Well as far as your Populate deck is concerned, I think you have a little bit of an issue with the fact that you have 13 cards that will likely produce tokens (I don't think the guildmages will, to inefficient) and 21 cards that will populate, you need tokens before you can populate them so I'd recommend taking out some of the populate cards in favor of cards that produce tokens, perhaps x4 Wayfaring Temple cut in favor of x4 Midnight Haunting so you've got some flying? I know that it seems too good to pass up free populate every turn, but let's be realistic without trample the temple will get chumped every turn, it's a good card but really needs Rancor to shine and Rancor doesn't fit in this deck. Also no Intangible Virtue? I feel like that's sort of a requirement in token decks, to try to keep your tokens out of bonfire / mizzum motars range I know it will be hard to fit in but it could be worth it. I'd also cut one Growing Ranks in favor of one Parallel Lives, it gets exponential with populate.

I also always suggest putting the Loxodon Smiters in the sideboard rather than main-deck, I know it's really appealing and an awesome card but lets face facts, #1 there are very few cards that will actually see play that let you choose what to discard, in my opinion Rakdos's Return, maybe Reforge the Soul??, Liliana of the Veil obviously, and some possibles Drainpipe Vermin, and Black Cat, but they're all black and uncountable is nice but if you're facing aggro that smiter t3 wont be as nice as a couple chump blockers, most people would disagree with me on this but I thought I'd explain my reasons and leave it up to you.

As far as your already made deck, how do you plan to get the damage through? Faith's Shield is always a good option as you can give your creature protection from hopefully everything your opponent can block with. I'd also say you're better off with Nearheath Pilgrims than Sunstrikers, this is only because I can rarely see an instance where I'd swing with something that has absolutely no evasion and no really good abilities in this instance. I also only see one way for you to get trample and that's at 8 mana and you have no ramp at all, most games won't give you that much time without more stalling. I'd consider Ring of Kalonia or Volatile Rig, I know they're not great but getting colorless trample is a force to be reckoned with especially in a deck without trample. I'm also confused about the inclusion of cloudshift, it seems like it's supposed to protect your creatures from kill spells and the like if that's the case then Faith's Shield should actually help out just as much, same CMC and counters the spell just as well unless there's a colorless kill spell I don't know of, it's true that it doesn't help against artifacts but the only artifact that I'm guessing will see play is Stuffy Doll and I don't think you need to worry about it killing your creatures any time soon wink.

Overall I think these are both really good designs and I can't wait to hear how they turn out!!!

As far as my thoughts on the deck, it looks really fun to play and I think it will throw people for a major loop which I love in a deck, I'm a little confused though, you cut the Archaeomancers so I would have thought you would cut the  Ghostly Flickers as well since you have no ETB effect creatures or permanents for that matter (Are you trying to protect planeswakers from Dreadbore?? (On the same note I'm a little sad that you cut the infinite combo but I understand especially with all the graveyard hate printed)

I feel like the only closer that you currently have is the Jace combo and that doesn't seem very likely without including ALOT more boardwipes which if you splash white could actually be successful, but it's up to you


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

corvair64 wrote:

One of the features requested is to grab prices by edition for all cards.
This should fix the issue of seemingly inflated land prices (dang full-art lands).

It's actually the silly Guru lands which go for almost 100$ a piece since they're so rare, silly in my opinion but what can we do sad



TyWooOneTime wrote:

You would need to get a clarification from a judge, but my understanding is that even if you have to cast them immediately, that doesn't change how the effects will resolve, such that you can arrange them on the stack such where Worldfire resolves first and then you cast a creature of theirs.  Simply because it's a product of Jace's ability doesn't change the speed of the spells and just because he leaves the battlefield doesn't negate his ability (much like how you can ultimate a planeswalker, resulting in it "dying" but still get to enjoy the effect).

I agree, I don't think it would work if you tried to exile an instant speed spell that dealt damage or a creature with flash since they'd resolve first, but as long as it's a regular creature you would get to choose what order the spells resolve in

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Oddly enough this might not be that bad with a few tweaks.  Personally, the solutions to the problems you enumerated about not having trample and whatnot are in your sideboard.  I would totally go with Odric, Master Tactician - as long as you're attacking with four creatures, you can decide not to block anything.  When paired with all those weenie creatures getting buffed by Wild Beastmaster, you're swinging for a ton of damage.

