Topic: Upcoming Feature: Inventory Improvements - Tags (or Labels)
Tagging cards in inventories, tradelists and wishlists was requested for a long time, and I have started to implement it at least twice already, and gave up because of various technical reasons .
We are finally getting to a point where I am confident that we both need it, and that it can be (relatively) easily done.
The idea is that many serious collectors have organized their cards in the real world into sub-collections, be it split on blocks or formats, into various boxes and binders. Cards can also be on loan, preordered, promised to someone, and other such 'labels'. It only makes sense that one should be able to indicate this in their inventory.
I'll post my older idea for implementation for this, but this is still in flux. I'd like to ask you guys how you would like to use such a tool to organize your cards, and what features you'd like from it.
Also if you know of other inventory-ing tools (not specifically for Mtg), I'd love to hear about how you use them and which features you think would apply to mtg card inventory management.
First draft of implementation idea:
You will have a drop down control in your inventory, similar to labels in gmail, and a way to create these labels easily.
Selecting one or more of these labels will filter the listing - meaning only those cards labeled with it will be shown
In the card actions control, there will be a submenu that allows you to apply a certain label to the selected cards
When adding cards to your inventory, the labels that are selected at that point will be automatically applied to them
Last edited by sebi (2014-05-04 14:11:57)