Type: Deck Idea
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Avg. CMC 2.88
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 60 cards, 22 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (6)
2 Gurmag Angler
$0.13 Creature - Zombie Fish
1 Mnemonic Wall
$0.15 Creature - Wall
3 Sea Gate Oracle
$0.17 Creature - Human Wizard
Instant (25)
1 Capsize
$2.66 Instant
4 Counterspell
$1.65 Instant
4 Diabolic Edict
$0.12 Instant
2 Disfigure
$0.03 Instant
2 Echoing Decay
$0.24 Instant
2 Essence Scatter
$0.03 Instant
1 Ghostly Flicker
$0.80 Instant
4 Mystical Teachings
$0.14 Instant
4 Think Twice
$0.08 Instant
1 Victim of Night
$0.22 Instant
Sorcery (5)
1 Evincar's Justice
$0.18 Sorcery
4 Preordain
$0.57 Sorcery
Artifact (2)
2 Pristine Talisman
$0.33 Artifact
Land (22)
4 Dimir Aqueduct
$0.22 Land
4 Dimir Guildgate
$0.08 Land - Gate
4 Dismal Backwater
$0.08 Land
5 Island
$0.14 Basic Land - Island
2 Radiant Fountain
$0.17 Land
3 Swamp
$1.33 Basic Land - Swamp
Sideboard - 15 cards, 7 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Instant (4)
2 Dispel
$0.24 Instant
1 Echoing Decay
$0.24 Instant
1 Negate
$0.14 Instant
Sorcery (3)
2 Chainer's Edict
$0.27 Sorcery
1 Evincar's Justice
$0.18 Sorcery
Artifact (4)
4 Nihil Spellbomb
$1.30 Artifact
Enchantment (4)
4 Curse of the Bloody Tome
$0.16 Enchantment - Aura Curse


-4 Exclude, 1 remove Soul, 1 Island

+3 Pyroblast, 1 electrickery, 1 ghastly demise, 1 mountain


-2 Crypt Rats, 1 Twisted Abomination, 2 Ghastly Demise, 1 Wail of the Nim, 1 Swamp

+3 Jace's Erasure, 1 Circle of Protection: Black, 1 Plains, 1 Muddle the Mixture, 1 Evincar's Justice


-2 Crypt Rats, 1 Mulldrifter, 1 Wail of the Nim, 1 Grim Harvest

+2 Circle of Protection: Red, 1 Ghastly Demise, 1 Muddle the Mixture, 1 Plains


-2 Ghastly Demise, 1 Disfigure

+1 Electrickery, 1 Evincar's Justice, 1 Mountain


-2 Crypt Rats, 1 Disfigure, 1 Wail of the Nim,

+3 Jace's Erasure, 1 Ghastly Demise

////Delver Fiend:

-2 Crypt Rats, 1 Mulldrifter, 1 Grim Harvest, 1 Crypt Incursion, 1 Wail of the Nim, 2 Swamp

+2 Circle of Protection: Red, 3 Pyroblast, 1 Ghastly Demise, 1 Mountain, 1 Plains


-1 Mulldrifter, 2 Counterspell, 1 Negate, 1 Treasure Cruise, 1 Grim Harvest, 2 Island

+2 Circle of Protection: Red, 1 Muddle the Mixture, 1 Ghastly Demise, 1 Electrickery, 1 Evincar's Justice, 1 Mountain, 1 Plains


-2 Crypt Rats, 1 Disfigure, 1 Grim Harvest, 1 Wail of the Nim

+2 Circle of Protection: Red, 1 Ghastly Demise, 1 Muddle the Mixture, 1 Plains

////White Weenie:

-2 Counterspell, 1 Island, 1 Negate

+1 Ghastly Demise, 1 Electrickery, 1 Mountain, 1 Evincar's Justice

////Boros Kitty:

-1 Disfigure

+1 Ghastly Demise

////Azorius Kitty:

-2 Crypt Rats, 1 Mulldrifter, 1 Twisted Abomination, 1 Disfigure, 1 Wail of the Nim, 1 Grim Harvest, 1 Crypt Incursion, 1 Swamp

+3 Pyroblast, 1 Ghastly Demise, 1 Mountain, 3 Jace's Erasure, 1 Muddle the Mixture


-1 Mulldrifter, 1 Twisted Abomination, 2 Crypt Rats, 1 Crypt Incursion, 1 Remove Soul, 1 Grim Harvest, 1 Disfigure, 1 Wail of the Nim

+3 Jace's Erasure, 3 Pyroblast, 1 Muddle the Mixture, 1 Plains, 1 Mountian


-1 Mulldrifter, 1 Negate

+1 Ghastly Demise, 1 Evincar's Justice

////UB Trinket:

-1 Mulldrifter, 1 Twisted Abomination, 2 Crypt Rats, 2 Ghastly Demise, 1 Swamp, 1 Wail of the Nim, 1 Grim Harvest

+3 Pyroblast, 3 Jace's Erasure, 1 Muddle the Mixture, 1 Mountain, 1 Evincar's Justice


-4 Innocent Blood, 2 Chainer's Edict

+3 Pyroblast, 1 Electrickery, 1 Mountain, 1 Ghastly Demise


-4 Innocent Blood, 2 chainer's Edict, 1 Wail of the Nim, 1 Disfigure, 2 Ghastly Demise

+3 Jace's Erasure, 3 Pyroblast, 1 Circle of Protection: Black, 1 Mountain, 1 Plains, 1 Muddle the Mixture

You are the control in pretty much every match, You are trying to disrupt the creatures and threats as much as you can. You will probably draw 20 or so cards each game, I did against an Eye Candy deck, and it was amazing. Won with him with no creatures on the board, with Mulldrifter and a Twisted Abomination I Grim Harvested back. Very control and super grindy.


