(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Now there is the possibility of pairing both Talrand AND Krenko in the same deck.  It would be a beast to get the balance right, but man, could you imagine the flood of goblin and drake tokens?

God that sounds amazing, I'm actually going to go see if I can design that into a deck, my main issue is the number of cards in a deck and being able to have mostly instants/sorceries with still having lots of goblins

I just threw this together, it's pretty rough but it gives an idea, I think it should probably move to x3 of each card for variety since I feel like that's more important in a deck like this



(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I've tried to do a Talrand burn counter deck a couple different times but I've always found that the deck burns through all of it's spells too quickly trying to prevent your opponent from crushing you in the early game since I've found it hard to make a deck that gives you board position early game while keeping mostly burn and counter spells in the deck.

This is how I made it to the burning vengance build that I've got now, you use spells so that you've got what you need in your hand and the rest in the graveyard, the Grim Lavamancers give you Shock on a stick and the delver gives you early game aggro/board position. This is all a delay tactic until you can resolve a Burning Vengance or a Talrand which is when the fun starts

It works well as a straight up burn deck but it doesn't really have room for counterspells without using the 2 cost creature that I really hate (to the point of irrationality) since the deck relies on flashback

First back to your original post, yes fog bank is worth the slot, especially if you're going for Elbrus because it either locks down their early game attacks or else it just draws out their removal so they've got to waste a kill spell on your fog bank rather than your flipped Elbrus.

Now to TyWooOneTime's post: I could see trepanation blade being a really good card for several reasons, if you  get it out early game it completely screws over their land draws, i've seen people stuck most of a game with 2 lands because the top lands always get milled. The pike isn't nearly as effective in this build, there are 6 total instants/sorcerys in the deck so in an average game there'll be 2-3 in the graveyard, and that's really late game when you want to be swinging for lethal not for 3 damage.

As far as making Withengar Unbound unblockable, it doesn't really seem needed, he can only be blocked by black or artifact creatures with flying, basically his only fear would be Vampire Nighthawks but then you're probably better off just giving him first strike so that you gain board position while dealing most of the damage anyway.

I have been attending FNMs at my LGS along with some other assorted days pretty frequently lately and I've come to realize that there's two ways to look at it, either you drop cash and Net-Deck, you start with a basic deck and use FNM as a way to improve it, or you throw something crazy and fun together every week to throw people off, I do a combination of the last two, I have a couple decks that i've used there, a UW infect exalted deck that throws people off, a couple different mill decks, self mill and opponent mill, and then my deck that I'm actually trying to make really good, which is a little more boring design wise but I like winning from time to time and I've found that I can trade for extreme profit at my FNM, which lets me get the cards that I really want for my decks. Overall I'd say that building decks to keep people guessing is the most fun of the 3 but I've never actually Net Decked so I can't speak to that.

At least at my LGS there will be some sort of removal by t4 if not t0 (Gut Shot) and so to do all of that t3 then have the agent get killed would be a major thorn in the side, if you want to keep infect throw in some inkmoths and maybe a blightsteel as a 1 of.I agree that blighted agent + the knife is a really nice combo if it works out.


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I've been trying to come up with a standard deck that uses Talrand, Sky Summoner as it's focal point and overwhelms the opponent with drakes, the issue is that I cannot for the life of me figure out what that could be, every time I do it the deck uses Talrand as a finisher, the best I've come up with that actually sort of works is this: http://deckbox.org/sets/196277, I'm not asking people to design a deck for me just to suggest cards that would work well with talrand, I'm wondering if some sort of blue green red ramp into tokens could work? Maybe with the new Krenko's Command and parallel lives?

It's funny, someone was running a mono-blue deck trying to do exactly what you are at Game Day at my LGS and I was trying to convince him to add green for ramp, and now you're doing the opposite, well I can give you some advice from his deck, Dissipation Field is amazing at slowing other decks down and just being annoying. He also used Argentum Armor which can be sweet if it actually works out. I wouldn't recommend Blighted Agent, I've never found using Infect as an alternate win condition to be effective, it leaves your opponent with 6 posion counters and like 4 life and then you die, use latch seeker or artful dodge if you need more unblockable sad I noticed that in the deck he was using he never got up to enough mana, as such I would suggest either adding ramp or Vapor Snags to slow down your opponent. This seems like an interesting idea and it actually worked out for the guy playing it, he got second overall

EDIT: Just looked at your sideboard and realized half of my suggestions were already in there. Oops

Even if you want to be pretty casual it's pretty cheap to get standard goblins, I'd even send you what I've got since I dislike goblins, but FNMs are a really fun event even without a competitive style deck, and goblins tend to be consistent so you could easily win games because you've got the consistency that other decks don't have.

