MyRevival wrote:

Oh. There must have been a second page that I missed when I went through the decklist. Sorry about the redundancy.

It's fine, the ideas are solid.  smile  I've been moving things into and out of the deck, and leaving what I'm still considering on the sideboard.

MyRevival wrote:

Look at group hug edh decks for inspiration.
There's a whole hunted cycle of creatures that dump tokens on your opponents.  hunted wumpus,hunted lammasu, hunted dragon, hunted horror, forbidden orchard, and acorn catapult are all common choices.

These are good suggestions, but of these Hunted Wumpus is not in my colors, Hunted Lammasu makes creatures that are probably too big (I'm looking at a cut off of 3/3s since those are easier to kill), Hunted Dragon is already in my deck, Hunted Horror I'm considering but the pro black seems relevant, Forbidden Orchard is on my wants list, and listed as in the deck, and Acorn Catapult is in the deck.


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Rather than start a whole new selling thread I'm editing this old one.  I'm selling items from my trade list which includes the items listed below.

Prices include shipping to the US.  Outside the US I would need the buyer to pay the shipping costs. 

edit: old thread is old, but I have a seller account now.  Check my profile for current pricing or open a trade.

Everything in my trade list is also for sale.  Typically I will beat the TCG player price on other items on my trade list.  If you want several things, I'll just toss them in a cart, hit optimize (with lowest condition usually lightly played) and take a little off the lowest price you can buy those cards for.  This is the easiest way for me to calculate a price.

Egann wrote:

Hmm. I'm pretty sure a Quietus Spike and a Basilisk Collar will work just dandy. After some thought, though, I don't think Curiosity or Ophidian Eye are that good, at least not in EDH.

The problem is how many cards I'd have to draw. On a 1v1 Magic game, you only need to draw a third of your library to eliminate an opponent, but with EDH you have multiple opponents with 40 life. It'll take half the deck to take a player out. If you've got three opponents or the combo doesn't come together almost instantly I won't have enough cards in my library and I'd just overextend my deck casting it.

It's a good sideboard idea for 1v1, but probably not a mainboard. And EDH doesn't have sideboards.

If you're looking to take out multiple opponents this way you just need a way to to discard an Eldrazi that shuffles your graveyard in response to one of the triggers (Frantic Search will do it). Mind Over Matter will also auto win with your general.  Unfortunately the Eldrazi are not very budget friendly when they only serve the purpose of reshuffling.

I saw you're looking to build kaalia too. I'm looking to sell the stuff on this list if you're interested in any of it.  I have photos on dropbox too. I'll come back in a little bit with a link.

Link to photos, most are NM, some are LP.  The ones with play wear have closeups.  The sleeves can also be included, but I'd like to get rid of this as a lot.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Killing Glare seems really inefficient.  Why not just run Murder? It would be different if it said 'each' creature instead of target. Is that supposed to be Killing Wave?


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Mowza2k2 wrote:

Hey I didn't actually know stranglehold existed, that is a brilliant card for my playgroup and it fits my Zedruu deck. See my main EDH deck is Mono-white. Against most players it is fine and holds its own well, but I can't really control instants and sorceries.
I think I am just going to try the Isochron Scepter+Random card combo. I think I will try Silence on my Isochron Scepter.....

Orim's Chant is the white Time Walk.  wink  Put that on a scepter.  Note that you can kick it when casting from the scepter as well.   Abeyance and Silence are also good cheap options.

Also Stranglehold is a great card for turning off fetch lands, so it's never a dead draw.

psrex wrote:

You could use Haunted Angel.  I'm sure that there are more that you're not using, but I can't think of any right now.

I had one of those in my binder for ages and nothing I could do with it so I traded it. Seems ok, but not sure it's better than other options.  That's the type of random stuff I'm looking for though. Hunted Horror is another one that I've dismissed for now because the creatures it makes might be harder to deal with.


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Make a deck that forces them to answer you instead of the other way around.  Make something hyper aggressive, or something that hates on their strategy.   Let them be on the receiving end of it.  If nothing else you'll force more interaction, and the interactions are what make the game fun.  You don't want to sit there and play a solo game just as much as you don't want to watch them do it.  Run cards like Red Elemental Blast and Stranglehold main deck, or run something with blue and SpellJack their extra turns or Memory Lapse/Lapse of Certainty them.  Better yet, put Memory Lapse or Abeyance on an Isochron Scepter and Time Walk them for a while.


