Check out the land Starlit Sanctum.  Also Rhystic Tutor is a terrible tutor, check out Beseech the Queen if you want more tutors, but it would probably be better to just cut them for more threats.  Clerics are a fun little tribe though.

This is a great update!  Thank you.  smile


(5 replies, posted in Announcements)

Thanks for keeping the site up to date.  smile  I look forward to seeing the new revision.




(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Updated the first post. Land Taxes and Gambles are gone. 

Still looking to move the Mox for PayPal.

Still looking for trades.

I'd like to second like this idea, but I'd like to propose to implement it as an even more advanced searching feature, where we could do some advanced queries.  That way we could review the cards rather than simply adding all of them to our trade list.  For example I have a full set of Kobolds on my inventory, they are not in decks, but I don't want to trade them. 

In short I'd like to see a complete list where the difference between the number I own and the number for trade is greater than the number in decks. 

Then I could go through that list and easily clean up what should be available for trade.

If it helps, I think the one with reminder text was in the two player starter set/demo game thing, and the other one was in packs.  I just saw one of those on e-bay for $6 plus shipping...  Might be worth looking up to see what else is in the set. 

edited because apparently I can't form coherent sentences right now.  Need to drink more coffee.

I can send you a link to the auction I'm referencing, but I don't know if linking to it in the forums is allowed.  The one I found was opened, but said it had all of the cards in pristine condition.  The sealed ones are about $20, but the sealed ones come with a booster pack of Portal.  I'm trying to find a complete list of what was in one of these.   I knew a guy who had one, and I looked through it once.  I don't recall it being anything interesting, and he sold it on e-bay, so I don't have access to it any longer. 

One more edit, I found the decklists.  There were six cards which were different than the versions you could open in packs. 

Deck A
Defiant Stand
Devoted Hero
Armored Pegasus
Regal Unicorn
Sacred Nectar
Spotted Griffin
Venerable Monk
Warrioir's Charge
Gorilla Warrior
Grizzly Bears
Untamed Wilds
Fire Imp
Hill Giant
Hulking Goblin
Lava Axe
Lizard Warrior
Raging Goblin
Volcanic hammer
6 Plains
6 Mountains
3 Forests

Deck B
Craven Knight
Feral Shadow
Grave Digger
Hand of Death
Mind Rot
Muck Rats
Skeletal Crocodile
Vampiric Touch
Cloak of Feathers
Command of Unsummoning
Coral Eel
Ingenious theif
Snapping Drake
Storm Crow
Time Ebb
Touch of Brilliance
Elite Cat Warrior
Monstrous Growth
Panther Warriors
Rowan Treefolk
6 Swamp
6 Island
3 Forest

Mowza2k2 wrote:

Dang, I was afraid of all that. Now here is another question then.
If I target their commander, it gets exiled, chances are they are choosing to put it in the command zone. Chained no longer has a target, will it remain on the battlefield? If it remains even after I get rid of their commander, and they have no reason to destroy it at that point, I can donate it and it will just start getting me cards and life while being completely harmless on the battlefield. Or, because it has to enchant a mountain I control, Chained will fall off. I like Chained but have no reason to keep it if I cannot use it in Zedruu. It is the only deck I ever see me using it in.

EDIT: I use Oblivion Ring like that all the time, once they have chosen to put their commander in their command zone o-ring just sits on the board all inconspicuous gaining me cards and life.

Yeah, I don't think it's going to be that useful to you.  When you donate it, it would go to your graveyard.  Consider Arrest, Pacifism or Defang instead if you are looking to target someone's general with it.

Sorry I updated my post, but I wasn't fast enough.  Here's a quick run down from the link I posted. … tg/faq/ths

If the land Chained to the Rocks is enchanting stops being a Mountain or another player gains control of it, Chained to the Rocks will be put into its owner's graveyard when state-based actions are performed.

Chained to the Rocks's ability causes a zone change with a duration, a style of ability introduced in Magic 2014 that's somewhat reminiscent of older cards like Oblivion Ring. However, unlike Oblivion Ring, cards like Chained to the Rocks have a single ability that creates two one-shot effects: one that exiles the creature when the ability resolves, and another that returns the exiled card to the battlefield immediately after Chained to the Rocks leaves the battlefield.

If Chained to the Rocks leaves the battlefield before its triggered ability resolves, the target creature won't be exiled.

Auras attached to the exiled creature will be put into their owners' graveyards (unless they have bestow). Equipment attached to the exiled creature will become unattached and remain on the battlefield. Any counters on the exiled creature will cease to exist.

If a creature token is exiled, it ceases to exist. It won't be returned to the battlefield.

The exiled card returns to the battlefield immediately after Chained to the Rocks leaves the battlefield. Nothing happens between the two events, including state-based actions.

In a multiplayer game, if Chained to the Rocks's owner leaves the game, the exiled card will return to the battlefield. Because the one-shot effect that returns the card isn't an ability that goes on the stack, it won't cease to exist along with the leaving player's spells and abilities on the stack.

Mowza2k2 wrote:

I play a Zedruu EDH deck very frequently and have a question about Chained to the Rocks.
If I use Chained to the Rocks, can I then donate the enchantment to someone without the creature coming back? Someone said as soon as I donate Chained, the enchantment no longer has a valid target and the creature comes back. Same question for if I donate the mountain instead.

Thanks guys! I await some replys!

Chained to the Rocks never leaves the battlefield when you donate it.  Only control of the permanent changes.  Therefore the leaves the battlefield ability is not triggered.  The same is true of donating the mountain.