Other than that I agree about the Arms Dealer but not the Goblin Chirurgeon, how many kill spells that people actually use have a cannot regenerate clause? And if you do get a really powerful goblin like a Cheiftain, King or Krenko, Mob Boss out and they Doom Blade or Murder it then you can easily sacrifice a token you've got to save your best creature.

Overall I'd say this is a really solid start for a casual goblin deck, I do agree about the goblin Balloon Brigade if you get some though, it can push some damage through and block fliers which goblin decks can have issues with. I'd also recommend the Burn at the Stake as TyWooOneTime mentioned, even if you only use Krenko once it's still an awesome burn spell. Lastly I'd recommend Chancellor of the Forge, it's an underrated card for goblins In my opinion, if you go first and have one in your hand you do damage to your opponent without spending any mana and since you've got Rummaging Goblins you can just dump it later if you don't have the mana to cast it.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I've got x6 of the mountian you need and x4 of the forest, I need the x2 sulfur falls from your tradelist, send me a trade if you're interested in some or all

Just out of curiosity Scurvey, what was your original pack? (Set + Rare/Notables)

the_wizard_666 wrote:

Hmm...just dug it up in the official rules...I stand corrected.  However, the shuffling will still occur.  You can remove it from the game, but the ability will still be on the stack, so the graveyard will still shuffle into the library.  It just won't protect them forever.

Yup, but it makes their Eldrazi similar to an Elixir of Immortality instead so that's at least in my opinion better than just pretty much losing by default

Just got an Inn box and got some stuff to trade but I traded most of it for the other stuff I needed, all that's left is

Hinterland Harbor

Other stuff on my tradelist, I'm open to offers on stuff in my inventory as well but am a little less likely to accept though I expect to be trading from my inventory at this point


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I see what you mean about the card draw tho I'd probably use Soul of the Harvest for this deck since it's going to go off on all of my creatures not just the blade splicers. I also like the idea of hexproof but right now I'm using cloudshifts and have Autumn's Veil's in sideboard for protection. I might try out the Avacyn's Mask tho I just don't know when I'd ever have mana to cast it and actually want to. I pulled the Spirit Mantles for now and I'm going to play tonight without, using Nearheath Pilgrims instead since they work well with cloudshift and the mantle sucks with cloudshift, I'll let you know how it goes, I wish my cavern of souls' were here now tho, this deck is like perfect for having 4 of them, 2 tribes so they shouldn't be a dead draw and i'm using more than one color, oh well, maybe for FNM

I've made a couple expensive changes to the deck but since I pulled a snappy a geist and a couple nice foils I'm ok getting some nice cards for this deck. Here's the current build, I've got the card draw in the sideboard since alot of decks are too aggro for me to get up to 6 mana but I also put in a Garruk, Primal hunter since he could get me tons of cards after swinging with exalted, we'll see how this build does, I'm a little worried but we shall see. Also any sideboard advice, I know the war falcons probably look strange but remember they trade with flipped delvers so that's why I have them.

the_wizard_666 wrote:
imsully2 wrote:

All of the above-mentioned cards are great ideas, alot of really good mill cards are both blue and black so thats something to consider along with the fact that it usually takes more turns to mill someone than to do 20 damage so it's good to have control notably creature removal, which is why I almost never do a milling deck without black if you go for black Nephalia Drownyard is also pretty sweet on any turn that you draw a land or something. You should also get something to exile cards in graveyards at instant speed, the 3 legendary Eldrazi, (Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, and Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre) even with one of them in a graveyard completely shuts down milling strategies but because of tricky stuff you can exile it before it's graveyard ability goes off and therefore it doesn't get shuffled back in

Actually, you can't do that.  The ability triggers as soon as it's in the graveyard.  Since neither player will get priority before the effect resolves, the Eldrazi are not valid targets for removal at any time.  That would be a situation that would require an alternate win condition.

The ability goes on the stack and priority is passed, that's how the Goryo's Vengance card works to reanimate the titans. There are tons of modern reanimators that use that combo so as long as it's instant speed it works.

