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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Name Mana Rarity $
# 1 Abyssal Hunter
# 2 Ashen Powder
# 3 Barbed-Back Wurm
# 4 Binding Agony
# 5 Blighted Shaman
# 6 Bone Harvest
# 7 Breathstealer
# 8 Cadaverous Knight
# 9 Carrion
# 10 Catacomb Dragon
# 11 Choking Sands
# 12 Crypt Cobra
# 13 Dark Banishing
# 14 Dark Ritual
# 15 Dirtwater Wraith
# 16 Drain Life
# 17 Dread Specter
# 18 Ebony Charm
# 19 Enfeeblement
# 20 Feral Shadow
# 21 Fetid Horror
# 22 Forbidden Crypt
# 23 Forsaken Wastes
# 24 Grave Servitude
# 25 Gravebane Zombie
# 26 Harbinger of Night
# 27 Infernal Contract
# 28 Kaervek's Hex
# 29 Mire Shade
# 30 Nocturnal Raid
# 31 Painful Memories
# 32 Phyrexian Tribute
# 33 Purraj of Urborg
# 34 Ravenous Vampire
# 35 Reign of Terror
# 36 Restless Dead
# 37 Sewer Rats
# 38 Shadow Guildmage
# 39 Shallow Grave
# 40 Shauku, Endbringer
# 41 Skulking Ghost
# 42 Soul Rend
# 43 Soulshriek
# 44 Spirit of the Night
# 45 Stupor
# 46 Tainted Specter
# 47 Tombstone Stairwell
# 48 Urborg Panther
# 49 Wall of Corpses
# 50 Withering Boon
# 51 Zombie Mob
# 52 Ancestral Memories
# 53 Azimaet Drake
# 54 Bay Falcon
# 55 Bazaar of Wonders
# 56 Boomerang
# 57 Cerulean Wyvern
# 58 Cloak of Invisibility
# 59 Coral Fighters
# 60 Daring Apprentice
# 61 Dissipate
# 62 Dream Cache
# 63 Dream Fighter
# 64 Energy Vortex
# 65 Ether Well
# 66 Flash
# 67 Floodgate
# 68 Hakim, Loreweaver
# 69 Harmattan Efreet
# 70 Jolt
# 71 Kukemssa Pirates
# 72 Kukemssa Serpent
# 73 Meddle
# 74 Memory Lapse
# 75 Merfolk Raiders
# 76 Merfolk Seer
# 77 Mind Bend
# 78 Mind Harness
# 79 Mist Dragon
# 80 Mystical Tutor
# 81 Political Trickery
# 82 Polymorph
# 83 Power Sink
# 84 Prismatic Lace
# 85 Psychic Transfer
# 86 Ray of Command
# 87 Reality Ripple
# 88 Sandbar Crocodile
# 89 Sapphire Charm
# 90 Sea Scryer
# 91 Shaper Guildmage
# 92 Shimmer
# 93 Soar
# 94 Suq'Ata Firewalker
# 95 Taniwha
# 96 Teferi's Curse
# 97 Teferi's Drake
# 98 Teferi's Imp
# 99 Thirst
# 100 Tidal Wave
# 101 Vaporous Djinn
# 102 Wave Elemental
# 103 Afiya Grove
# 104 Armor of Thorns
# 105 Barbed Foliage
# 106 Brushwagg
# 107 Canopy Dragon
# 108 Crash of Rhinos
# 109 Cycle of Life
# 110 Decomposition
# 111 Early Harvest
# 112 Fallow Earth
# 113 Femeref Archers
# 114 Fog
# 115 Foratog
# 116 Giant Mantis
# 117 Gibbering Hyenas
# 118 Granger Guildmage
# 119 Hall of Gemstone
# 120 Jolrael's Centaur
# 121 Jungle Patrol
# 122 Jungle Wurm
# 123 Karoo Meerkat
# 124 Locust Swarm
# 125 Lure of Prey
# 126 Maro
# 127 Mindbender Spores
# 128 Mtenda Lion
# 129 Natural Balance
# 130 Nettletooth Djinn
# 131 Preferred Selection
# 132 Quirion Elves
# 133 Rampant Growth
# 134 Regeneration
# 135 Roots of Life
# 136 Sabertooth Cobra
# 137 Sandstorm
# 138 Seedling Charm
# 139 Seeds of Innocence
# 140 Serene Heart
# 141 Stalking Tiger
# 142 Superior Numbers
# 143 Tranquil Domain
# 144 Tropical Storm
# 145 Uktabi Faerie
# 146 Uktabi Wildcats
# 147 Unseen Walker
# 148 Unyaro Bee Sting
# 149 Village Elder
# 150 Waiting in the Weeds
# 151 Wall of Roots
# 152 Wild Elephant
# 153 Worldly Tutor
# 154 Agility
# 155 Aleatory
# 156 Armorer Guildmage
# 157 Barreling Attack
# 158 Blind Fury
# 159 Blistering Barrier
# 160 Builder's Bane
# 161 Burning Palm Efreet
# 162 Burning Shield Askari
# 163 Chaos Charm
# 164 Chaosphere
# 165 Cinder Cloud
# 166 Consuming Ferocity
# 167 Crimson Hellkite
# 168 Crimson Roc
# 169 Dwarven Miner
# 170 Dwarven Nomad
# 171 Ekundu Cyclops
# 172 Emberwilde Djinn
# 173 Final Fortune
# 174 Firebreathing
# 175 Flame