(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Necross wrote:

Again, thanks for the reply and offer to help!

You're welcome! As you might imagine, CSV import woes come up now and then, so I'm always checking these forums to help out. If you ever have a question, post it and I'll definitely do my best to answer it if I can.  smile


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Necross wrote:

First: The documentation to guide new users on how to import a csv file into Deckbox.org inventory is HORRIBLE. I spent 4+ hours searching forums and navigating various places for documentation, and I still haven´t succeeded on uploading anything. How hard can it be to add a couple of snapshots in an FAQ on how the file should look like?!

I agree -- it definitely took some troubleshooting the first couple times I tried it. This is a good suggestion!

Necross wrote:

Second: My current problems is that I get this error message: "Column count doesn't match value count at row 549"

Row 549 looks like this (and I have NO idea what is wrong with it): 1,0,Terra Ravager,Dominaria
(My header on row 1 look like this: Count,Tradelist Count,Name,Edition)

That looks right to me, but keep in mind that how it displays in the program you're using to edit it versus how it actually looks in its raw form sometimes differs. Easiest way to see the latter is to open it in a basic text editor like Notepad. Sometimes the encoding it's saved in can also cause random error messages (again, like you said, all things that would be great to have documentation for!).

If you'd like, send a link to the CSV you're trying to import on something like Drive/Dropbox/etc. and I'll take a look.


(14 replies, posted in Announcements)

RDPARTY wrote:

When you add jumpstart, will we have any ability to do the set add like we can do with commander? Since every jumpstart booster is numbered (Like "Above the Clouds" is #001) being able to quick add them would be a huge benefit.

I agree -- a "quick add" feature would be very nice for Jumpstart! However, I don't think doing it through editions is the best approach, and here's why:

  • The biggest issue is that the packs actually include a mix of JMP and M21 cards, so would the edition page for e.g. Above the Clouds 1 include just the JMP cards, or also the M21 cards? But then those cards should still be considered M21 and not JMP, so..... #confusing

  • Since themes such as Above the Clouds actually have multiple versions, Sebi would have to add 121 different editions to the Edition page and edition dropdowns, which is far too much clutter to justify when there's other options (see below).

  • Since cards can show up in more than one theme pack, this would associate multiple "editions" with that card, even though there's only actually one edition, which is Jumpstart. This can lead to collector confusion if you have e.g. Brightmare (Jumpstart: Unicorns) and Brightmare (Jumpstart: Doctor) (and price issues if they're not all linked properly; no idea if his database scheme would even support that type of linking).

  • Since there can actually be two of a card in a pack, this isn't actually a complete solution anyways, since you'll have to "add 1 of each card" for that pack, then know which card to go add a second copy of.

The Better Solution

As discussed on my Precon / Sealed "Quick Add" forum post, the ideal solution is a native Deckbox feature that allows us to add specific sealed products. This would be completely separate from the Editions page and "add 1 of each" on those pages.

In the meantime, I've created a resource to allow the Deckbox community to "quick add" things like Jumpstart. I'm actually working on getting Jumpstart added right now, so you should be able to add packs using that resource soon. I'll post a comment on this thread when it's ready.

Damn..... I wish I had $15k to just drop on a collection. This is the perfect collection for me! I sadly didn't start playing until around the 2011 era when you came back, so I've been slowly trying to collect past sets. How I wish I'd played as a kid when Magic was first coming out....

Anyways, enough daydreaming.  wink  On to some tips.

First, even though you said you don't want to sell singles, don't be surprised if that's still the main advice people give you. It's by far the best way to get maximum value from your collection. But I agree with you -- time is valuable and not replaceable, so sometimes just selling en masse is preferable. However, I might still recommend selling the top 1% of your collection as singles, then sell the rest as one lot. Not only will this get you better value for your high-end cards, it'll also reduce the overall cost of the large lot, making it much more accessible for others and easier for you to move.

But let's say you truly don't want to bother with any single sales and want to move the whole collection....