All of the above-mentioned cards are great ideas, alot of really good mill cards are both blue and black so thats something to consider along with the fact that it usually takes more turns to mill someone than to do 20 damage so it's good to have control notably creature removal, which is why I almost never do a milling deck without black if you go for black Nephalia Drownyard is also pretty sweet on any turn that you draw a land or something. You should also get something to exile cards in graveyards at instant speed, the 3 legendary Eldrazi, (Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, and Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre) even with one of them in a graveyard completely shuts down milling strategies but because of tricky stuff you can exile it before it's graveyard ability goes off and therefore it doesn't get shuffled back in


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Now I just need x5 full art island and x3 full art plains, I'll also happily trade for any unhinged or unglued lands accept unglued mountain


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

rfioren wrote:

I've got: 9 swamp, 1 forest, 7 island, and 8 swamps from Zendikar as well if you're interested.

Is one of those swamps supposed to be a plains or a mountain? I'll send an offer either way


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

reignofkindo wrote:

TCGPlayer prices for Unhinged lands (all rounded down):

Plains: 4
Mountain: 4
Forest: 4.50
Swamp: 5
Island: 6

Just so you know since the prices are rather annoying to find.

Thanks! They are pretty annoying

TyWooOneTime: sent you a discussion

Still looking for everything but mountains and forests, mainly interested in Plains so I'd love offers smile


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Started a discussion and in the case of those lands listed just shoot me what you're asking and I'll decide if it's reasonable for unhinged and any islands


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hi I'm looking for about 12 full art Islands, Mountains, and Plains and 8 Full art Swamps, I have a Godless Shrine,  SP Demonic Tutor, and a Baleful Strix avaliable for trade, I'm open to any full arts but I prefer Zendikar just cause of price, I'd say .80$ a piece for Zendikar, 3.5$ for Unhinged and 5$ for unglued these can be negotiated, I'm also not too worried about condition but I need to know if they're damaged, thanks! (feel free to make offers on stuff in my inventory although most notable stuff I didn't mention isn't available.)

Also if anyone sees these prices I listed as wrong feel free to let me know even if you don't have any to trade


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Right now I like green better because I find that the Blue White needs specific card combos to work whereas the green white just needs to get some stuff out then smash face, either with a doublestriking unblockable champ of lambholt or with an exalted out creature with a rancor or 4. I've found that the weakest card for this deck seems to be the champion of the parish, I thought it would be really good but it really throws off the flow of the deck because it wants to come out T1 but I want Avacyn's Pilgrim out T1 so champion of lambholt can be T2 then get huge. I'm thinking about Nearheath Pilgrims or Spirit Mantles. My idea is that Spirit Mantle is an awesome exalted card since it makes your creatures unblockable but at the same time it just tells my opponent to remove that creature and get a 2 for one which isn't fun at all. Thoughts?


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So I've pulled 3 Sublime Archangels and traded for another one which has made me want to design a partially exalted deck and I've come up with two, one splashes green and uses Champion of Lambholt + Rancor in order to get the damage through and the other splashes blue to give infect and uses Blighted Agent as the main attacker. Both decks are pretty similar, they both use playsets of Blade Splicer, Silverblade Paladin, and of course Sublime Archangel. As of now I think the GW one is doing better but they're pretty even. I like the blue one since it has the shape anew combo in it and I love that combo, it's actually better in this deck than my shape anew deck since I can animate an Inkmoth Nexus and sac that. I'm hoping for votes and whichever wins will be the one I ask for advice about!

Blue : http://deckbox.org/sets/206732

Green : http://deckbox.org/sets/200373

Also remember these are standard and I need to keep it that way

Terra Eternal or any creature board-wipe spell are the biggest issues I see assuming someone isn't using a deck specifically designed to hose yours since it just makes your combo side of the board no better or worse than anyone else's


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sent an offer, fetch + Snappy


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This combo seems pretty convoluted to me, isn't it easier to use Phyrexian Unlife and Melira, Sylvok Outcast?


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I could very well be wrong but to me it seems that since your life total wouldn't be decreasing Ali from Cairo's ability wouldn't trigger at all since the damage isn't reducing your life below 1, the Lich is keeping it at zero therefore no fun interaction would happen here, however Elderscale Wurm might have an interaction as it enters the battlefield, i'm far from sure tho