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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 60 cards, 23 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (26)
2 Bule, Lord of Pus Chaos Unit 5 + Path of the Zealot
3 Clan Moulder's Elite Neutral Unit 2 Tooth and Claw
3 Clan Rats Neutral Unit 2 The Skavenblight Threat
2 Deathmaster Sniktch Neutral Unit 4 The Deathmaster's Dance
2 Greyseer Thanquol Neutral Unit 3 The Skavenblight Threat
3 Jezzail Team Neutral Unit 3 March of the Damned
2 Poison Wind Globadiers Neutral Unit 3 Path of the Zealot
3 Rat Ogres Neutral Unit 4 Tooth and Claw
3 Stormvermin Neutral Unit 4 Legends
3 Vicious Clanrat Neutral Unit 4 Chaos Moon
Tactic (10)
2 Chittering Horde Neutral Tactic 1 Path of the Zealot
3 Cloying Quagmire Chaos Tactic 2 + March of the Damned
2 Plague Bomb Chaos Tactic 3 + Chaos Moon
3 Warpstone Experiments Neutral Tactic 1 Legends
Support (24)
3 Assassin's Blade Neutral Support 1 Bleeding Sun
3 Curse of the Leper Chaos Support 1 + Redemption of a Mage
3 Effulgent Boils Chaos Support 1 + The Fall of Karak Grimaz
2 Fellblade Neutral Support 2 Warpstone Chronicles
3 Greyseer's Lair Neutral Support 4 Arcane Fire
3 Screaming Bell Neutral Support 3 Legends
2 Shrine to Nurgle Chaos Support 2 + Core Set
3 Warpstone Excavation Neutral Support 0 Core Set
2 Warpstone Meteor Chaos Support 3 + Core Set
Sideboard - 3 cards, 1 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Support (3)
3 Necrotic Spasms Chaos Support 1 + Bleeding Sun


This deck uses Skaven's synergy of attacking en masse backed up by the corrupting power of Nurgle. After all, rats spread disease :)

Strategy is pretty simple - once you get at least 6 power in your Kingdom zone, start attacking. A FOundation of Greyseer Lairs and Screaming Bells will provide an excellent engine for your Rat Attack. You'll also want to be drawing at least 3 cards per turn, so use Screaming Bells, Warpstones, Greyseer Thanquol to provide card drawing power in your quest zone as necessary.

Since there is little defensive options in your units as they are far more valuable in offense, use Jezzail Teams and Poisonwind Globadiers along with Plague Bombs to damage enemy units and remove them. Curse of the Leper and the Deathmaster finish the job. Also, there are options to corrupt threats that are tricky to kill with damage, such as Bule, Cloying Quagmire, and Effulgent Boils.

For offense, be sure to corrupt Clan Rats after being declared as attackers to pump up another unit. Fellblade works well with Clan Moulder's Elite early on, as they are hard to kill and the counters can add up fast with this deck. Use Stormvermin to protect them and other key units like Greyseer, Deathmaster, and Rat Ogres. Lastly, use Assassin's Blade and Warpstone Experiments efficiently - at the last minute before assigning damage to burn a zone by surprise, or (less optimally) kill all opposing units (having Shrine to Nurgle in play should neutralize most for a turn anyway and you have an arsenal to eliminate damaged units).

- 1 of 12 themed decks for casual play, with 3 copies of all cards available -
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