We need to be realistic about value. As you already hinted at, Deckbox pricing is not helpful. At most, it shows you the relative value of your cards, helping you pick out those high-end cards if you wanted to. But there's three main things to consider here:

  1. Deckbox values are almost always inflated compared to more competitive marketplaces like TCG Player and eBay. I have found that, as a general rule of thumb, if I subtract about 15% of the Deckbox-listed value, that's pretty close to a more realistic value. Obviously there's exceptions to this in both directions, and that's especially true once you're dealing with older cards. The ONLY reliable price source for old, high-end cards are eBay's sold listings. This is what people are actually paying for the particular card you have, including condition. But to get us in the ballpark, we can just apply my handy 15% rule across the board.

  2. No one pays retail value for bulk. Now, everyone's definition of bulk varies depending on what they deal in. People who deal in $50-$100 cards will probably consider anything under $2 bulk, whereas someone who deals in $500-$2000 cards may not look at anything less than $10-$20. But regardless of where you set the threshold, you have to consider that the majority of the "value" quoted by Deckbox is from bulk. Even if their average price is only 50 cents, 10,000 cards will still claim to be worth $5k!! In reality, most places are only going to pay a penny per card. Maybe if they know there's $2-$5 cards among them, they'll pay more like 5 cents per card. But you're still looking at only $100-$500 for those 10k cards, not $5000.

  3. Finally, if you plan to sell en masse, be prepared to accept only 50%-75% of the collection's value, depending on where you go and how you're paid (for instance, some stores offer higher percents if you get paid in store credit... though I'm guessing that's not something you want, as it seems you're cashing out of the game entirely). That's the price you pay for selling fast. Think of it as the time you didn't spend selling singles.

Given all that, I went through your collection and found the following:

Bulk              Value of
threshold  Cards  high-end    Bulk    Bulk value  Total Value
---------  -----  ----------  ------  ----------  -----------
>= $2      849    $22,018.30  13,732  $  274.64   $22,292.94 
>= $5      401    $20,611.78  14,180  $  709.00   $21,320.78 
>= $10     229    $19,374.62  14,352  $1,435.20   $20,809.82 
>= $20     121    $17,871.45  14,460  $2,892.00   $20,763.45 

So I first converted all prices to 85% of Deckbox, then used different thresholds to give you some guestimates for different routes you might take.

The way I handled bulk is I priced it per-card at a value equal to 1% of the threshold. So when your bulk threshold is $2, you're getting 0.02 per card, while when the threshold is $10, you're getting 0.10 per card.

Lastly, remember #3 from above. As you can see, your collection's value is somewhere around $21k to $22k, depending on how you proceed. But you're only going to get $11k to $16k, depending on who you're working with.


So assuming you're cool with getting ~$13k for your collection by selling it all at once, where should you go? Well, individual collectors are probably going to give you more value than stores (remember that stores then need to be able to turn around and make a profit), but they're also riskier to deal with.

The only specific recommendation I can make is Rudy from Alpha Investments (he has a large YouTube channel you can easily find). He has an established public record of being reputable and good to work with (despite a lot of early on hate he received). As one of his patrons, I can attest to the fact that he takes care of his people, no matter what. He'll be particularly interested in your vintage cards, as that's what he deals in (he doesn't have much interest in newer stuff, so you might just sell him your vintage and save the newer part of your collection for another buyer). And if you're game, he might even feature your collection on his channel. Email: AlphaInvestmentsLLC@gmail.com

Can't believe I'm actually recommending him. I'm kinda sick of all the vintage cards getting forever locked away in his vault! LoL. Can't he just let the rest of us have a few of those cards???

Anyways, he's a good guy. Fully support and recommend.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

yearofglad wrote:

meldon44's way is more complicated than it needs to be, I think, and this method does all the work in Excel - no need to delete your inventory, re-import it, etc.

This is true! I only suggested it the way I did because I assumed he'd end up wanting to filter / sort / tinker with his inventory on Deckbox while looking at only unique card names. If he doesn't and truly just wants a quick "count" for amusement's sake, then the method you suggest will definitely be better!

While I personally love doing all my inventory work within Excel, I know a lot of people don't, so I tend to err on the side of not mentioning too many advanced Excel features.