Oh wait, it says to enchant a mountain you control.  Sorry, I was wrong, read this: … tg/faq/ths

If you do add in Sanguine Bond, you may want to consider Trading Post as an alternate way to gain life, use that life, and recur your cauldrons.  Also you don't want to be too weak to Pithing Needle by relying on one card too much, so I'd see it as good redundancy.  It also would let you cut the number of Cauldrons down since you can search the Cauldron out with the Witch. 

If you add a splash of white with the guild mage you may want to look at this deck Frank Lepore wrote an article on which used Angelic Accord.

What about Ogre Slumlord?  It has synergy with your rats, triggers on creatures dying and gives you more things to sacrifice.  Also I like the idea of Sanguine Bond.


(4 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)

I have some as well, not sure that I have them all listed though.


(2 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)

I have three NM Leylines, but I'd prefer to sell them than to trade them.  Asking $9 each, photos are available on dropbox.

Also have some other things listed in this thread.

EDIT: Update: sorry, the Leylines sold.


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump and updated.  I also added prices for the remaining items.


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sunday bump.  I've started putting the Mox Diamonds into EDH decks, and I don't think I want to sell my Alpha bolt at the moment.  So I edited the initial list.  Also for anyone else wondering about the Wheel of Fortune, that one is part of my original collection.  It's one of the few cards I have left that I know I personally opened back when revised was still in print, so I kind of over value it a bit.  I'm not opposed to the idea of selling it, but I probably want more than it's worth.

Mowza2k2 wrote:
gumgodMTG wrote:

So these are your cards that you acquired in order to trade them to your roommate?  I think most people don't want to step into the middle of a dispute.  However if he doesn't want them I do consider some of them EDH playable.  I'd be interested in these.

War's Toll (Dissension)
Tinder Wall (Ice Age)
Incinerate (Ice Age)

However perhaps you should consider selling them to him or trading him for something else (assuming he still needs them).

Yes those are the cards. I will send a trade your way and maybe we can work something out, anything at this point. I just don't physically want the cards anymore. I want them gone.

He does use deckbox and does read the forums once in a while. I await the moment he finds this thread >_>

Alright lol, you're the one that has to live with him.  tongue

Mowza2k2 wrote:

Ok, before anyone gets all upset about this post, the cards I want to trade away technically aren't his. I made a trade recently with a fellow deckbox member and got a few cards he wanted in good faith he was going to make a trade with me and take them from me. Now he is backing out saying the cards I have THAT HE WANTED are not enough to get what I want from him. He refuses to trade multiple janky rares for one semi-decent rare. ($3.50 rare for 6 cards he wanted that equal the same amount)
Now I am asking just for a small bit of revenge and would love to trade them away to someone else, doubt I will have any takers at all. I also have a few other cards for trade as well so don't discount that.

The cards he wanted are as follows:
War's Toll (Dissension)
Tinder Wall (Ice Age)
Sutured Ghoul (M12)
Thicket Elemental (Invasion)
Incinerate (Ice Age)
Anger (Duel Deck: Venser vs. Koth)

Few cards I have worth mentioning (Literally the only real cards worth mentioning):
Palinchron  (SP condition)
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben x2

I will gladly take some Janky rares, uncommons, and commons for those cards he wanted me to get. I am really pissed off at him right now. Plus I have a lot of random cards on my wishlist. As for Palinchron and Thalia I would love to trade value for value unless I can find some other cards I want for them, but would prefer to stay on the higher side with them.
You may ask why I am mad at such a low price, well, I am only a casual player in college and money is an issue sometimes. Plus I could have gotten a few other cards from the other guy I would have wanted instead of the crap I got for my roommate.
More than anything I want to be able to say that I traded them away if he asks for them, of course stating how he apparently didn't actually want them.

So these are your cards that you acquired in order to trade them to your roommate?  I think most people don't want to step into the middle of a dispute.  However if he doesn't want them I do consider some of them EDH playable.  I'd be interested in these.

War's Toll (Dissension)
Tinder Wall (Ice Age)
Incinerate (Ice Age)

However perhaps you should consider selling them to him or trading him for something else (assuming he still needs them).


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Saturday Bump.

That list looks very playable.  I'm not a huge fan of Desecration Demon myself, but I love Phyrexian Obliterator and Abyssal Persecutor.  Although I don't play modern, so I don't know how Persecutor would play without Cabal Therapy, but you do have Geth's Verdict already. 

Some things I used to play in mono black when I had monoblack standard decks: Lashwrithe (better than Nightmare Lash since it's a living weapon, but both turn your life link guys into bigger threats) or Batterskull. (Is Vault Skirge still a solid 1 drop?)

Distress Inquisition of Kozilek and Surgical Extraction are also good control cards. 

I'd split the 4x Doom Blade mainboard into 2x Doom Blade 2x Go For the Throat.  Also Murder on the sideboard just got an upgrade in Hero's Downfall.


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Farodsbro wrote:

That is the sleeve on the Ruby, not a crease?

I added more photos without the sleeve. The biggest thing to note is there some minor inking on the right side. I managed to get this in some of the photos of the edge. Its not really noticible from the front.


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Farodsbro wrote:

That is the sleeve on the Ruby, not a crease?

There are no creases, I pulled it half way out of the perfect fit to let the light hit the surface of the card without putting extra fingerprints on it while doing so.


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump, photos are now on dropbox.

MyRevival wrote:

Akroan Horse? It would have to be a really specific set of circumstances to make it work though.

Yeah, I saw this card when it was spoiled, and thought about it.  It could work in a good multiplayer environment, but like you said it's pretty specific.