Topic: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

Not sure if this is ok to post here or not...

I have 2 boxes of Return To Ravnica left that we purchased a case with. I opened one, my friend opened one (we were going to open them all), but we got some pretty incredible ($200+ value) boxes, so we're not pressing our luck. The shrinkwrap was removed, but nothing was tampered with (Scaled, Mapped, etc).

Just want to get what I got into them ($90 a box)

If you're able to pickup in Orange County, even better, if not...add shipping


Wishlist | Tradelist | Profile | Will always sell at the low tcg price

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

You can buy these for $90 shipped in the original wrapping on ebay. Nobody is going to give you 90 plus shipping on a possibly mapped box when they can get a factory sealed box for less.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

i was gonna say.. it's not like you're selling a set that's hard to find. good luck getting $90 for that.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

I would offer 60 each

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

joshbillings wrote:

The shrinkwrap was removed, but nothing was tampered with (Scaled, Mapped, etc).

Why would you remove the shrink wrap if you weren't going to open the packs?

I'm just going to tell you what every-single-person who reads this is going to think... You bought a case, opened all the boxes, mapped them, took out anything/everything worth over $3 and put the absolute dogshit packs filled with Azor's Elocutors and Search the City back in two boxes.

Good luck.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

flamingokevin wrote:

I would offer 60 each

I would take this offer and run as hard and fast as you possibly can.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

i'll trade you a heavily played Izzet Charm and my old Nikes for 2 boxes.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

outofstep wrote:
joshbillings wrote:

The shrinkwrap was removed, but nothing was tampered with (Scaled, Mapped, etc).

Why would you remove the shrink wrap if you weren't going to open the packs?

I'm just going to tell you what every-single-person who reads this is going to think... You bought a case, opened all the boxes, mapped them, took out anything/everything worth over $3 and put the absolute dogshit packs filled with Azor's Elocutors and Search the City back in two boxes.

Good luck.


Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

Basically, everyone said the important stuff.  Being that you have zero feedback, no one's going to touch this with a 100' wang

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

I'll give you $60 for both boxes, you pay shipping. I don't care if they are mapped. Me and my friend like doing pack wars. I will pay through paypal once the boxes have arrived.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

I'd offer 75 for both. let me know if you're interested.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

Im selling a couple of slightly used 20 dollar bills for 30 each. Let me know who whose interesteed...:D

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

No worries guys, just thought I'd throw it out there. They are legit (purchased from an authorized WOTC retailer) and have not been searched / mapped, but i realize I'm new here so there is no reason to trust me. I'll just hold on to them for now.


Wishlist | Tradelist | Profile | Will always sell at the low tcg price

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

BlackMageWins77 wrote:

This community has gotten awfully rude recently sad

Soooo true. If you are not interested, nothing wrong with that, but no need to bash his thread! Let people make their own decisions!

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

Cowabunga2 wrote:
BlackMageWins77 wrote:

This community has gotten awfully rude recently sad

Soooo true. If you are not interested, nothing wrong with that, but no need to bash his thread! Let people make their own decisions!

Maybe the boxes are mapped and maybe they're not, but the important thing to remember here is... not everyone even knows that box-mapping is possible. There are threads on reddit at least once a month where someone talks about it and I see a few replies asking what box-mapping even is or if it's possible. So, while few of us made no attempt to sugar-coat our replies, I think we were providing valuable incite into what could very well have happened to those two boxes.

Hell, I'm almost tempted to drop some cash on the boxes just so I can post the list of rares/mythics. If I was wrong, and there were some Sphinx's Revelation, Deathrite Shaman or Shock Lands, I would be happy to include an apology to the guy... but I'm thinkin' there won't be.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

this has nothing to do with being rude and everything to do with this sounding fishy as hell.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

My offer is legit and still stands.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

Cowabunga2 wrote:
BlackMageWins77 wrote:

This community has gotten awfully rude recently sad

Soooo true. If you are not interested, nothing wrong with that, but no need to bash his thread! Let people make their own decisions!

You only say this bc you have been running a scam with scavenging ooze promos. The community isn't rude, just looking out for users that don't know what mapping is. There are people out there that are willing to scam because they have no face to face contact.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

joecat wrote:
Cowabunga2 wrote:
BlackMageWins77 wrote:

This community has gotten awfully rude recently sad

Soooo true. If you are not interested, nothing wrong with that, but no need to bash his thread! Let people make their own decisions!

You only say this bc you have been running a scam with scavenging ooze promos. The community isn't rude, just looking out for users that don't know what mapping is. There are people out there that are willing to scam because they have no face to face contact.

lol you beat me to it.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

The white nightism is borderline pathetic on this site. Can't call someone out for ridiculous prices, can't call someone out for probably mapping boxes. People should get some thicker skin. People can defend themselves when something goes awry, you don't need to always add your 2 cents because you "think" someone is being picked on.

A few posters on here are ridiculous and do it in every thread. Let people stick up for themselves, jesus..

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

Seriously, why are we not able to ban people who do things like the Promo scams? It is a well known fact that key generators exist and frankly you can print any numbers on the form to turn into a store. It is a simple scam aimed at gullible people.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

Yeah, "some people" can over react to little things and then behave so inappropriately, ridiculously, and make themselves out to be such jerks that it can bring completely unrelated threads down due to "their'' poor social skills.   The funniest part is when you call 'them' out on their ridiculous behavior, they cry foul and whine so hard you would think they were shot with a real gun.   

Probably better if you just hold the boxes for now.  Keep them shrink wrapped if you are considering reselling for next time.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

i will give you $85 + shipping for both of the boxes and will pay with paypal opon recieving the boxes.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

joecat wrote:
Cowabunga2 wrote:
BlackMageWins77 wrote:

This community has gotten awfully rude recently sad

Soooo true. If you are not interested, nothing wrong with that, but no need to bash his thread! Let people make their own decisions!

You only say this bc you have been running a scam with scavenging ooze promos. The community isn't rude, just looking out for users that don't know what mapping is. There are people out there that are willing to scam because they have no face to face contact.

What sort of scam with promos? You can email me the details if you don't want to further muddy up this thread. I'm quite curious. Thanks.

Re: Have 2 opened booster boxes for sale -$90 ea

outofstep wrote:
joecat wrote:
Cowabunga2 wrote:

Soooo true. If you are not interested, nothing wrong with that, but no need to bash his thread! Let people make their own decisions!

You only say this bc you have been running a scam with scavenging ooze promos. The community isn't rude, just looking out for users that don't know what mapping is. There are people out there that are willing to scam because they have no face to face contact.

What sort of scam with promos? You can email me the details if you don't want to further muddy up this thread. I'm quite curious. Thanks.

Using a key generator and spamming local stores, then using other people to spam there stores.