(14 replies, posted in Announcements)

Pblade98 wrote:

So it says you added the signature Chandra edition but im not able to find it in the list of edition, where is it at.

It's there when you select a default edition or when you select an edition for a specific card in your inventory, as well as on that card's details page. He apparently just forgot to add a link to it on the main Editions page! I'm sure he'll add the link soon, but in the meantime, you can add the cards from that edition to your inventory as normal.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

It's not possible within Deckbox, but if you don't mind doing a little work for it, then there IS a way.

1. Export your current inventory to CSV (under the Tools menu).

2. Copy that CSV file, and clearly label the file you want to remain unchanged as the original.

3. Open the copy (the one that's not marked "original") in Excel, or a similar CSV editing program.

4. Delete the entire Edition column and Card Number column. If you also want to consider e.g. a foil Pacifism and a non-foil Pacifism as a single unique card, then also delete the Foil column. Same for Language, Condition, etc. Basically, get rid of any column that you don't want making a difference in uniqueness.

5. Excel sometimes makes it seem tricky to save the file. If you press Ctrl+S or hit the Save icon, it'll ask you to confirm, stating you may lose features if you keep it in CSV format. Answer "Yes" obviously. But then when you try to close Excel, it'll again ask you if you want to save it, as if it's unsaved. Have no fear, though. If you saved it and clicked "Yes" earlier, then it's saved, and you can answer "Don't save" to this second dialog.

6. Back on Deckbox, choose to "Remove Everything" from the Tools menu. Don't worry -- that's why we kept an "original" copy of your CSV inventory earlier, so you can restore it.

7. Go to Add Cards > From a CSV File, choose the edited CSV file, and import. Deckbox should merge all the duplicate rows, such as the 3 rows for Abbey Gargoyles. Congratulations! Now the "distinct" count at the top of your inventory will show how many unique cards you have, regardless of edition or anything else you got rid of.

8. To get your old inventory back, just repeat steps 6 and 7, selecting the original CSV this time.

Not ideal, obviously, and hopefully Deckbox may implement more statistical info like that in the future, but at least it IS possible if you really want to find out.  smile

beldred wrote:

Hi, the punch out token card we got in our prerelease kits look different than the ones you have added here.

That's interesting. The ones you describe are for the C20 set (specifically the Symbiotic Swarm deck). Since Indestructible and Double-strike don't feature in the main IKO set, it's weird they'd include them in the prerelease kits.

beldred wrote:

The prerelease ones are on a thick card stock and have different tokens - flying (x2), indestructible (x2), deathtouch, and vigilance on side one and then on side two they have double strike (x2), first strike, hexproof, lifelink, and trample. They are labeled as 003 and 004. I can send a picture if you like.

#003 -- https://scryfall.com/card/tc20/20/ability-punchcard
#004 -- https://scryfall.com/card/tc20/21/ability-punchcard

Aubmaire wrote:

i'm wondering if there is a way to view decklists that are made up of what i have in my inventory or something along those lines.

Deckbox doesn't have such a feature. Have you ever used TappedOut? I use Deckbox for Inventory, as it's far superior to T/O, but I use T/O for decks, because.... likewise. T/O has a rudimentary version of this feature. On your T/O Inventory page, there's a "Find Decks" button, which brings you to a search page. Then when you view a deck, there's a "Compare to Inventory" button. This opens a page showing a list of Missing and Owned cards.

One thing I don't like about their version is that the search page forces you to choose a format. While this is fine for people who are specifically looking for e.g. Standard decks (though bear in mind that it'll also show old Standard decks that users haven't gotten around to unmarking as Standard), for someone who just plays kitchen-table Magic and who would be fine with any format, there's no way to choose "Any format" or select more than one. I personally feel like this search tool is most useful for Commander.

A second thing I'd like to see improved is that when you look at the search results, there's no way to sort them, by say Total Price, Price to Complete, % Complete, Date Updated, etc. Speaking of % Complete, I think that would be a very useful visual on the search results page. I have no idea just by looking how easy it'll be to complete a given deck. I have to first open the deck, then compare to inventory, then manually / visually judge it based on a list of card names.

