This deck is incomplete. A complete Warhammer deck contains between 50 and 100 cards.
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Main Deck - 47 cards, 17 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (28)
3 Archmage of Saphery High Elf Unit 1 + Core Set
3 Bright Wizard Acolyte Empire Unit 2 + The Fourth Waystone
3 Friedrich Hemmler Empire Unit 5 + Redemption of a Mage
3 Huntsmen Empire Unit 1 + Core Set
3 Initiate of Saphery High Elf Unit 3 + Assault on Ulthuan
3 Kindred of Laith-Kourn Neutral Unit 3 City of Winter
1 Nuln Tinkerers Empire Unit 3 + Core Set
3 Peasant Militia Empire Unit 0 + Core Set
3 Steam Tank Empire Unit 4 + Omens of Ruin
3 Thyrus Gorman Empire Unit 3 + Core Set
Tactic (3)
3 Tear of Isha High Elf Tactic 1 + Assault on Ulthuan
Quest (3)
3 Recruiting for War Empire Quest 0 + The Imperial Throne
Support (13)
3 Ancient Alliance Neutral Support 2 Redemption of a Mage
1 Boiling Oil Empire Support 1 + The Imperial Throne
3 Dragon Mage Wakening High Elf Support 0 + Assault on Ulthuan
3 Isha's Gaze High Elf Support 0 + The Deathmaster's Dance
3 The Glittering Tower High Elf Support 2 + Assault on Ulthuan
Sideboard - 87 cards, 29 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (51)
3 Dragonmage High Elf Unit 5 + Tooth and Claw
3 Dreamer of Dragons High Elf Unit 3 + Redemption of a Mage
3 Ellyrian Knight High Elf Unit 3 + Legends
3 Gryphon Legionnaire Empire Unit 3 + The Burning of Derricksburg
3 Herald of Morai-Heg High Elf Unit 2 + Realm of the Phoenix King
3 Johannes Broheim Empire Unit 6 + Core Set
3 Keeper of the Flame High Elf Unit 2 + March of the Damned
3 Lion Chariot of Chrace High Elf Unit 3 + The Fourth Waystone
3 Luthor Huss Empire Unit 3 + Signs in the Stars
3 Priest of Verena Empire Unit 2 + Legends
3 Priests of Sigmar Empire Unit 5 + The Imperial Throne
3 Reiksguard Knights Empire Unit 3 + Core Set
3 Reiksguard Swordsmen Empire Unit 5 + Tooth and Claw
3 Steam Tank Empire Unit 4 + Omens of Ruin
3 Sword Masters of Hoeth High Elf Unit 4 + Assault on Ulthuan
3 Thornflesh Dryad Neutral Unit 4 Chaos Moon
3 Wardancer Neutral Unit 5 The Eclipse of Hope
Tactic (18)
3 Doubling of the Guard Empire Tactic 1 + The Imperial Throne
3 Greater Heal High Elf Tactic 3 + Core Set
3 Judgement of Verena Empire Tactic 4 + Core Set
3 Pageant of Shrikes Neutral Tactic 2 City of Winter
3 Ulric's Fury Empire Tactic 2 + The Deathmaster's Dance
3 Will of the Electors Empire Tactic 1 + Core Set
Support (18)
3 Blessed Hammer Empire Support 2 + Legends
3 City Gates Empire Support 2 + Core Set
3 Duelist Training Empire Support 3 + Fiery Dawn
3 Elven Steed High Elf Support 1 + Legends
3 Protective Spites Neutral Support 3 Legends
3 Temple of Verena Empire Support 2 + The Silent Forge

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