You can force them into only one spell per tun (they can still gain tempo but much less) Arcane laboratory and rule of law do this. 
You can play aggro that hates on control Gaddock Teeg and Dosan the Falling Leaf come to mind
You can answer extra turn spells directly (see above stranglehold suggestion)
You can play control/tempo
You can play winter orb/stax

Nin, the Pain Artist and Arcanis the Omnipotent are both good in this deck as well.  The Enclave Cryptologist and the Archivist might be too slow.  Also a Quietus Spike on your general is pretty broken.

sk00gle wrote:

If you wanted to be "that guy," you might include a Curiosity for the infinite combo with Niv-Mizzet.

Ophidian Eye = Curiosity #2.  Hey someone has to win.

I'm working on putting together an EDH deck with Oros, the Avenger at the helm.  I want to build a deck that wins by giving my opponents resources in the form of creatures, and then killing those creatures. 

Here's my list so far.

The cards listed in the sideboard are things I'm already considering.  What I'm looking for are other ways to deal damage or force life loss on creatures entering the battlefield or dying.  Also with some of my sweepers being damage spells redirecting or reflecting damage from creatures to their controllers seems relevant.  Flamebreak is a lot cooler with Repercussion in play.

There's a sub theme in this deck of redirecting damage to Mogg Maniac and friends.  I like the idea of using obscure cards like Blaze of Glory to mess with combat and throw a mogg in front of an army.  Also instants like that seem more fun in general.  Especially when messing with other people's combat.

I'm also open to trades for any cards that are in the deck that I'm missing.  (Check my wish list).


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump.  Looking for more trades.

There are many reasons that international shipping is more of a hassle.  Even just going to Canada packages have to pass through customs which can cause delays.  Shipping prices seem to increase significantly if you want any sort of tracking or insurance.  First Class International can get it there cheaply, but you run the risks involved with sending an item without tracking. 

I used to sell jewelry, if you put the value of the item on the customs form and you don't have tracking or insurance, you're just inviting people along the way to mess with it.  In addition to that if you do ship with a customs form anything over $25 to Canada and don't mark it as a gift, it's possible that the person receiving the item will have to pay import duties or taxes.  This seems to be inconsistent as I once shipped a $200 bracelet and had no complaints, but then $30 worth of earrings had the person e-mailing me that she paid as much in fees as she did for the earrings.  Both items went to Canada, both were shipped from the same post office and both had customs forms.  I had a $100 item go 'missing' that was shipped to another country, and was basically just told sorry and that they couldn't track it since I didn't buy the $15 insurance. 

More recently I paid $8 to ship a video game to Canada and it returned to me because the buyer didn't put his apartment number in the order.  So in order to provide good customer service and keep positive feedback, I paid for the second shipping out of pocket ($16 total to ship a $40 item.  I had only charged $7 shipping).  So sending cards for cards and paying fees/extra shipping on top of it just seems to negate the point of trading.  I could just be buying cards and adding to my collection instead.  I have sent small trades to Canada though.  If it's less than 6 cards and I can feel comfortable sticking it in a plain white envelope, then it's only a little over $1 or three regular stamps. 

One thing I have learned to do though is order my shipping labels through PayPal's Multi-Order shipping.  PayPal gets you a commercial rate on your shipping which saves money and includes some tracking information even on cheaper packages.  It also avoids the argument I seem to have with some postal workers as to what counts as a package, since some of the bubble envelopes aren't quite 1/4 of an inch thick.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm interested in some of your old random stuff.  Your trade list matches a few things on my wish list.


(9 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

rkent47 wrote:

thanks, ill try to add these and some others im thinking about

No problem, good luck.  Also take a look at the premium fire and lightning deck that was released a couple of years ago.  You can still find it on e-bay for just over the original MSRP.  It is an all foil deck with 4 Lightning Bolts, and one each of Grim Lavamancer, Chain Lightning and Ball Lightning among other useful foils.

I'm editing again:

Red is one of my favorite colors to play.  Watch out for other aggressive strategies like goblins.  You may need spells like Flamebreak, Slagstorm, Pyroclasm or the new Anger of the Gods card to clear the board of little guys.  I'd run these over Flame Rift, but that's a personal choice, Flame Rift is a solid card.  Avoid anything that gives the opponent a choice.  Browbeat and Breaking Point are bad cards. 

Life gain decks can also give you a hard time, and is a solid strategy against burn.  Pack Skullcrack, Flames of the Blood Hand and Sulfuric Vortex in the side to counteract this.

I played Chandra's Spitfire for a while when it was in standard.  I like the card, and if you're running it in multiples, spells that allow multiple targets can be good for triggering it.  The Flamebreak I mentioned only hits non-fliers allowing you to clear some little guys and trigger Spitfire without killing the spitfire.  Flames of the Firebrand will take out little creatures and allow you to ping the opponent to trigger it, and Arc Trail will take out a little guy and ping the opponent.  I would think that Hellrider would be good with it too.