Aubmaire wrote:

also i have a nightmare token creature but i can't find the card profile for it

Most of the tokens on Deckbox are just named by their token name, e.g. Saproling, but token names that also happen to be card names, as is Nightmare, have "Token:" prepended, so Token: Nightmare. If that's not the right one, then perhaps Nightmare Horror?

Aubmaire wrote:

EDIT: i just discovered Shoeboxmtg.com and it is almost a perfect version of what i'm looking for, however it seems the site hasn't been updated since 2015? also it isn't accepting a huge chunk of my cards from deckbox into the "shoebox" it has a very cool import feature straight from deckbox to shoebox

I can't comment too much on Shoebox, as I've never used it, but I bet the import issue has to do with mismatched edition names. That is, Deckbox uses e.g. Modern Masters 2015 Edition while Shoebox might use just Modern Masters 2015 (I don't know if it does; just an example). But if it hasn't been updated since 2015, might be a moot point anyways!

Kadomony wrote:

Another missing C20 token, this time from the Timeless Wisdom deck.
Side 1:  C20 005/019 Soldier
Side 2:  C20 003/019 Elemental

That one's in there, listed as Soldier // Elemental. Sebi just has the wrong collector number info listed in the card note, but if you check its card page, it shows the correct artwork on the reverse side.

Castle357 wrote:

Is that intended? Will it be possible to search for other languages in the add cards feature in the future?

I'm not a developer for this site, so this is in no way official, but I'm going to answer: Yes, given enough to time to reach "in the future", this will be possible. But should you hold your breath for it? Probably not. There's only one guy actively developing this site, so there's a lot on his plate. And given that there's also no way to use non-English card names when adding cards using the "Add Card List" or "From a CSV File" options, I'm guessing that a fundamental aspect of his database design would have to be radically altered in order to accommodate foreign-card-name adding. I'm betting the search box in the top bar uses separate database queries from the one in the Add Cards tool.

You've already hinted at the easiest way to do it on Deckbox -- search for the foreign name up top, then on the search result page, use the "Edit" buttons (underneath the card image) to add the card to your Inventory / Wishlist. A pain in the butt as it takes a few more clicks than the normal add-card process. But at least it's feasible on here!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I took a look at the CSV and figured out the issue. Here's what a proper CSV is supposed to look like:

Count, Name                  , Edition              , Card Number[,etc]
4    , Young Wolf            , Dark Ascension       , 134
1    , Youthful Knight       , Stronghold           , 25
1    , "Yukora, the Prisoner", Betrayers of Kamigawa, 90

Notice how the only values that have quotation marks around them are ones with commas IN them, such as Yukora's name. In cases like Yukora, quotation marks are necessary for the parser to know which commas separate values versus which commas are part of the values. They "escape" the commas, to use programmer lingo.

But here's what yours looks like in a text editor (not Excel):

Count, Tradelist Count  ,  Name                    ,  Edition                  ,  Card Number
"4,"   ""              "," "Young Wolf"           "," "Dark Ascension"        "," "134"
"1,"   ""              "," "Youthful Knight"      "," "Stronghold"            "," "25"
"1,"   ""              "," "Yukora, the Prisoner" "," "Betrayers of Kamigawa" "," "90"

((Note that I've spaced everything out more so it's easier to see the issue.))

Notice how every single value is surrounded by quotation marks, and importantly, all the commas that are supposed to be separating values are instead surrounded by quotation marks and thus considered part of the value. This is why the Name column appears blank in the Deckbox error during import -- the value literally is blank, since there were no unescaped commas to help designate which column the name values were supposed to be in.

Now, the reason it doesn't look like that in Excel is because Excel is rendering the CSV content in a visually more meaningful way. So it removes all the extra quotation marks. But what you CAN observe in Excel is that everything is just in column A, instead of each value being in its own column.

