Topic: Why don't people respond?

I'm just about done with trading using deckbox (at least proposing anyways).  In about 3/4 of the case, I'll provide a trade with people and they won't even respond back.  I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong or what, but all of the trades are just about the same dollar amount (to their favor usually). 

Am I missing something?  Isn't there etiquette, especially when I see people who have logged on and just flat out ignore the trade.  Should I just cancel after 1 day and no response?

Re: Why don't people respond?

It happens, not sure there's much you can do about it.  I usually go through and shoot out a large number of trades and get about a 50% response rate.  Sometimes people just don't see them, or they just don't respond.

Re: Why don't people respond?

another point of note, could we remove people who haven't logged in for 2 years?

better yet, put a checkbox on each profile indicating that person's willingness to trade (and therefore visibility in the comparative tables while we're looking for trades)

Re: Why don't people respond?

i typically only trade with people that actively post on the forums since they're most likely to be active

Re: Why don't people respond?

i'm down to trade stuff in my favor lol

Re: Why don't people respond?

As mentioned above, check the profiles of people that have posted recently. I personally took a several months hiatus from this site and during that time I responded to zero trades. Deck box needs either a filter where you can set "show only users active in the last X weeks" option. That or it should happen by default. But for now looking at recent posters is your best bet wink

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Re: Why don't people respond?

I am down for a trade, but realize that deckbox is not only for trading.   its for card organization and a lot of people dont want to mail there cards but still enjoy having a great way to organize there collections.

I would love some sort of feature that allows us to screen traders seperately from other people who are not active or interested at all, and yeah seeing that someone has not logged in over two years . . well thats fine but remove it from the pool or something so it doesnt clog everything up for the rest of us.

Re: Why don't people respond?

Well i don't think it would be that tough to turn trades on or off on your account. ™

Re: Why don't people respond?

id be interested in 3x lifebane zombies

Re: Why don't people respond?

jim_mcm wrote:

i typically only trade with people that actively post on the forums since they're most likely to be active

People are offering trades to users who aren't active on any of the forums? Sounds like your problem right there. There are countless people on here who make a deckbox, upload their cards, then do nothing, like my roommate tongue

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Re: Why don't people respond?

Paul_K wrote:

With nearly 300 completed trades here is what i've come to observe on deckbox:

1)  There is no etiquette.  The internet (in general) lacks reality, something observable/physical thus no accountability.  The internet is like our imagination, it is what we want it to be.  There is no connection to people let alone social behavior.  We believe there is a disconnect between real life and the internet.

2)  If you find someone with etiquette respond in kind.

3)  A day is far too short, wait a week.  Deckbox is like an auction house.  People wait for the best deal.  Have some patience.

4)  People will ignore trades, take time to think, not respond.  Just remember items 1, 2, and 3.  Do not think of deckbox like you are trading in person.  They are very different, not comparable.

1/5 of all proposals end up as a completed trade for me, which I believe to be a high percentage.  Give things time and just keep at it.

Great advice! I'd also add always say something when proposing a trade. Myself, and many others, will flat out ignore any trade where the person doesn't say anything and just proposes a trade, even if it is a trade I'd do.

Profile   |   Foil Traders Community
Free yourself from yourself

Re: Why don't people respond?

I organize probably 90% of my trades through the weekly reddit trade thread.  If you put a decent list up there and aren't looking for too many hard to find cards, you can generate a lot of interest.  I've had pretty limited success 'cold calling' people for trades that I find through the haves/wants match listing at the bottom of my profile.  Most people on deckbox just aren't that into trading online.

Re: Why don't people respond?

I have found that people on the forums are usually better to respond than randoms. However i have been lucky. With 100 proposed trades 50 of them went through as completed. It just depends on who u ask and what you are offering. I agree however that if you have been inactive for months or even years the account shouldn't come up as having that card. It just creates a large pile to sift through that feels infinite.

I also think there should be etiquette on here. If a trade is offered and you decline a simple no thank you and a reason why should suffice. I've had trades sit for weeks with no response and when i check their account they have done 6-10 trades in that time but only mine is unanswered. There has to be some form of NO Thank You so someone is not left hoping...


Re: Why don't people respond?