My first thought, are 4x of Avacyn's Pilgrim necessary?  If your mana curve tops out at three, ramping isn't really something you need.  It speeds things up, but it isn't necessary by any means.  Rather, I'm thinking Mentor of the Meek belongs in here.  If a really low curve and high speed does anything, it gets you top decked (and the prospect of top decking into a 2/2 isn't all that appealing) especially if the game wears on to higher numbers of turns where they're more likely to drop a bomb on you.

Just as a possibility, why not Cathars' Crusade?  It might be worth taking a shot there.

Lastly, outside of casting more creatures, how do you transform the Mayor of Avabruck back if he goes into wolf form?  Obviously sitting on a 3/3 that pumps wolves and creates wolf tokens isn't a bad thing, BUT, he does more for you in his human state.

I agree on alot of the points you make, especially Odric, he's very underestimated but perfect for this kind of deck, I think too many people think he's only good for tokens.

The mayor sort of explains the Pilgrim as well, I want to make sure I have the mana to drop 2 creatures per turn if needed.

The crusade is an interesting option, My worry is that by the time I get to 5 mana, probably turn 6 at the earliest I'll already be in topdeck mode so it probably won't be a worthwhile investment, by the time I use it I'd probably prefer to just activate a township, but I can test it out and see if I like it.
I feel like Mentor of the Meek is so close to good but it should have first strike, it's a common mechanic among human soldiers and I think it would really make it a good, but I agree it's probably worth including.

Looks like I've got some testing to do, any thoughts about Bonfires?

The Deck: http://deckbox.org/sets/241804

So lets face it in order to have a good mana base in standard outside of mono color, it's gonna get a bit expensive, so I've decided to try out a fairly inexpensive idea which was somewhat popular before rotation that I don't think will get much attention after rotation, using a fairly disliked card, Wild Beastmaster. The beastmaster has a similar weakness to Champion of Lambholt, it really wants you to throw all of your buffing spells on it and then it can get killed by practically any kill spell on the market, it literally dies to every kill/damage spell in standard including the ever so popular Scorch the Fields wink so, I've used the deck design that existed before of GW Human Aggro and added the beastmasters in. The premise is that everyone's gonna get huge when they attack, Hamlet Captain and Mayor of Avabruck boost the beastmaster effectively doubling their effects and making all of your tiny humans huge really fast, and if it gets killed, oh well, it's weenie aggro, we don't care much about our stuff dying.

The sideboard is actually partially just stuff I want to include but don't have room for, Deranged Outcast, Elder of Laurels, Odric, Master Tactician, they all seem to fit pretty well but I'm not sure that they're exactly what I need, they're all pretty strong finishers in my opinion, either boosting the Beastmaster to a huge degree either by saccing humans to give everyone +2/+2 or giving them a huge boost based on the number of creatures you have. Or Odric who can push the damage past chump blockers.

Some weaknesses I see right now:
Bonfires will kill everything I have and completely destroy my tempo, is Rootborn Defenses or something like it worthwhile at least for sideboard??
Chump Blocking will stop me up pretty easily, I have little trample and no evasion to speak of (Splash Blue for Invisible Stalker??)
Anything else you guys see

I'd drop x1 Island and x2 curse of the bloody tomb in favor of x3 Oblivion Ring, while this may seem like it's a bad idea given that you'd be cutting one of the cards that actually mills your opponent, you have to remember that Milling 60 cards usually takes longer than dealing 20 damage, as such it's important to be able to slow your opponent down as much as possible, hence why walls are such a good idea.

The island is because I can't really see anything else I'd rather cut, most of your mana ramping comes from searching for lands rather than drawing them so having one less island won't be very detrimental, also your mana curve is pretty low and there are only a couple cards that you have that need a lot of mana (Sands of Delirium and Increasing Confusion) and most of that mana should be coming from Axebane Guardian not your lands.