So with all the under-the-hood background knowledge out of the way, a couple questions: Does DelverLens a) export a CSV directly, or b) just present you with a bunch of text that you have to copy-and-paste into a CSV file yourself? If it does a) and exports a CSV directly, have you tried importing using that file without ever opening and saving it in Excel? If b) and you have to save it as a CSV file yourself, then try saving it in a basic text editor like Notepad or something.

Basically, either DelverLens isn't giving you a useful export, or something in your process steps altered it to its current form. We need to figure out which so this doesn't happen to you in the future.


EDIT: So an easy fix within the already-created Excel file was to use the "Text to Columns" tool in the Data tab. I selected all of the values in column A, started the tool, chose "Delimited", under Delimiters unchecked Tab and checked Comma, left the Text Qualifier as the quotation mark, then pressed Finish. This separated all the values into individual columns, which can now import into DB.

However, just like in that other forum post you linked to, there were a bunch of mismatching edition names. I went ahead and helped you out by listing all of the ones you need to change and what to change them to.

Normal sets:

DELVERLENS NAME                           DROPBOX NAME
Commander 2011                            Commander
Duel Decks Anthology: Divine vs. Demonic  Duel Decks Anthology, Divine vs. Demonic
Duel Decks Anthology: Jace vs. Chandra    Duel Decks Anthology, Jace vs. Chandra
Foreign Black Border                      Foreign Black Bordered
Fourth Edition Foreign Black Border       Fourth Edition: Black Bordered
GRN Guild Kit                             Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit
Intl. Collectors’ Edition                 International Collectors' Edition
Modern Masters Edition                    Modern Masters
Return to Ravnica Tokens*                 Extras: Return to Ravnica
Rivals Quick Start Set                    Introductory Two-Player Set
Summer Magic / Edgar                      Summer Magic
Time Spiral Timeshifted                   Time Spiral "Timeshifted"

* On this one, the card name also had to change by removing the word "token".

I recommmend double-checking all the ones marked as FBB, Summer Magic, Intro 2-Player, and Int'l Collectors. According to the guy from the other forum post, DelverLens has a harder time identifying those older cards, and all the ones he had that it marked as Summer Magic and the like ended up being normal versions of the card.

Promo sets:

Arbiter of the Ideal  Born of the Gods Promos            Prerelease Events
Temur War Shaman      Fate Reforged Promos               Intro Pack Alternate Art
Sin Collector         Friday Night Magic 2013            Friday Night Magic
Zameck Guildmage      Gatecrash Promos                   Magic Game Day Cards
Skarrg Goliath        Gatecrash Promos                   Launch Parties
Giant Growth          Junior Super Series                Super Series
Xathrid Gorgon        Magic 2013 Promos                  Prerelease Events
Jeering Instigator    Ugin's Fate                        Ugin's Fate Promos
Serra Angel           Wizards of the Coast Online Store  WotC Online Store
Sprouting Thrinax     Wizards Play Network 2008          WPN/Gateway
Master's Call         Wizards Play Network 2011          WPN/Gateway

Promos are the trickiest, because there is no standardized system for naming promo editions, nor even for grouping promos into editions. Notice how the DelverLens edition "Gatecrash Promos" turned into two different Deckbox editions, while two different DelverLens editions turned into the Deckbox edition "Prerelease Events". With promos, you just have to check them card-by-card on Deckbox. I'm not looking at all your cards, obviously, so double check that these Deckbox versions do indeed line up with what you own.

Not without some legwork, but it would be possible with a premium subscription. As a premium member, you have the ability to add 1 of each card from a given set by going to that set's page. So you'd have to

  1. sign up for premium (there's a 7-day free trial if you haven't used it yet)

  2. open an edition (I'd recommend opening each edition in a new tab (Ctrl+click the link) then closing when done with it, as the main edition page can sometimes take a few seconds to load all the editions, and then you have to find your place again)

  3. use the "add 1 of each card" tool

  4. repeat steps 2-3 for every single edition

  5. export your Inventory to CSV as normal

I know that's not ideal, but at least it's possible.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I completely revamped the coding of the webpage to improve its usefulness. While it won't look much different, everything has been rewritten to use more browser-compatible code, as I know it broke on some browsers (such as all versions of Internet Explorer). I'm still working to improve the mobile experience, but it should at least WORK on modern browsers. Please let me know if you encounter something that doesn't seem to work.

