Just a couple things before I make suggestions for the deck. 

Mill is a bad strategy.  You're opponent starts at 53 life instead of 20.  You don't really affect the board when you play a card that does nothing but mill.  Your opponent doesn't really need every card in his deck to beat you, most games you only see 1/3rd of your deck before they finish. 

In games like magic there are a few important positions to take, board presence, card advantage, tempo advantage.  Milling does none of these and in fact hurts you on all 3 fronts.  You don't increase your board by milling, you don't gain any card advantage by milling (in fact you lose it) and you hurt your own tempo by not doing something that increases the first 2 and you get further and further behind.

If you're okay with all that, then there are better ways to make a "mill" deck.  You really "have" to play a control deck with a mill win condition.  You need to make sure they don't have a board presence so to speak, board wipes are important here and you need the ability to stop their big plays, counter spells work well here.

For your specific deck, your land needs a lot of work.  YOu need the scry lands and shocks, as well as just more mana in general. This type of deck should run no less than 25 lands.

Reduce your number of creatures to only the most essential, and get yourself some more efficient removal, devour flesh is good, doom blade, ultimate price, hero's downfall, dimir charm isn't horrible, you need all of these.  Black is getting a "board wipe" in born of the gods, in the form of drown in sorrow so there's that, or the "whelming" wave from blue.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Kei is correct.

To add further detail.  Combat happens in steps I'm sure you know this.

1. (Precombat) use instants/effects usually to remove attackers or resolve triggers that happen at the start of the attack Step.

2. (Assign attackers) The active player chooses attacking creatures and taps them unless something says otherwise (IE: vigilance), this does not use the stack and cannot be responded too in anyway.  These creatures are now considered attacking and any triggers that say "when this creature attacks do x" will trigger and go on the stack.  A round of priority is passed if there are any such triggers.

3. (post Attacking Step), after attackers are declared before blockers are declared, there is a round of priority to play spells and effects.  Here for instance you could play a creature with flash and use it to block in the next step.

4. (Assign blockers) The defending player, chooses which creatures they use to block which attackers, assuming there are not blocking restrictions IE: unblockable, flying etc. This does not use the stack and you cannot play effects. here the attacker also decides damage order.  Which creatures will receive damage first then 2nd etc.  Any triggers that happen "when this creature blocks" go on the stack and resolve with a round of priority.

5. (Post blocking Step). After blockers are declared, there is a round of priority. Instants and other activated abilities can be played here.  Here you an return a blocker to your hand to prevent damage to it, or buff a blocker with a giant growth for a favorable trade.

6.(First strike damage Step/ Damage Step). _First, if there is a first strike or double strike creature, a new and separate damage Step is created with all the following rules, then the 2nd "regular" damage step happens with the same rules. Only creatures with first or double strike deal damage in the first strike damage step._  If there is more than one blocker, or if there is trample, damage is assigned here, and the points of damage are allocated to the blocking creatures and/or players. Tramplers must assign lethal damage to blockers before any remaining damage can be assigned to players. No instants or abilities can be played in this step and damage all resolves at the same time. State based effects (IE: creatures with lethal damage) must be resolved here and any triggers that happen when creatures go to the graveyard go on the stack and a round of priority resolves.)

7. (Post combat cleanup).  There is a round of priority here, all creatures are still considered attacking and blocking at this step and effects that target attackers and blockers can still be played here.

that's generally correct, i think.  I may have slipped up on a minor detail.

Some hypothetical notes about your example. 

Lets say for example, your trampling sliver had first strike, then as stated above you would deal damage first, before the creatures without first strike. So, 2 damage to the flyer, then 3 to the player and they don't get a chance to deal damage back since they're in the grave yard due to state based actions.   

lets say, for whatever reason the cockatrice had first strike, then it deals it's deathtouch damage first, before any "normal" damage can be dealt by the trampler and the defending player takes no damage.

Now, what if the trampling sliver had Double strike?  It gets to deal damage twice, first strike and normal damage.  It would deal 2 to the flyer, killing it then 3 to the player ,then 5 again to the player. UNLESS!!! it didn't have trample.  Then the damage stops there.  only trample can make damage carry over to the player.   So without trample, even double strike damage stops with the blocker.

Furthermore, if the trampling sliver had deathtouch it could deal only 1 point of damage to the blocker then 4 to the player, (death touch makes even 1 point of damage lethal, and the rules specify that you must deal _lethal_ damage to a blocker before trample can carry over to the player.

Also just to be thou rough, Blockers can't deal combat damage to attacking players even if they have any of the abilities mentioned.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I think if you're looking at additional removal ultimate price is very good.  Most of the biggest threats to you are mono colored creatures and you don't have a lot of good ways to block fliers so efficient removal for the fliers in the meta is good.

I think 1 charm, 1 whip for a couple ultimate price would help. 

I have a 5th hero's downfall and I'd totally let you borrow it tongue     I think, I might go down to 1 ready/willing as a surprise "oops" i win type card, and try to squeeze in another downfall if you can borrow/find one, or at least another putrefy.  I don't think I'd get rid of dark betrayal,  monoblack and orzhov control make up a decent portion of the top tier meta. 