All this being said I would still strongly recommend Fog if you're planning to play at FNM, Zombie decks won't really care about losing part of their deck, they're very fast and will be able to kill your walls faster than you can put them out, fog could buy you that extra turn or two that you need to establish a defensive base to lock them down. If you're just playing with friends this should be perfect, I really like this deck by the way it really takes advantage of several mechanics, I'd never have thought that Green, Blue, and White Mill could be a thing

I Need Playsets of each of these in foil, LMK if we can work something out, clearly I'm willing to trade down, I'll only expect a little value favoring me

Riders of Gavony Foil
Odric, Master Tactician FOIL
Elder of Laurels Foil
War Priest of Thune Foil
Deranged Outcast FOIL
Wild Beastmaster FOIL
Mayor of Avabruck FOIL PROMO
Hamlet Captain FOIL
Champion of the Parish FOIL
Rest in Peace FOIL

Also need x2 Temple Garden and x1 Cavern of Souns

First off you should add some sort of counter magic, in this case either Dissipate or Rewind.

I would also consider adding Unsummon, this serves 2 purposes, #1 take out pesky creatures your opponents control #2 save your creatures from removal.

Finally I'd add fog, nothing buys you another turn like fog

Finally your deck is really good at stalling but you could easilly get overwhelmed by tokens or trample, I'd advise adding either Jace's Phantasm or Deadly Recluse at least in sideboard, I know that you're going for the defender theme but you need to be able to kill opponent's creatures sometimes


(13 replies, posted in Announcements)

psrex wrote:

It looks like the plane of Tember City is missing, though all of the others are there.  Could you add this last plane?


Tember City is not from the Planechase Set, it is actually a promo plane and isn't listed in the gatherer, deckbox gets it's pictures and info from The Gatherer so if it's not on there it won't be on Deckbox


(31 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm not a huge fan of goblins and I thought I'd offer some thoughts about your other deck

I think that Gisela could actually be fun as a commander, it depends on how you assemble the deck, It will rely heavily on artifact ramp, Boros Signet, Manalith, Darksteel Ingot, Obelisk of Naya, and red actually has some pretty decent temporary ramp cards like Desperate Ritual, Pyretic Ritual, and Geosurge.

It also needs more blow up the board effects, Day of Judgement, Maybe Wrath of God, and some damage everyone spells, Blasphemous Act, Earthquake, stuff like that

Overall I think that goblins would be more competitive but I would enjoy them a lot less, If you're liking goblins I'd say you should try making your next deck not contain red so you can see which color you like best, I personally like mono-blue the best for a single color but I don't really like using blue in decks that aren't mono colored


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

What I really need is x1 Noble Hierarch and x1 Knight of the Relinquary, either Conflux foil or DD.

The rest can be filled in with just about anything on my wishlist that isn't standard unless you want to get 50% of the current value from it (I'll put shocklands at full value)

High Priority cards: (Can be foil even if not listed as such but must be if are listed as foil, any language is fine.)

Kira, Great Glass-Spinner
x4 Hallowed Fountain
x2 Temple Garden
x3 Sacred Foundry
x4 Misty Rainforest
x2 Verdant Catacombs
x1 Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
x4 Venser, Shaper Savant
x2 Kataki, War's Wage
x4 Eternal Witness (PROMO FOIL)
x2 Path to Exile (PROMO FOIL)
x2 Gaddock Teeg
x4 Fauna Shaman
x3 Meddling Mage
x3 Vexing Shusher (PROMO FOIL)
x2 True Believer (ONSLAUGHT)
x2 Trigon Predator
x3 Mystic Snake
x1 Snow-Covered Island (FOIL is preferred)
x1 Snow-Covered Forest (FOIL is preferred)
x1 Snow-Covered Plains (FOIL is preferred)

Pictures are incoming, value I'm asking for will largely depend on how much I'm trading down

What I really need is x1 Noble Hierarch and x1 Knight of the Relinquary, either Conflux foil or DD.

The rest can be filled in with just about anything on my wishlist that isn't standard unless you want to get 50% of the current value from it (I'll put shocklands at full value)

High Priority cards: (Can be foil even if not listed as such but must be if are listed as foil, any language is fine.)