UnstableFlux wrote:
Paul_K wrote:

With nearly 300 completed trades here is what i've come to observe on deckbox:

1)  There is no etiquette.  The internet (in general) lacks reality, something observable/physical thus no accountability.  The internet is like our imagination, it is what we want it to be.  There is no connection to people let alone social behavior.  We believe there is a disconnect between real life and the internet.

2)  If you find someone with etiquette respond in kind.

3)  A day is far too short, wait a week.  Deckbox is like an auction house.  People wait for the best deal.  Have some patience.

4)  People will ignore trades, take time to think, not respond.  Just remember items 1, 2, and 3.  Do not think of deckbox like you are trading in person.  They are very different, not comparable.

1/5 of all proposals end up as a completed trade for me, which I believe to be a high percentage.  Give things time and just keep at it.

Great advice! I'd also add always say something when proposing a trade. Myself, and many others, will flat out ignore any trade where the person doesn't say anything and just proposes a trade, even if it is a trade I'd do.

1000x the last point.  I have personally found being friendly/saying something instead of just throwing up some cards to go a long way towards completing trades and as an additional point, if someone is polite enough to say something when sending a trade, say something back, even if you're flat out canceling the trade.

Re: Why don't people respond?

woodmster123 wrote:

I have found that people on the forums are usually better to respond than randoms. However i have been lucky. With 100 proposed trades 50 of them went through as completed. It just depends on who u ask and what you are offering. I agree however that if you have been inactive for months or even years the account shouldn't come up as having that card. It just creates a large pile to sift through that feels infinite.

I also think there should be etiquette on here. If a trade is offered and you decline a simple no thank you and a reason why should suffice. I've had trades sit for weeks with no response and when i check their account they have done 6-10 trades in that time but only mine is unanswered. There has to be some form of NO Thank You so someone is not left hoping...

I think this is very important, I just had mbknight offer me a trade I wasn't hot on, I proposed a counter trade which wasn't in his favor. Thorugh the process I was extremely polite thanking him for his interest and saying if he wasn't interested thanks anyways. He could have easily just turned it down and went on his way, instead he decided he was going to berrate and insult me and call me retarded, leave me indifferent feedback warning others not to trade with me all because i increased the value of the trade in my favor instead of his. For a power trader like him with 350+ trades, you'd think he could have just moved on instead of acting like a 10 year old. So I advise anyone in this thread(Since he obviously saw my name in here and thats why he offered me a trade) to tread lightly if you are thinking of dealing with mbknight. He's quite the jerk.

Last edited by morph66 (2013-08-29 15:59:48)

Re: Why don't people respond?

When trying to find people to trade with, I typically look at the in-process/complete trades of active traders and then open up all those profiles.  Really, it's a problem with the site's design and it's something that was supposed to have been fixed many, many months ago.  I'm not sure what is happening with the development of the site, but it seems to have completely stopped in its tracks.  sad

Re: Why don't people respond?

morph66 wrote:
woodmster123 wrote:

I have found that people on the forums are usually better to respond than randoms. However i have been lucky. With 100 proposed trades 50 of them went through as completed. It just depends on who u ask and what you are offering. I agree however that if you have been inactive for months or even years the account shouldn't come up as having that card. It just creates a large pile to sift through that feels infinite.

I also think there should be etiquette on here. If a trade is offered and you decline a simple no thank you and a reason why should suffice. I've had trades sit for weeks with no response and when i check their account they have done 6-10 trades in that time but only mine is unanswered. There has to be some form of NO Thank You so someone is not left hoping...

I think this is very important, I just had mbknight offer me a trade I wasn't hot on, I proposed a counter trade which wasn't in his favor. Thorugh the process I was extremely polite thanking him for his interest and saying if he wasn't interested thanks anyways. He could have easily just turned it down and went on his way, instead he decided he was going to berrate and insult me and call me retarded, leave me indifferent feedback warning others not to trade with me all because i increased the value of the trade in my favor instead of his. For a power trader like him with 350+ trades, you'd think he could have just moved on instead of acting like a 10 year old. So I advise anyone in this thread(Since he obviously saw my name in here and thats why he offered me a trade) to tread lightly if you are thinking of dealing with mbknight. He's quite the jerk.