I have a set of reapers and I'm just waiting to play them.  IDK if the time is right yet, there are a lot of aggressively costed 4/5 drops still in the meta that just don't favorably trade with her. Not to mention imo, she's really a "6" drop, I think being able to give her immediate hexproof when she comes down can make for a 2/1 scenario in your favor, but without it, she's just another target.

Hopefully this works out for you.

I'll be trying mono black again once the new "sweepers" are out from BTG.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Overall I like the midrange feel of Junk, I wish it had the new lands from Born of the Gods already.  hmm

Aside from a slightly shakier mana base, I think the deck is okay.  I like midrange decks with decent removal and bombs.   I do like the golgari charms and abrupt decays.  Abrupt decay hits a decent amount of stuff right now, domri, specter, sphere, any number of weenie drops.

I have been playing mono black, splash blue, splash white, splash nothing... without gary, with gary... etc... the deck doesn't get there for me.  I took it to GP FW to a 4-3 finish and have had mixed success at the local store.  It doesn't feel like it has what it takes, i honestly don't know how it puts up consistent results at big tournaments. I'm with you on trying something a little different.

Here's a couple questions. 

1. Why 3 whips?  You're gaining enough life imo, with ghost dad and baron.  Also, playing 3 golgari charms main deck _should_ be enough regenerate to save your dudes from a board wipe or spot removal. The whip/ghost dad combo is neat and if you're running the dad, I think you should run a whip to respect the combo, but 3 feels excessive.

2. are you sure you have enough answers to the big dudes?  Master of waves, descration demons, dragons, etc... I think in the format, if you're not runing 4 down falls you're not respecting the big guys enough not to mention all the walkers.

3. How is ready/willing working out for you?  I have to say it doesn't see much play and I haven't seen it interact with enough cards to know how to evaluate it.

4. Also, i think 25 lands here... at least, even with the caryatids.  You've got sinks in the form of reaper activated abilities, whip activations, spot removal and you have to remember that underworld connections basically read, pay 1 mana and 1 life to draw a card.


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I"m going to assume that someone is trying to use wing puncture to get rid of an opposing sigarda.  You cannot use wing puncture because it specifically says target.  Sigarda cannot be the target of an opposing spell.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

TRZ wrote:

I guess my point was more that shes good just very commandery for the moment until people figure out what she could work in. My money is on a BUG control deck for modern that will eventually come.

Modern? no way, too slow not enough synergy and other card already do her job better. She's a standard card all the way like jace. 

I see bant control in her future, or some kind of Simic ramp/devotion.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

for some reason I read that as you were putting a god in your deck. 

I don't think you even worry about it. I'd maindeck a couple skull cracks and call it a day. Just get them before the devotion comes online.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

m0nstersnatch wrote:
elpablo wrote:

why not run 4 mutavaults?  they're great in the deck.

yup, running 4 is definetly ok. only problem here is casting reckoner on turn 3 if you have two mountains and a vault.

Small problem with the value you can extract from them wink

Also, keep in mind that a lot of the red "devotion" decks are on the splash for white/green for some scry lands and access to things like domri/boros charm.  Both can provide excellent advantages depending on your meta.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

the gods are mid game cards and while red "can" go big, most of the cards are geared towards finishing things early.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

why not run 4 mutavaults?  they're great in the deck.

I agree with monster.  I think you need to restructure your build to either take more advantage of the devotion mechanic (IE: reckoner, frostburn weird, burning tree and the synergies that can exist there) or go really low and fast with akroan crusader and something like madcap skills.


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't metalcraft a part of Affinity decks?  All those artifacts have to allow for some silliness to be going on there...

There's more metalcraft in affinity than there is actual affinity cards.  I've been playing the modern version and I'm putting together the legacy version.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Speaking strictly standard here she's not playable in modern or legacy.

Lets also not forget that Jace - AoT was only a 1-2 of in most control decks until rotation or not played at all against the backdrop of the great array of four drops from innistrad block. 

When rotation happens we lose a lot of viable 4 drop options from control and she could fill an important role.

Also, just my $.02, but I think 4 mana is the new 3 mana very soon, the fast aggro decks aren't as fast as they were a year ago and we would have laughed at a 6 mana planes walker being playable, but yet there are 2 in heavy use atm.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

most people around here are calling her garbage. I'm waiting to see how it plays out. I think in the right control shell she could be okay. Her ultimate is only 3 turns away and in those colors that could be as early as turn 5, probably later in control.

Really it boils down to, would you pay 4 mana to draw a card and play an extra land, and take a spell/attack away from your opponent?  That _seems_ like okay value, but i'm not 100% sure.

I'm going to wait to see how she plays before I make a judgement.

You're basically GR devotion here, with blue.  I think not having the nykthos and the burning tree combo potential is hurtful to the deck.  IMO replace exp one with burning tree.  The extra mana you can get is pretty ridiculous.