Kira, Great Glass-Spinner
x4 Hallowed Fountain
x2 Temple Garden
x3 Sacred Foundry
x4 Misty Rainforest
x2 Verdant Catacombs
x1 Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
x4 Venser, Shaper Savant
x2 Kataki, War's Wage
x4 Eternal Witness (PROMO FOIL)
x2 Path to Exile (PROMO FOIL)
x2 Gaddock Teeg
x4 Fauna Shaman
x3 Meddling Mage
x3 Vexing Shusher (PROMO FOIL)
x2 True Believer (ONSLAUGHT)
x2 Trigon Predator
x3 Mystic Snake
x1 Snow-Covered Island (FOIL is preferred)
x1 Snow-Covered Forest (FOIL is preferred)
x1 Snow-Covered Plains (FOIL is preferred)

Pictures are incoming, value I'm asking for will largely depend on how much I'm trading down

i've got archangels, im interested in your hierarch


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

EDIT: traded one bonfire and the strix


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey everyone, I've decided that with RTR in standard it's just too expensive for me to try to stay very competitive in standard so I'm going to tone back my standard deck, as such I've got 2 bonfires for trade.

I'll trade them for anything on my wishlist, trading down is fine but there are alot that have specific requirements, (PtE Promo only ect) and if you're trying to give me a bunch of stuff for one bonfire it's all got to be directly from my wishlist.

I've also got some decent non - standard stuff I'm trying to offload but not for anything in standard accept maybe shocklands:

Dark Depths
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind (Original Ravnica)
Mycosynth Golem
Baleful Strix
Sakashima's Student

other cheap stuff

and Finally I have a SP revised Savannah up for trade, I won't look at offers that don't have x2 noble hierarchs in them, those are the cards I really need right now and so I'm not going to part with my first ever real duel land for anything less.

Other stuff in inventory could be up for trade but probably not, worst I can say is no though so feel free to offer.

Interested in Deathrite Shaman, Dryad Militant, and Slitherhead from p2p, I can offer 10$ worth for all, shoot me an offer if interested


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I've got a bonfire + a bunch of small stuff on your list, want to try to work something out?


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Just a thought, I bet it would look awesome if you used foil backgrounds, especially if you usually use basic lands


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'm happy to cut the zombies, as I'm not really a fan in the first place and I don't want to get a playset of gravecrawlers at 11-12$ each, I don't even like them that much.

I like the suggestions, I guess I was just thinking that Rakdos is a good finisher by himself, a 6/6 flying trample for 4 mana seems pretty awesome to me but I could for sure see how well he could work, I like the hellsteed and I also like the demon, especially since neither will break the bank smile, do you guys think Rakdos deserves 3 spots or just 2 since he's legendary?

Lastly should I include Havoc Festival? I don't really think so since it's pretty expensive and my deck will have burnt out before then, any thoughts?

Changes here: http://deckbox.org/sets/237359

I'm not sure if I went the right way, but I don't want to put in aristocrats, too pricy for a more casual deck since they aren't very interesting IMO


(9 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

NullParameter wrote:

The one issue with running Rancor entirely over the other pump spells is that Deathrite Shaman actually can't do anything with Rancor if it gets dumped from a Grisly Salvage, but it can do something with a Rush of Blood or other similar pump spells.  So, I'm not entirely sure what I want to run more.....  At this point in time I have 2 Rancor and 2 Rush of Blood and I'm two cards heavy in my deck......

I'm 100% on board with Rancor over Rush of Blood, you're going to be re-using it anyway so you shouldn't have it in the graveyard in the first place.


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

These look sweet!

Out of curiosity, are the cards actually 3D or are they the same/near the same thickness as a regular card?


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Last time I'm gonna bump, I really need Temple Gardens and the other stuff, foil or not

Notables I have

Mycosynth Golem
Baleful Strix
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind (Not Duel Decks)
Huntmaster of the Fells
Sakashima's Student
Yosei, the Morning Star
Dragon Broodmother

And some rotating stuff that you probably don't want

Any takers??