I've also decided to streamline my process of adding new decks by no longer adding CSV download links to the original post in this thread and attempting to keep it up-to-date and organized. I will always post a new comment when a CSV is available, with direct links to the CSV. But otherwise, all CSVs must be accessed from the webpage (which is linked in the original post): bit.ly/MTGprecons (note that capitalization matters with Bitly links!).

Along the lines of cleaning up the forum, I went through and deleted a whole bunch of my comments that merely announced new CSVs. That information has been added to a changelog on the webpage for anyone that cares, but now this forum thread is shorter and more open to general discussion.

This is so subjective, depending on the context within which you are evaluating a card, that it's hard to say a given card is or is not decent. There are many cards that could never see tournament play which find homes in EDH (Commander). But there are also top-notch competitive cards that are relatively terrible in EDH. Even in casual Magic, there's variance. If you're playing with Planeswalker Deck levels of power, then many more cards will be decent than playing against tuned casual decks.

A couple quick metrics you can use to guess how good a card is are the card's price and how often other people use it in decks, which are obviously related to each other. Make sure you consider the price relative to its rarity. Bulk commons that are less than 20 cents are usually not that great (though obviously you can still find a use for them in the right deck). In contrast, a 75 cent common might mean it's perceived by enough other people to be decent that the higher price reflects that (or it's just old and harder to find....). Uncommons will be a bit pricier than that. And rares are bulk if they're a $1 or less, but then again, bulk rares are still more interesting than bulk commons.

I'm not actually all that savvy on all the ways to look up what decks a card is used in, but I know you can search for decks on sites like MTGTop8 and MTGGoldfish. The former I linked directly to their deck search page, where on the left you can enter a card's name into the "Decks must contain following cards" criteria. On the latter, just search for a card, then scroll down to the "Recent Decks Using ____" section. A quick comparison of, say, Awakened Amalgam versus Stonecoil Serpent shows that MTGTop8 has NO decks with the former, but lots of decks with the latter, and MTGGoldfish similarly only lists 3 EDH decks that use Amalgam, whereas the Serpent features in a lot more decks and formats.

I want to emphasize that I don't personally know how good or useful those sources actually are -- hopefully someone else more knowledgeable can comment -- but I think they give you a quick idea of a card's overall usefulness.

But let's think about those two cards for a second. Is the Serpent truly more "decent" than the Amalgam? Well, the Serpent is a good creature all on its own, and can fit in a lot of decks. It has both defensive (reach, protection) and offensive (trample, protection) abilities, and its X cost allows it to scale well with the game state. In contrast, the Amalgam is begging for a deck to be built around it. You wouldn't want to put it into a deck that has a lot of basic lands, for instance. You also want to include a lot of land-fetching ramp like your Burnished Hart (or effects like Explore). Imagine casting a 4/4 on turn 3 (so a turn ahead of schedule) that becomes an 8/8 by turn 5 without putting any more mana into it. A 4-mana 8/8 on turn 5 is a decent threat in a casual game! I would want more than the typical 24 lands in the deck, and I would want a lot of utility lands that have "mana sinks" on them, to avoid having just lands and nothing to do with them. And THEN.... I would consider my Amalgam to be a decent card in the deck, since the whole deck is built to make it work well.

Analyzing another card, many people would consider a card like Demon's Horn to be bad, since it has absolutely no effect on the board state when you cast it, nor does it disrupt your opponent's tempo. And lifegain for lifegain's sake isn't valued by more advanced players. That said, if it's in a mono-black deck that uses its life as a resource to pay for effects or that cares about lifegain (effects like Sanguine Bond), then it's a "decent" card. The best card? Still probably not. But decent.

Sorry for the long post that doesn't actually directly answer your question. I know you wanted someone to point out objectively bad cards, but to be honest, I've only used about 3-4 of those cards, so it's hard for me to say. I can look at most of them and think of uses.... and I can also look at many and imagine better uses for that card slot. It just depends on budget and how much you'd be willing to spend to get a better card. Hope my long rambly answer gave you some food for thought! Cheers!