TBH, i would really just go with the straight GR red list, you're replacing garruk for prime speaker and polukranos with the prophet.  You can do some neat things with the prophet and draw a bunch with prime speaker, but you're mucking up the manabase just to include the blue and I don't think the deck needs it.


(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

imo, i think if you go red devotion you should just go full bore with it.

White is the stronger choice for the splash (for now) that could change with born of the gods though, mainly because of scry lands, chained to the rocks,  and reckoner support.


Investing 3 mana and 2 black devotion in underworld connections isn't really what you want to do with red devotion.


This black red control deck did okay at the pro tour and might be okay for a local meta, and seems more like where you're trying to go with thoughtseize underworld connections, stormbreath, and dreadbore.  You're playing more of a midrange/control deck and less of an aggro/red devotion.


(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Also, if you splash black as a burn/draw option you could run toil/trouble.   You normally will only have mana for one or the other, but if you have enough devotion nykthos could help.

Other than that I agree with Ty, you're really split between RB aggro, red deovtion and rakdos control.  You need to decide on a plan and move in that direction.  Thoughtseize isn't really something you want to be doing and in general if you're going to be drawing other cards, magma jet should just be lightning strike.

All of the current decks will change after Btg comes out and some new ones will become available.

I can see a couple problems with the deck idea in general. 

1) people are packing ways to deal with permanents like sphere of safety.  I'm side boarding bramble crush in my GR deck and cyclonic rift is just a blow out against you. Detention sphere, golgari charm are also both very playable. Thoughtseize and duress can shut you down before you begin. 

2) There is plenty of removal prevalent in the format that just completely hoses your plan for attacking with one big dude. 

3) What do you do against blood baron? 

I'm not saying you can't have fun with the deck or that you won't win some games, but if you sit down from a tier 1, UW or orzhov control and lose don't be surprised.  Theme decks like this usually aren't particularly strong. It's not a terrible idea though and it has a little synergy.  I would wait for born of the gods before I started brewing new decks though.  You're more likely to catch people off guard at that time then at others.

Also depends on the deck, I built modern affinity and it's a "budget" legacy deck with a few additions. It requires none of the terribly expensive lands.


(10 replies, posted in DFW Mages)

excellent job as always, much appreciated.


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I don't think I'd put it on the side either.  Nykthos for mono blue helps you do many things.  With dumps like thassa's ability and muta vault, and the ability to draw more cards off bident it becomes a good tool.  It's not 100% necessary,  I think you either want them main deck or you don't and I feel pretty confident in saying mono blue wants some number in their main deck. It's not a 4 of like in GR devotion, you don't lean on it like they do.

I run 1 of nykthos in my mono black, too along with 4 mutavaults.  There are still times occasionally where I hit temple, swamp, vault, nykthos, when all i want is to put my specter on the board.  So you just have to be careful with what you put in the mana base to make sure you can reliably get to the mana you need.


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

25/26 may be a bit too much, you don't want to flood and you're mana dumps are limited.


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Eliterawr wrote:

ty smile i will read up
i would proxy but i play magic with a few who kinda despise proxy lol but
i did like JaceMA for the +0, that was pretty much his only purpose was devo and taking out 10 cards hopefully sphinxs rev, verdicts, gods and PW tends to make ppl aggro tongue

Sounds like your friends need to reevaluate how they think about playing magic. Proxying cards is a great way to find out if something "works" or is "worth" the money/effort.  Without proxies we can't test things.  Do you think the pros test without proxies?  I know for sure 90% of them test proxy builds before they play and a lot of them don't even own the decks they play at the tournaments.

As for your deck.

Hands of binding is awful.  Doesn't do much for you in this deck.  Doesn't add devotion, not instant originally. Easily removable once cyphered. Just bad.  Claustriphobia or domestication would be better.

No mutavaults? no mutavaults! no mutavaults?!  So I see you have no mutavaults.  The deck really needs them.  Like really really needs them.  With thassa on the board it can be 2 unblockable sweeper immune damage every turn against control. With master of waves out they're 3/3 elementals.  Sounds like you're kind of late to the mutavault party.  If you can't afford to buy them I would borrow them from someone one when you play FNM or whatever.

jace memory adept has no place maindeck in here.   You're an aggro deck, not a control deck.   I think Jace AoT is fine where it's at.

I'd also like to see the deck at 23/24 lands.

Title says it all really.   I don't know if it's possible but with popular promos like FNM promos, GP promos, and buy a box promos.  It seems to me that promo pricing would be desirable.  These cards can vary widely in pricing from their counter parts.

I think she's probably a control card.  She reminds me a lot of tamyio from the last block.  I don't think it's a ramp to play it out card though.  She's definitely a long term investment card similar to jace - aot.  A bant control would love this card. Remember we're getting the other temples in this set. You still have jace and elspeth, bant super friends.

We've only got a month or so of the current standard left, but mtg Analytics is good.


It will show many things and can be used to analyze card choices.  It may not reflect a localized meta though, but you should be prepared for all the decks in the top 10 list.