

My concern is more with how people handle themselves once a trade is initiated, essentially nullifying that whole process of finding somebody to trade with because they don't talk before taking action.

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

srrogers1985 wrote:

Also I hate finding someone that has a lot of the stuff I need and they haven't been active for over a year.

Oh my god yes. There's been PLENTY of times where I'm going through people looking for cards I need and this has happened. It's always such a buzzkill cause I'll get super excited and go up to propose a trade and notice they haven't been online since August 2012.

But, I agree with everything else that has been said on this thread. I'll be the first to admit that I am guilty of this. I kinda just thought that was the vibe around here, but from now on I'll be a little bit more mindful to the things talked about here. I'm all about trading. And the more I think about it, the more I realize that I'm actually a little bit addicted to just trading. That feeling you get when you're about to open a letter filled with a couple Magic cards is a really awesome feeling.

That being said.. Take a look at my list, guys! Let's get some trades going smile

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

Thank you for starting this thread, NullParameter. I could not agree more about what you and others have said here.

Communication has definitely waned on this site since I joined last year, especially centered around inactive, errant, or scatterbrained traders. I ALWAYS make an effort to start and end trades with elaborations in the chats if needed and am very grateful when others do the same. If the trade doesn't work out or it wasn't what you wanted, no hard feelings, but DO let me know about it so we can move on.

I have made the extra effort of putting into my profile notices that:

* I respond to all trades, no matter the size, and promptly.
* I am usually online daily.
* I can always be reached through the message feature (which goes to an e-mail account I use frequently) or on Twitter (which I use quite a lot).
* Which specific cards are not up for consideration (and those are only a small handful of what I own).

I've been lucky to work with several traders on this site that have done their utmost to make trading a great experience. I hope we continue to be the majority here and not the opposite!

And, NullParameter, for your response here vs. trading requests, take no offense: it's quite likely that I don't have good stuff to trade against what you have!

Cheers, everyone. Be excellent to each other.

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

Yeah I'll always ask if someone would be interested in something else and often I will look for something else as well I love to go and look for the commons and uncommons from the sets a couple years back that I have missed. I always try to be flexible when it comes to trade ups/downs and cross format trading. The way I see it is that the value is the same even if it is one card or ten cards. Just no one else sees things that way, I hate trading with people that are trying to make a profit.

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

I try to respond to everyone that starts a trade with me, at least within a day or so and if I cancel a trade I always try to give a reason (no wishlist at the moment, trading on hold til new set comes out, etc.). Now, there are sometimes when I think people are being a bit... I don't even know the word for it. One of things I hate the most is when a new trade shows up in my list, I take a look at it and the person wants a bunch of Legacy cards or costly EDH staples, let's say it totals $80, and when I go to checkout their list, the most expensive cards they're showing for trade are couple Hellriders and one Loxodon Smiter.

That's ignorant. I don't want 15 Champion of the Parish for a Force of Will or LED... not now, not ever.

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

RichMitcheee wrote:
srrogers1985 wrote:

Also I hate finding someone that has a lot of the stuff I need and they haven't been active for over a year.

Oh my god yes. There's been PLENTY of times where I'm going through people looking for cards I need and this has happened. It's always such a buzzkill cause I'll get super excited and go up to propose a trade and notice they haven't been online since August 2012.

I cannot stress this enough - this KILLS me.  I take time to find people to trade with and approach them out of the blue, but it's terrible to spend all that time and only find people who haven't been active in forever.

It would be a FANTASTIC addition to this site to be able to sort for matches on your profile (as you are now) with the addition of filters such as:

-  Active in the last [insert time range]
-  Feedback score > [insert number]
-  Local or Mailing trade partner
-  Country = [Insert country or any]

Just having those four filters to narrow the range of profiles I look through would save HOURS - if this is in any way possible, it would be awesome!

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

Beagle wrote:

I cannot stress this enough - this KILLS me.  I take time to find people to trade with and approach them out of the blue, but it's terrible to spend all that time and only find people who haven't been active in forever.

It would be a FANTASTIC addition to this site to be able to sort for matches on your profile (as you are now) with the addition of filters such as:

-  Active in the last [insert time range]
-  Feedback score > [insert number]
-  Local or Mailing trade partner
-  Country = [Insert country or any]

Just having those four filters to narrow the range of profiles I look through would save HOURS - if this is in any way possible, it would be awesome!

This is basically what is already being added.  (Hopefully soon)

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

NullParameter wrote:
Beagle wrote:

I cannot stress this enough - this KILLS me.  I take time to find people to trade with and approach them out of the blue, but it's terrible to spend all that time and only find people who haven't been active in forever.

It would be a FANTASTIC addition to this site to be able to sort for matches on your profile (as you are now) with the addition of filters such as:

-  Active in the last [insert time range]
-  Feedback score > [insert number]
-  Local or Mailing trade partner
-  Country = [Insert country or any]

Just having those four filters to narrow the range of profiles I look through would save HOURS - if this is in any way possible, it would be awesome!

This is basically what is already being added.  (Hopefully soon)

Awesome! Didn't know

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

Beagle wrote:

Awesome! Didn't know

I don't know all of the specifics because I'm not the one developing it (obviously), but that is the general gist that I've gotten out of the conversations that we've had on the subject.

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

outofstep wrote:

I try to respond to everyone that starts a trade with me, at least within a day or so and if I cancel a trade I always try to give a reason (no wishlist at the moment, trading on hold til new set comes out, etc.). Now, there are sometimes when I think people are being a bit... I don't even know the word for it. One of things I hate the most is when a new trade shows up in my list, I take a look at it and the person wants a bunch of Legacy cards or costly EDH staples, let's say it totals $80, and when I go to checkout their list, the most expensive cards they're showing for trade are couple Hellriders and one Loxodon Smiter.

That's ignorant. I don't want 15 Champion of the Parish for a Force of Will or LED... not now, not ever.

Amen to this.

I think the word your looking for is "unrealistic"

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

love this thread, and talking about having a trade canceled without any real explanation. finalized a trade and discussing shipping and they up and canceled without any sort of reason.   seems someone made them a better offer after they confirmed address's with me but instead of giving me a chance to counter offer they up and traded with the other guy even though ours was final.

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

Canceling trades without any warning/explanation seems to partly be due to having so many new members on the site.  No one I have traded with before has done that to me, however brand new users have done it to me multiple times (usually several times each Monday...).  I use it as an opportunity to write a sentence or two about good trade etiquette.  It is great that Deckbox is becoming more popular and that there are many more people to trade with than there were six months ago, but we all need to be a little proactive in describing good trade etiquette to newer members.  I have almost always gotten a favorable response from people after doing this and hopefully they understand the Deckbox community a little better.

I should add that its not only newer members that cancel trades without warning, I may have done it a time of two myself (shame on me), but it is a growing trend I have noticed.

Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions

I try not to cancel trades without providing a reason.

Now at times, I don't. Usually when someone new is trying to trade useless shit for my eldrazi or fetch lands, and they clearly failed to read the bit on my profile about downtrading.

Some of these people who do that are "professional" traders, with a binder at XYZ value and inform me I need to learn to trade. With their whopping 10 feedback and wishlist full of complete jank.

Some damn politeness in trading would help a lot. I know I'm heavily burned out on trying to trade because all I see people asking for is staples, and not trading reasonably.

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
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