(12 replies, posted in Announcements)

5t3v3 wrote:

We can see it but couldn't add to collection

Ah, you're right! I hadn't tried adding it via the Add Cards widget. I just imported Gavi from a decklist CSV with the Oversized edition set, which works fine. You can also add the oversized version of Gavi by using the "Add from a list" option and setting the oversized edition as the default. Temp workaround till Sebi fixes the bug!

Not only is it not an available edition to select in the Add Cards widget, but opening up the Edit dialog of an Oversized Gavi shows the edition as "undefined"! I'm assuming fixing one will fix the other, but just mentioning for completeness' sake.

Hamish wrote:

Hey all - I just got my full set of 5 C20 decks and wondered if anyone out there has a .csv to import the set rather than me going through and clicking them all? I've seen it for other sets in the past but had a quick search of the forums and couldn't find any!

Hey Hamish! Yes, I got those CSVs created and added. The stickied thread in the forums where I post them all is in the Site Discussion subforum. The thread is entitled [Resource] Precon / Sealed "Quick Add". I always post a new comment with the links to the CSVs as soon as I add them, so you can just go to the most recent comment to download CSVs. But you could also just bookmark this page: bit.ly/MTGprecons (capitalization matters with Bitly links). That's where I've collected every single CSV I've created.


(12 replies, posted in Announcements)

joemiiier wrote:

I just opened the Jirina Kudro deck, named Ruthless Regiment.  In cataloging the tokens I have five Human // Treasure tokens.  The Human is #004 C20 and the Treasure is #019 C20.  I don't see this card available in the options on the C20 Tokens page.

Oops! This is my fault. I used unboxing videos in order to add the token info to the MTG Wiki pages for the C20 decks. I personally added all the token info to the wiki for every deck except Ruthless Regiment. That one was submitted by another user, but since they utilized the same unboxing video channel, I just assumed they added the tokens correctly and I passed that same data on to Sebi. Apparently I'll need to double-check their work next time! (I just got done updating the wiki page accordingly.)

Sebi - Token #23 should be Human // Treasure instead of Soldier // Treasure. Since there's no other version of either of those token combinations on Deckbox, just changing the name in the database and updating the token artwork shouldn't affect anyone.

(Ideally, it should also become token #22 and moved before Soldier // Elemental, which would then be #23, if you don't think that would negatively affect anyone's inventory. I don't see how it would.)


(12 replies, posted in Announcements)

JDG0 wrote:

I think one of the oversized Ikoria commanders seems to be missing.
"Gavi, Nest Warden" (Timeless Wisdom" Commander) only seems to have the standard sized version listed.

It's in there!  https://deckbox.org/mtg/Gavi%2C%20Nest% … ting=50498


(12 replies, posted in Announcements)

Thank you!!


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Skipbayless0 wrote:

On the app there is a quantity, not a count option.

Once you export a CSV from DelverLens, you'll have to edit the CSV and change the "Quantity" header to "Count".

Also, read through this post to get an idea of some other tweaks you may need to make. If you encounter any further issues with it, post back here, preferably with a link to the CSV you're trying to import, and I can help you troubleshoot it.

Hey Sebi! I was able to verify all of the C20 double-sided tokens.

There are two different versions each of Elementals, Insects, and Beasts, and there are 3 artwork variants for the Human Soldier. Also, those Human Soldiers, as well as one of the Beasts and a Kraken, are token faces from Ikoria rather than C20 (and thus bear the IKO set symbol). All of these details are noted in the list below:

  1. Angel — {R} 3/1 Elemental (C20 #010)

  2. Bird — Dinosaur Cat

  3. {W} 4/4 Elemental (C20 #003) — Soldier

  4. Soldier — Treasure

  5. Spirit — {G} 1/1 Insect (C20 #013)

  6. Spirit — Treasure

  7. Bird Illusion — {G} 4/4 Beast (C20 #11)

  8. Drake — Goblin Warrior

  9. Drake — {U/R} 1/1 Insect (C20 #018)

  10. Drake — Human Soldier (IKO #005)

  11. Zombie — Human Soldier (IKO #003)

  12. Zombie — Human Soldier (IKO #004)

  13. Zombie — Human Soldier (IKO #005)

  14. {R} 3/1 Elemental (C20 #010) — Kraken (IKO #006)

