(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I went ahead and cracked the packs I had for trade and of course I got a godless shrine, which is the only shockland that I DON'T need. So I would like to swap that out for a different one, preferably a stomping ground or watery grave. I would prefer that exchange to be part of a bigger trade though to avoid losing money to postage but feel free to send me offers.

I added the few new GTC things I got to my tradelist, so check it out and shoot me a trade if you are interested in something. I also am going through the process of slimming down my "keeps" binder and will be adding some good stuff to my tradelist soon.

drgolovacroxby wrote:
shifty4690 wrote:

How much for the doubling season, goblin lackey, blood crypt, and 2 knight of the reliquarys? Please don't give me a good number... I'm pretty tight on cash myself so I don't want to be tempted to make a purchase that i shouldn't tongue

$53 for all five?

Ok I will have to pass on that, thanks though smile

How much for the doubling season, goblin lackey, blood crypt, and 2 knight of the reliquarys? Please don't give me a good number... I'm pretty tight on cash myself so I don't want to be tempted to make a purchase that i shouldn't tongue


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

If you are getting into legacy it makes sense to sell the geists to get a land or two, since the lands will be played in multiple decks where the geists only fit into one deck at most. I would also recommend picking up the cards for a specific deck that interests you if at all possible.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

My inventory is completely inaccurate. Only the things in my tradelist are actually still in my possession. So the wasteland is a no, but the windswept heath I still have.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bumping this up, I got a few offers for people wanting to do things cross format, which I avoid if humanly possible. I traded for a few things at FNM so I thought I would update this and get some more offers.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I could potentially be interested in the 4 gravecrawlers and 4 geralf's messengers. Based on ebay prices though, the highest I could go would be $50 bucks. If this seems reasonable to you, let me know.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Standard Wishlist:

  • 2x Steam Vents

  • 4x Sulfur Falls

  • 1x Drowned Catacomb

  • 2x Clifftop Retreat

  • 2x Cavern of souls

Modern Wishlist:

  • 2x Faerie Macabre

  • 4x Misty Rainforest

  • 4x Scalding Tarn

  • 3x Bloodbraid Elf

  • 4x Tarmogoyf

  • 3x Thoughtseize

Legacy Wishlist:

  • Fetid Heath

  • 4x Bitter Blossom

  • 4x Mox Diamond

I am currently working on getting my lists up to date after all my trading over break, but go ahead and shoot me some offers.

I am thinking about buying my playset of mox diamonds, so if you can beat ebay prices I may be interested.

Ok I am bumping this because almost all of my trades have now trickled in so I can start sending out more trades! I have completed my standard deck and only need 3 more cards to finish my modern deck! (If you have 2x faerie macabre and a mindbreak trap, we can make a deal!) Other than that I am looking to finish my legacy deck (Dead Guy Ale). Everything I need is in my wishlist, but any legacy playable card will help out my cause. If you don't have anything I necessarily want but I have stuff you need, send me a trade and we will try to work something out. Since I am looking for so few things, I will accept value trades that will ultimately help us both get where we want.

Anyway just wanted to salvage this thread and see if I couldn't get any new offers.

It seems very likely that this is just a temporary price hike. If the price stays high for awhile, people will possibly start trading for them. It just doesn't seem like people are that interested in the deck, so no one is jumping on the card.

I just got a little bit cleaned out but I still have things to trade! The small things I am looking for are in the top post and in my wishlist, the bigger things I figure I will just have to wait a little while on before going after, but if you have offers please let me know.

Also I am looking to trade my scrubland into a different revised dual, so if you have anything other than scrubs or badlands, let me know and I will be happy to try and work something out.

My high priority wishlist has become so small it has merged with my regular wishlist! Thank you to everyone who has traded with me to help me finish my decks. I am still looking to pick up cards in all formats so please feel free to send me offers if I have something you need.

Bump for the weekend. I have been getting some offers to trade my scrubland for a bunch of shocklands. Please save us both some time and don't make those offers. I have legacy, modern, and standard stuff in my wishlist and legacy, modern, and standard stuff in my tradelist. I would like to keep things format for format if at all possible.

That said, I would still like to get offers so if you have a trade that you think might interest me, feel free to propose away!

Updated my list prioritizing things that I need for my decks. Please note that High priority does not equal willing to make bad trades. Anyway, if you have some of the this stuff to help me finish up my decks please send me an offer!

You are probably going to have to offer a few better modern cards to get what you are looking for I would guess.

Updated, added some cards that have been coming in through trades that I don't necessarily need. I have quite a few trades in the process so if you see something in my tradelist that isn't in the original post there is a chance that someone beat you to it! yikes

Would potentially like to turn the Scrub and the Wasteland into a tundra, but honestly any original dual other than scrub is fine.

Send me some offers if you are interested in something or have something from my wishlist! smile

I have sent you an offer.


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Makes me wish I had a deck for it! I think EDH is the perfect place for alters.

I actually do I have a few things that have been trickling in from on going trades and from trading at FNM that I haven't updated. Let me check your wishlist and see if we can't work something out.

Made a couple changes. I officially picked Living End as my beginner modern deck since I basically have the mana base already and other than that the deck is super cheap. Since the stuff is mostly all random small things I will probably just go buy it all, but I figured I would wait a little bit and see if anyone has any of the cards for trade. Also I need 3 cards and 8 lands to finish up my Junk deck, so I am still looking for offers for that stuff as well.

Bump for the day. Looking for shocks!

Slight update to my tradelist and wish lists. Overgrown tomb and temple garden have both jumped up higher on my wishlist since I really want to finish up this deck. I also need 2 armada wurms.

Any interest in a foil mox opal?

Unfortunately Dnoate, I do not see much I need from your list. My preference is to not ship worldwide, but I could make exceptions if there were more that I wanted. Sorry.