My experience with mbnight was quite pleasant, I saw you filed a BTR on him for leaving bad feedback. I would have reacted the same way if you tried to rip me off as badly as you tried to rip him off. His response may not have been necessary but don't act like your a victim you were trying to have him trade for well more then value and he was trading for the cards at there current price as most people do. I personally feel that you are at fault for the feedback and find the BTR extremely uncalled for. Here is the link for anybody that wants to see what is going on. While I don't think his comments were necessary I don't believe that you handled it correctly and definitely should not trash his name.

Re: Why don't people respond?

I'll echo the point about saying something and just generally attempting a reasoned discussion around the proposed trade.

I usually try to stick with people who are active and post in the forums (here or on the reddit trading thread).  But, if there is something super weird or obscure I need, I'll run a search on this site.  Once I have the little box that tells me who has the card, I put my mouse over the icon that's next to each person's username.  There is a little pop-up text there that tells you the last time that person had logged into deckbox.  If it is not within the last 1 or 2 weeks, I usually just discount that person and move on.  It's helped me get some weird stuff when I needed it from those people aren't active on the forums or are just on different forums.

Re: Why don't people respond?

So you feel I shouldn't trash his name, yet as a third party and not knowing what transpired you feel it's right for you to trash my name? So I guess now we know joecat is a hypocrite.

How exactly do you see offering someone a deal in my favor as ripping them off? Are you not familiar with the english language? Ripping someone off isn't making a bad offer, it's stealing from them. Glad to know that if someone makes you a bad offer that you are going to berrate them, call them names and then cause a stink about it. *Note to self, don't trade with joecat either* As you can see from the BTR I remain composed and polite the entire time. Please keep in mind he offered me a trade after reading this "i'm down to trade stuff in my favor lol" in this thread. So you might not like what I offer, but I can offer someone an extra 100% for their cards or 50% less if i want to, it's my right as a trader. Calling me out for either is tactless, and meddling in someone else's business is just plain lame.

Now if you don't mind, mind your own business unless you are mb himself or his boyfriend. Thanks. What you are doing now, on his behalf, is bullying. Grow up Joecat

Last edited by morph66 (2013-08-29 17:03:31)

Re: Why don't people respond?

Morph, I think it couldn't hurt to maybe take a few deep breaths and a short break.  I know you're really upset, but nothing here is even remotely worth getting that angry about.  It's the internet, so let's just shrug it off and move along.  And in the interests of keeping everything here pleasant, let's please avoid the name-calling.


Re: Why don't people respond?

morph66 wrote:

i'm down to trade stuff in my favor lol

This might be part of your problem in getting people to trade with you.  Good luck.

Re: Why don't people respond?

grossoggodeckbox wrote:
morph66 wrote:

i'm down to trade stuff in my favor lol

This might be part of your problem in getting people to trade with you.  Good luck.

when did i say i had trouble making trades? I'm not the creator of this thread. the OP said he was offering people deals in their favor and still having problems making trades, so i chimed in telling him to make me offers in my favor and i'd trade with him. Are people that illiterate here?

Is the lack of reading comprehension and rudeness just an American thing?

Last edited by morph66 (2013-08-29 17:10:40)

Re: Why don't people respond?

marumari wrote:

Morph, I think it couldn't hurt to maybe take a few deep breaths and a short break.  I know you're really upset, but nothing here is even remotely worth getting that angry about.  It's the internet, so let's just shrug it off and move along.  And in the interests of keeping everything here pleasant, let's please avoid the name-calling.


Not true, this is the internet age, and just like Facebook. If its said there, IT MUST be written in stone....

Re: Why don't people respond?

morph66 wrote:
grossoggodeckbox wrote:
morph66 wrote:

i'm down to trade stuff in my favor lol

This might be part of your problem in getting people to trade with you.  Good luck.

when did i say i had trouble making trades? I'm not the creator of this thread. the OP said he was offering people deals in their favor and still having problems making trades, so i chimed in telling him to make me offers in my favor and i'd trade with him. Are people that illiterate here?

Is the lack of reading comprehension and rudeness just an American thing?

The common problem seems to be you morph66.

Re: Why don't people respond?

daruiner wrote:

Am I missing something?  Isn't there etiquette...?

Apparently not.

Morph - This was turning out to be a nice thread that contained helpful ways for people to ensure that their time on DB was spent more effectively.  You hijacked it for something silly.  Can you please stop so that we can have the thread back and continue discussing how to get trades done on this site?

Last edited by blackdog_9 (2013-08-29 17:17:40)