  15. Hydra — {G} 3/3 Beast (IKO #010)

  16. Saproling — Treasure

  17. Snake — {G} 3/3 Beast (IKO #010)

For the ordering, in each case, I listed the token face with the lower collector # as the front face (though in the case of Ikoria tokens, they were always the back token). Then I ordered the set by their front faces.

Also, wanted to remind you to add the oversized C20 cards!  smile


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

My hunch is that the issue is Kamahl, Fist of Krosa. That's line 7 (assuming the header isn't counted or that the list is 0-based), and notice in the error it mentions the "column count". That's because the comma in Kamahl's name makes that line have 4 columns, not 3. In a proper CSV, any values that contain commas will be surrounded by quotation marks:

"Kamahl, Fist of Krosa",Onslaught,1

What program are you using? If Excel or a dedicated CSV editor, then this issue shouldn't even occur, as they're designed to handle that situation correctly. If you're using a plaintext editor like Notepad, then you'll have to manually quote any card or edition names (like Duel Decks Anthology, Elves vs. Goblins) that contain commas.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

reezel wrote:

Any chance I can get a reply to this question?

I know you're wanting a reply from Sebi, and probably won't appreciate one from anyone else, especially a dissenting view. But I'll provide my 2 cents anyways, for the sake of general discussion, or "debate" as you say.

reezel wrote:

I wanted to add in my Angel token from Planechase Anthology, but there was no option for it. The only option was the double sided option. All of my tokens are sleeved with their color sleeves so I can identify them quicker, so for me it's just an Angel token. Another one is going to be my Saproling token.

What did you want to add it to? Your inventory or a deck? Because if you're wanting to add it to your inventory, then the double-sided token being the only option is correct—that's the only card that physically exists.

Now, if you want to use it in your deck as simply an Angel, then you've already stated the solution!  smile

reezel wrote:

I thought I could get around this a little by adding a note to them, but that functionality is only in decks, not collections.

List Angel // Saproling tokens in your inventory (because that's what you actually own, regardless of how you sleeve them), then add it to your deck with a note explaining which face is currently being used in that deck.

This is no different than if you were to slip a Mountain into your Dimir Zombie deck to represent a Cavern of Souls you don't have yet—your Mountain doesn't suddenly become a Cavern of Souls simply because you're using it that way. You can sleeve a card any way you want, but it doesn't change the physical card you truly own. And that's what the Inventory (and Trades and the Marketplace) is designed to represent—your actual physical cards. You can't trade or sell/buy a single-sided Angel token from Planechase Anthology, because it doesn't exist. Neither can you own one. And the Inventory represents what you own, not how you sleeve it.

TL;DR — How you sleeve and how you use cards in decks is different than what the card actually is. And the tools on Deckbox need to reflect that difference.

reezel wrote:

Is there any chance of adding the single sides to the tokens for sets that are missing them?

So you're wanting Sebi to do extra work when he already has plenty to deal with and is sometimes delayed when adding new sets to the database as it is?

Here's the thing: You're pretty much the only user I ever saw asking for this edge case, whereas I saw many MANY users begging for the double-sided tokens (particularly from the Commander sets) to be added. Even considering that there might be a few more users who would agree with you, a nonstandard and inaccurate usage of an inventory system that a small subset of users wants, when they have a viable method of achieving their goals elsewise, is not significant enough of a justification for introducing inaccuracy and confusion into the database and marketplace.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:

Should work with UTF8. Could you please send the file to support@deckbox.org? I will debug this.

This would be a great fix, because this has been an issue for as long as I've been on the site, at least. And I've helped diagnose the issue with other members in the forum before. (In fact, the CSV attached within the linked thread might be another one that can help you debug the issue.) I never bothered reporting it, because I figured ANSI was needed by design!