Elemental
# 176 Flare
# 177 Goblin Elite Infantry
# 178 Goblin Scouts
# 179 Goblin Soothsayer
# 180 Goblin Tinkerer
# 181 Hammer of Bogardan
# 182 Hivis of the Scale
# 183 Illicit Auction
# 184 Incinerate
# 185 Kaervek's Torch
# 186 Lightning Reflexes
# 187 Pyric Salamander
# 188 Raging Spirit
# 189 Reckless Embermage
# 190 Reign of Chaos
# 191 Searing Spear Askari
# 192 Sirocco
# 193 Spitting Earth
# 194 Stone Rain
# 195 Subterranean Spirit
# 196 Talruum Minotaur
# 197 Telim'Tor
# 198 Telim'Tor's Edict
# 199 Torrent of Lava
# 200 Viashino Warrior
# 201 Volcanic Dragon
# 202 Volcanic Geyser
# 203 Wildfire Emissary
# 204 Zirilan of the Claw
# 205 Afterlife
# 206 Alarum
# 207 Auspicious Ancestor
# 208 Benevolent Unicorn
# 209 Blinding Light
# 210 Celestial Dawn
# 211 Civic Guildmage
# 212 Dazzling Beauty
# 213 Disempower
# 214 Disenchant
# 215 Divine Offering
# 216 Divine Retribution
# 217 Ekundu Griffin
# 218 Enlightened Tutor
# 219 Ethereal Champion
# 220 Favorable Destiny
# 221 Femeref Healer
# 222 Femeref Knight
# 223 Femeref Scouts
# 224 Healing Salve
# 225 Illumination
# 226 Iron Tusk Elephant
# 227 Ivory Charm
# 228 Jabari's Influence
# 229 Mangara's Blessing
# 230 Mangara's Equity
# 231 Melesse Spirit
# 232 Mtenda Griffin
# 233 Mtenda Herder
# 234 Noble Elephant
# 235 Null Chamber
# 236 Pacifism
# 237 Pearl Dragon
# 238 Prismatic Circle
# 239 Rashida Scalebane
# 240 Ritual of Steel
# 241 Sacred Mesa
# 242 Shadowbane
# 243 Sidar Jabari
# 244 Soul Echo
# 245 Spectral Guardian
# 246 Sunweb
# 247 Teremko Griffin
# 248 Unyaro Griffin
# 249 Vigilant Martyr
# 250 Wall of Resistance
# 251 Ward of Lights
# 252 Yare
# 253 Zhalfirin Commander
# 254 Zhalfirin Knight
# 255 Zuberi, Golden Feather
# 256 Acidic Dagger
# 257 Amber Prison
# 258 Amulet of Unmaking
# 259 Basalt Golem
# 260 Bone Mask
# 261 Charcoal Diamond
# 262 Chariot of the Sun
# 263 Crystal Golem
# 264 Cursed Totem
# 265 Elixir of Vitality
# 266 Ersatz Gnomes
# 267 Fire Diamond
# 268 Grinning Totem
# 269 Horrible Hordes
# 270 Igneous Golem
# 271 Lead Golem
# 272 Lion's Eye Diamond
# 273 Mana Prism
# 274 Mangara's Tome
# 275 Marble Diamond
# 276 Misers' Cage
# 277 Moss Diamond
# 278 Patagia Golem
# 279 Paupers' Cage
# 280 Phyrexian Dreadnought
# 281 Phyrexian Vault
# 282 Razor Pendulum
# 283 Sand Golem
# 284 Sky Diamond
# 285 Teeka's Dragon
# 286 Telim'Tor's Darts
# 287 Unerring Sling
# 288 Ventifact Bottle
# 289 Bad River
# 290 Crystal Vein
# 291 Flood Plain
# 292 Forest
# 293 Forest
# 294 Forest
# 295 Forest
# 296 Grasslands
# 297 Island
# 298 Island
# 299 Island
# 300 Island
# 301 Mountain
# 302 Mountain
# 303 Mountain
# 304 Mountain
# 305 Mountain Valley
# 306 Plains
# 307 Plains
# 308 Plains
# 309 Plains
# 310 Rocky Tar Pit
# 311 Swamp
# 312 Swamp
# 313 Swamp
# 314 Swamp
# 315 Teferi's Isle
# 316 Asmira, Holy Avenger
# 317 Benthic Djinn
# 318 Cadaverous Bloom
# 319 Circle of Despair
# 320 Delirium
# 321 Discordant Spirit
# 322 Emberwilde Caliph
# 323 Energy Bolt
# 324 Frenetic Efreet
# 325 Grim Feast
# 326 Harbor Guardian
# 327 Haunting Apparition
# 328 Hazerider Drake
# 329 Jungle Troll
# 330 Kaervek's Purge
# 331 Leering Gargoyle
# 332 Malignant Growth
# 333 Phyrexian Purge
# 334 Prismatic Boon
# 335 Purgatory
# 336 Radiant Essence
# 337 Reflect Damage
# 338 Reparations
# 339 Rock Basilisk
# 340 Savage Twister
# 341 Sawback Manticore
# 342 Sealed Fate
# 343 Shauku's Minion
# 344 Spatial Binding
# 345 Unfulfilled Desires
# 346 Vitalizing Cascade
# 347 Warping Wurm
# 348 Wellspring
# 349 Windreaper Falcon
# 350 Zebra Unicorn