Out -1 Crypt Incursion, -1 Repeal -1 Exclude -1 Wail of the Nim

In+1 Ghastly Demise +2 Diabolic Edict +1 Negate

Do as much on their turn as you can, tax their mana. Extra Removal, You run more counters, and more kill then they run creatures. You must have at least one 1cc mana kill spell in your opening hand to be able to keep up.


Out-1 Capsize, -1 Wail of the Nim, -2 Mystical Teachings, -1 Island -1 Repeal

In+2 Diabolic Edict, +1 Disechant, +1 Ghastly Demise, +1 Plains +1Negate

Kill as much as you can to keep threats on board small. Counter any sort of burn to stay stable. Keep them off any card draw you can.


Out-2 Disfigure -1 Ghastly Demise -1 Brainstorm -1 Island

In+2Diabolic Edict +1 Disenchant, +1 Negate +1 Plains

Few Creatures, Keep the numbers small and fill up their hands with worthless enchantments.


Out-1 Ghastly Demise -1 Repeal, -1 Wail of the Nim

In+2 Diabolic Edict, +1 Negate

Kill and counter. Keep them off Crypt Rats, and Gary.


Out-2 Disfigure, -1 Crypt Incursion, -1 Wail of the Nim, -1 Exclude

In+1 Capsize, +2 Diabolic Edict, +1 Negate, +1 Ghastly Demise

Tron you want to mess with the mana base as much as you can, and keep them off as many creatures as you can.


Out-1 Capsize, -1 Brainstorm, -1 Wail of the Nim -1 Repeal

In+2 Diabolic Edict, + 1 Ghastly Demise +1 Negate

Kill creatures, and Negate a trick, like a Vines of Vastwood. You should win. Kill Lords and Poison Sliver first.

Deliver Fiend

Out-1 Capsize, -1 Brainstorm, -1 Prohibit

In+2 Diabolic Edict, +1 Ghastly Demise

They play 12 creatures, you play 12 kill spells, 12 counters, you should be able to keep them off creatures, just filling up their hand with targetless tricks.


Out-1 Capsize, -4 Prohibit, -1 Brainstorm, -1 Island -1 Exclude

In+ 2 Diabolic Edict, + 1 Ghostly Demise, +3 Circle of Protection:Red, +1 Plains +1 Rest for the Weary

Bring in white for the Cop Reds, and the life gain. Kill as much as you can, counter what you cant, they deck is super fast, so you need to keep a low curve hand.


Out-1 Capsize, - 1 Repeal, -1 Brainstorm

In+ 1 Ghastly Demise, +2 Diabolic Edict

Aggro vs Anti Aggro, just kill all the creatures. Counter the tricks.

White WeenieOut- 1 Capsize, -1 Repeal, -1 Brainstorm

In+1 Ghastly Demise, + 2 Diabolic Edict

Aggro vs anti aggro deck, kill and counter everything.

Boros Kitty

Out-1 Capsize, -1 Repeal, -1 Brainstorm

In+1 Ghastly Demise, +2 Diabolic Edict

Kill and counter Glint Hawk, Skyfisher, and Rebirth. Leave them with nothing but crappy artifacts on board.

Azorious Kitty

Out-1 Crypt Incursion, -1 Wail of the Nim, -1 Mystical Teachings, - 1 Brainstorm -1 Exclude

In+1 Capsize, +2 Diabolic Edict, + 1 Ghastly Demise +Negate

Kill creatures, bounce stuff they put the acids on. Counter the important spells. Win.


Out-1 Capsize, -3 Excludes, -1 Repeal, -1 Wail of the Nim

In+3 Circle of Protection:Red, +1 Rest for the Weary, +1 Negate +1 Plains

Cop Red, Life Gain, Negate for an extra counter, Win


Out-1 Capsize, -1 Brainstorm, -1 Exclude -1 Repeal

In+1 Ghastly Demise, +1 Negate, +2 Diabolic Edict

Keep them off Familiars, and mess with Snaps, and flickers the best you can. Slow and grindy meets control.


Out-2 Disfigure -1 Crypt Incursion -1 Capsize, -1 Repeal

In+ 4 Jace's Erasure, +1 Negate,

Try and stick a Jace's Erasure, and then let it do all the hard work for you, cast your spells on there turn whenever you can. Grind them out with Grim Harvest when you can.

Tortured E.

Out-1 Ghastly Demise, -1 Wail of the Nim, -1 Repeal.

In + 2 Diabolic Edict +1 Negate

Crypt Incursion is your best friend, shut down the recursion, and gain a bunch life. Counter the spells you can, make them work to get them back, keep them spinning their wheels is the best you can do till you can Teachings for the Incursion.
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