Sideboard - 1 cards, 1 distinct
Theme: Enchantments.
Gameplan: In the early game, try to get at least one enchantress into play so that enchantment spells cantrip. After that, load up Uril with auras and win with commander damage. If Uril gets killed early, there are a few stand-ins that carry auras well in his place, supported by creatures that get bigger with more enchantments in play (Yavimaya Enchantress, Aura Gnarlid, Eidolon of Countless Battles). If the board gets too clogged to win with combat damage, Mayael's Aria offers an alternative win condition. In a 1-on-1 situation, Strip Mine-type lands combined with Life From the Loam can grind someone out.
Strengths: Uril normally kills a player in 1-3 hits. Enchantresses produce huge card advantage over time, and a toolbox of tutors makes them easier to find. Strong defensive effects (Elephant Grass, Glacial Chasm, Solitary Confinement, Sphere of Safety) can completely shut down some opponents if unanswered.
Weaknesses: Mass enchantment destruction is bad news, and it tends to be cheaper than mass creature or artifact destruction. But the deck does run answers -- Karmic Justice, Replenish, and Retether.
Gameplan: In the early game, try to get at least one enchantress into play so that enchantment spells cantrip. After that, load up Uril with auras and win with commander damage. If Uril gets killed early, there are a few stand-ins that carry auras well in his place, supported by creatures that get bigger with more enchantments in play (Yavimaya Enchantress, Aura Gnarlid, Eidolon of Countless Battles). If the board gets too clogged to win with combat damage, Mayael's Aria offers an alternative win condition. In a 1-on-1 situation, Strip Mine-type lands combined with Life From the Loam can grind someone out.
Strengths: Uril normally kills a player in 1-3 hits. Enchantresses produce huge card advantage over time, and a toolbox of tutors makes them easier to find. Strong defensive effects (Elephant Grass, Glacial Chasm, Solitary Confinement, Sphere of Safety) can completely shut down some opponents if unanswered.
Weaknesses: Mass enchantment destruction is bad news, and it tends to be cheaper than mass creature or artifact destruction. But the deck does run answers -- Karmic Justice, Replenish, and Retether.
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