JIPSU's profile
- MTG DECKS (92)
leg _bup B Erg Raiders
leg _bup B Pestilence
leg _bup pillory
leg _bup R Aggro
leg _bup R Aggro v2
leg _bup rebel control v1
vin _bup rebel control v2
leg _bup W Trumpet
sta _Cube 10/2015
leg B Erg Raiders
leg B Pestilence
leg RG Lumberjack
leg RG Ramp
vin U Abduction
leg W Rebel-Urza
leg W Urza-Rebel
leg WB Pillory-Rebel
vin _ idea UWB Dreams
leg _idea B Reanimate
leg _idea Island-Rebel
vin _idea twoheaded
leg _idea Urza-2headed
leg _idea W Band
leg _idea WB Pillory-Cleric
leg ashnod's altar Gamekeeper
leg B Pillory
leg cube WB
leg highlander
leg LD UR
leg misinformation
leg R urza
leg Sligh
leg W Rebel-Urza
leg WB Rebel-Pillory
leg WR Varchild-Jarkeld
sta _Horde
leg B Aggro
leg B Pestilence
leg RG Conquer
leg U Abduction
leg Urza
leg WB Pillory
leg WU Counter Rebels
leg __ideabup urza
sta 93/94
leg bb 3rd ed
leg bb 3rd ed puuttuu
leg bb invasion
leg Bounce land
leg Copy of _idea Island-Rebel
leg Copy of _idea Island-Rebel
sta Cube_20190325
vin cube2
sta cube2018
sta cube20181211
leg cube20181211side
sta cube20181223
sta cube20181230
sta cube2018b
sta cube2018c
sta cube2018d
sta cubebulk
sta EDH BRG Xira
sta EDH chronicles icatian town hand of justice varchild
leg EDH Ebon
sta EDH Rayne-Enchantress
leg EDH UBR Bolas
sta old aggro-tax
vin pd
leg pd allstar
leg pd alustava
vin pd alustava U ym
vin penny pincher
sta Urza GWU 2021
vin usman pauper
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |

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Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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