Definitley interested in the smiter, however it seems GoST is the only thing i have on your wishlist, care to look and see if there's anything else you might want?

Interested in your trostani, see anything you'd like for it?

What do you value the sealed boxes at?

Interested in the wurm, from your wishlist i have a cavern of souls, goblin chieftain, and genesis wave which values add up to the $25, let me know if this interests you!

Edit: Trade Proposed

Nerubian wrote:
Darktire wrote:

Pre-release goers!  As the title days I'm after some G/W goodies.  They are as follows:
3x Loxodon Smiter
3x Trostani, Selesnya's Voice
2x Armada Wurm
4x Temple Garden
4x Call of the Conclave
Plus whatever else is on my wishlist, but these take priority!

I pulled an Abrupt Decay and Overgrown Tomb that i'm putting up for trade, among others that i got tonight and goodies i already had!  Take a look, start a trade!

I pulled two Loxodon Smiters and an Angel of Serenity if you're interested. I'm interested in the Overgrown Tomb myself smile

Sorry not seeing anything that adds up to overgrown tomb

Trade proposed


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Trade proposed


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm afraid i can't trade the silverblades, they're in my fiancees favorite deck, sorry to be difficult, anything else look interesting?


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in your Trostani, I have an Olivia Voldaren but that seems to be all I have on your wishlist, care to take a look through to see if anything strikes your fancy?

Edit: Upon further thought, I've decided it's a better idea to see what pulls I get from my booster box on the 5th before I go for the rares, however since it's not as likely I'll get the Mythics I will still trade for those now.  I'll leave the text as is, minus removing the need for 1 Trostani since I've confirmed a trade for one, just in case I don't get all/any of the rares I'm after.  That being said, I need your Trostani's and Armada Wurm's!  Hit me up!

Pre-release goers!  As the title days I'm after some G/W goodies.  They are as follows:
3x Loxodon Smiter
2x Trostani, Selesnya's Voice
2x Armada Wurm
4x Temple Garden
4x Call of the Conclave
Plus whatever else is on my wishlist, but these take priority!

I pulled an Abrupt Decay and Overgrown Tomb that i'm putting up for trade, among others that i got tonight and goodies i already had!  Take a look, start a trade!


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Only looking for 1 now, and I'm looking to hold onto the hinterlands, thanks for posting though!


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Scyth555 wrote:

Same as above peeps, if there's stuff you'd be willing to trade from your inventory (not neccessarily big things but I am interested in Foil Emeria, the Sky Ruin) let me know

What do you value it at?


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking to keep a hold of my snapcaster, the foil emeria not being in my tradelist is a mistake, it is for trade, what were the other things you all were looking at? Most likely going to hold onto things not in the tradelist, but feel free to ask, maybe they're mistakenly not on the tradelist lije the emeria was!  Let me know!


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

One and only bump, anyone see anything they want for a resto angel or 2?

jacobleistra wrote:

Bump. Willing to add something to make this more attractive, as needed.

What/how much of a something are we talking here?  I have a snapcaster and a geist, but I'm leaning towards holding onto them.

Not completely sure, they're all just sitting in my pile of commons, but I just rummaged through them the other day looking for a few things and remember seeing some.  I'll look at your list and see if there is anything else we can throw in a trade for.

What are you valuing the midnight duelists at?  I think I have a good number of them.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm looking for 2 Restoration Angels to complete my playset, take a look at my tradelist to see if i have anything you're interested in.

Interested in your entreat the angels and kessig wolf run, take a look at my list to see what we can work out! I have some of the stuff you're looking for

Not particularly interested in trading my snap, sorry

As the title suggests i have 2 bonfires i am wanting to trade towards geists and resto angels.  My ideal trade here would be trading both bonfires(plus some small trade fodder if necessary) for 3 GoST and 3 Resto Angels.  Beyond that if we can make the trade even bigger lets do it!  If you dont have that exact configuration feel free to make an offer anyway and we'll see what we can do.  Also feel free to look at my other trades! Always looking to do mutually beneficial trades even if they're not bonfire level.

I have the foil prerelease version of ajani vengeant.  Any interest in that?

Something that might help you out.  People might get overwhelmed by the wall of text and decide not to read through it, one thing you can do is just copy/paste that list exactly as it is(numbers included) into your wishlist.  There's an option to add cards in bulk.  That way people can just view your profile to see what cards they have that are on your wishlist.  Good luck with your cube!

Looking to trade my 2 FOIL Seachrome Coasts(Valued at $7.99 according to SCG) among other things in my inventory.  Check out my Trade list and Wish list and see if there is anything you're after!

Don't know how possible this is, but I'm looking for some commons that I thought I already had for a mono green infect deck for this Friday.

What I need:

4x Apostle's Blessing
1x Glistener Elf
2x Gut Shot
1x Viridian Corrupter
2x Titanic Growth
2x Mutagenic Growth

Thought I already had these in my mass of commons and uncommons that I have sitting around, and I either don't or can't find them and my LGS is sold out.  If you see this and you have these+anything else on my want list, let me know if you see anything in my inventory.  I would really rather knock all of this out in one single trade, but if that isn't possible I'll make do I suppose.