(9 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I've had decent luck with this:

It's technically legacy as it's built now, but you could make a few changes and get it modern playable.  Many people will argue that Simian Spirit Guide doesn't belong in this type of deck, but I've found the extra speed boost to be worth it. 

Consider the vortex already mentioned and possibly Anarchy for the sideboard as a way to get around Ivory Mask type effects and it's generally good against white decks. 

My favorite win with this deck was turn 1 mountain, remove Simian Spirit Guide from the game drop kiln fiend.  Opponent turn 1 played forest llanowar elves.  I play Mountain (that I top decked I kept a 1 land hand), Lightning Bolt to the elf, Assault Strobe on Kiln Fiend, remove spirit guide in my hand from the game to cast a second Assault Strobe.  My opponent laughing says, "You can't give it double-double strike."  Me "I don't need to, it gets +3/+0 for each instant or sorcery I cast.  I attack for 20 (a 10/2 double strike)". 

Note that this is not typical, but turn 2 wins do happen.


TyWooOneTime wrote:

Here's the deck in case anyone was curious:

After looking at your deck, I would remove Goblin Fireslinger.  He's too slow even if he does interact well with Chandra's Spitfire. I'd also remove Incendiary and Mugging.  Add more Lightning Bolts and Lava Spikes.  Guttersnipe works well with anything that also draws you a card (such as Manamorphose), otherwise you may want to consider something more immediately aggressive.  Also if you don't have the Lava Spikes and the Lightning Bolts consider Flame Slash.  Even at sorcery speed 4 damage still kills a lot of threats. 

Red decks like this need to hit hard and fast.  Look for the burn spells that are the most efficient or that you can re-use.  Spells with Flashback or Unearth will help you reach the final points of damage.  Barbarian Ring is playable, it hurts you early, but it is colorless damage that can be just enough to end the game later on.  Hellspark Elemental unearths to hit a second time.  Fireblast can get those final points of damage in even when you're tapped out.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I have had the same issue for a couple of days now.  Not really worried about it, but I did notice it was missing.


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Themaddhatter2304 wrote:

I need a foil elder and am really sticking to my wish list to try and foil out my mono green edh deck right now

Yeah, I don't have that.  Sorry, I viewed your list as a visual spoiler.  Deckbox needs to overlay a shooting star or something.


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Themaddhatter2304 wrote:

I have a couple mint alpha mountains not sure if you'd be interested in them. I'm mostly just looking for things on my wish list, check it out and let me know if we can try to work something out.

I'm always interested in Alpha and Beta lands.  I have Yavimaya Elder (commander) and Nezumi Graverobber but I'm using them in decks right now.  Feel free to look over my tradelist though and see if anything catches your eye.  I'll open a trade too.


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm still looking for trades to get some of these last few cards.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

varble wrote:

I have used this guide for a while: … Guide.html

That's pretty through, but kind of long and not very interactive.  I was thinking something more along the lines of a flow chart.  I found one on the net, and was thinking it could be reconstructed in forum style by using spoiler tags.  However it doesn't appear that those work here.

[spoiler]Why doesn't this work?[/spoiler]

thescale99 wrote:

(Hi - I searched the sticky threads, but didn't see this question addressed.  Sorry if this has been covered).

I wanted to start building out a few deck concepts, and I understand the basic deck building tools, but I have a question.

I see that decks can be built by adding one card at a time into the search field.  However, I already have a list of cards that I want to include in my new deck.  Is there a way to mass-import a card list, instead of typing out each card name, one by one?

Thanks in advance for the help!

-  The Scale

Go to the deck, mouse over import, choose card list, copy and paste.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I was feeling inclined to write a tutorial for this, but then I found this lovely flow chart on the interwebs and decided to share it instead.

Download it here.


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump & Updated.

morph66 wrote:

dude gum, thanks

No problem,  I hope that helps a little.  I hate trying to keep up with which cards I own are actually still legal in standard.  So filters like this are extremely helpful to me.  I don't play a lot of standard, but I like to have at least one legal deck built to play against my friends that do follow the format.  I'm actually considering adding all of my commons to deckbox, just so this feature is even more useful.

Also it never hurts to call your local game store if you are unsure of what they are doing.  Find out what format runs on Friday nights, what time you should show up, and how many people they expect to be there.   Some stores will also post a schedule of events on their website (assuming they have one).

One store near me does booster drafts on Friday at 6pm, standard at 9pm (with a $5 entry) and runs standard again as a free to enter event at 6pm on Monday.  When I used to go, I would go on Mondays, because I didn't want to start an event at 9pm, and the free event still had prize support in the form of cheap promos they had left over from other events.  The first time I went, I placed and got two promo cards.   Sometimes showing up out of no where with your own rogue build can catch people by surprise.  wink