I believe that some tasks here that Sebi is doing by himself are likely better done with by a small group of people.

If there was a way for a small group to help address trade disputes and help with any small tasks on the forum (moderation, answering questions, writing up decent feature requests and bug reports) that would probably help free up Sebi's time to address other things that are harder to delegate.

It also seems like there should be a way to train a small group of people to add cards to the system, as long as there are some steps laid out, it seems like others could help here.  Maybe it isn't a huge task currently (like 2 to 5 hours every few months), but having others that are trained to do this could dramatically help the site be more complete and completely usable instead of having to make notes about adjustments to make when the cards are finally loaded.  Just being current could help get people using the system or retain people that might end up going to other solutions.

This isn't taking into account the features that could be added to the site, where it may be more difficult to add people.  I think that adding others to help with the more mundane tasks could help give Sebi time for those aspects.

If you just want to track your inventory and create a record of your decks, there is no cost and no limits.  Some of the features that appeal to collectors are associated with a premium account, but you can certainly get by without it.  Sebi (the owner and admin) has said that if you want to support Deckbox, the best ways are either to get a premium account or buy cards from the marketplace, but neither of these are required.


(13 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I just remembered that there is a group here for set collectors:


If you join, then it is very easy to look for trades with this group as you can always browse the members list or post in the forum (not that it is very active right now).


(13 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'm definitely in this situation as well.  I'm not working on playsets, and just trying to get all of the complete sets.  I'm probably never going to complete A/B/UL, but the others seem within reach.  I have lots of extra commons, but it is hard to find the time to list them all here.

I don't know if it is premium only or not, but the way to add to your inventory and a deck at the same time is go be in the deck list, click 'Add Cards' at the top, and select the 'Add to Deck & Inventory' option.

It sounds like you have a good approach planned.

If you are going to go with the premium account for now, you can also note specific cards that are in a given deck.  I like to keep track of what cards are in each deck, as it helps figure out where specific cards are and where I still need to upgrade cards to foil.

The ability to easily add cards to specific sets with the + and - buttons is wonderful.  Just make sure that you set your default values properly before you do.  You'll probably want to set NM as the default condition and specify that your cards are in English.

For proxies, I would suggest marking them as textless cards.  There is no legitimate reason to use that property any longer, so it makes it very clear that something unusual is going on, and you'll also have an easy way to filter your collection as well.  You can just filter your inventory for textless cards and see them all really easily.  If you want to get a rough idea of your collection value you can filter your inventory to not show textless cards, and then select 'View' -> 'Total Set Value' to get the value.  Just note that Deckbox values aren't great.  But, as you said, you'll have your inventory available as a CSV, so you can get a more accurate estimate of card value elsewhere.

It looks like it is behaving fine.  If you hover over the Kaldheim axe on the page for #280 or #281, I bet that it will show the same card number as appears in your inventory.  Similarly, if you go to the Ice Age page, it will still show your Kaldheim versions in your inventory section.

Looking at a card by name will display all versions that you own that match that name.  If you go to the page for Snow-Covered Swamp, you'll see everything, no matter if it matches that version exactly or not.  You can look at the details for your inventory by hovering over the set icon to which number it is.  The different images that are shown for the page are selected by choosing the printing from the drop-down menu, but that only changes the image, not what you have in your inventory.

I don't see this happen.  I added one each of #280 and #281 and I only have one of each in my inventory.

How are you adding the cards?  Just by going to the Snow-Covered Swamp page and adding them there, or from the Editions page for Kaldheim, or some other way?


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

As far as I know you can get messages in two main ways -- as a message under the "Trade & Market" section (in Messages, Trading or My Orders), or as a direct message to your e-mail.  I believe that the direct messages are sent by looking at a person's profile and selecting "Send forum e-mail" and that those only exist as e-mails and not any place in the DeckBox interface.

It's not the best solution, but if you add this deck list to your account:


then you can easily check a specific card by clicking on the card and then seeing it listed under "In your decks".


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I agree completely.  If anything is implemented for sealed product, it would great at a minimum to be able to list sealed boosters and booster boxes.  Adding sealed Commander decks and the like would be wonderful as well.  A lot of people place sealed products in their profiles so that they have some way to show what they have and are interested in.  It is an ugly solution, but the best one at the present time.  It would be wonderful to have a way to easily search for sealed products and to have an easy way to present what you have available for other people to browse.


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yes, it is working now.  Thanks!


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The link that is being sent in the e-mails now is missing 'https://' or 'http://' at the start.  Now the link is just something like:


If I copy/paste the link then Firefox is smart enough to go to the right place, but clicking the links doesn't trigger the same logic.

Having this as a feature would make me much more likely to sell cards here.

My local card shop does a version of this where they have stopped pricing their cards directly and they just look up TCG pricing for each card as you check out.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

On your inventory page it says:

comport9's Inventory (5479 cards, 2636 distinct)

Which number is incorrect?  What were you expecting?


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Can you post the names of some of the cards where you have a copy that differs from what is shown on Deckbox?  It would help to have more people check to figure out what is going on.  Deckbox usually has all of the variations of a card that exists, but they might not be listed as being from that particular set.  For example, it could be that some of the cards that you have that differ are from the Ugin's Fate promo set ( https://deckbox.org/editions/324-ugin-s-fate-promos ).

For the pre-release cards, they are tagged with the own expansion symbols as they differ from the regular set cards.  To set the proper card details, click on the edit button to change your inventory for that card.  Next, click on the box with the expansion symbol.  From there, choose "Prerelease events: Hour of Devastation" and then click on the box with the flag symbol and mark it as a foil.  Then 'save & close".


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

MTG Trades has no integration with Deckbox.  It just keeps updated prices based on TCG Player.  You can either browse by set, search, or build trades for it to track and evaluate.  You can choose your TCG Player pricing option, whether it is TCG low, TCG low/mid average (my favorite), TCG median or TCG market.  For each card it has a picture, the current Oracle text, and links to any other versions of the card that exist.

22 creatures does seem pretty low.  I have a UG +1/+1 counters deck (Prime Speaker Zegana) that is running 37 creatures, and I used to have a GBW +1/+1 counters deck with Anafenze, the Foremost that had 33 creatures, but it seemed underpowered, so I retired it.  The +1/+1 counters themselves aren't often a great payoff and they need some help to really make life difficult for you opponents.  My UG deck has a number of creatures that give trample to everything with a +1/+1 counter on it, and that has helped make things much better.  Also having the card draw of Zegana to refill my hand once I have a bunch of creatures out is really helpful.

I would focus more on the +1/+1 counter and loyalty counter aspects that work with proliferate and cut out the token creature sub-theme.  I like to go all-in on a theme and push it as far as I can (while keeping it fun).  So I guess I would go with version #1.  I would build a separate deck with the Rhys, Wurmcoil Engine, Rite of Replication, and Progenitor Mimic portion and add populate.  I like the find with Heliod's Punishment that you can keep adding task counters to it.  I would also find a way to add Pir, Imaginative Rascal.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Maybe it's a browser issue?  It just worked for me.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Deckbox used to use TCG Player pricing, but once Deckbox started their own market for selling cards they were told by TCG Player that Deckbox had to stop using TCG pricing.  I have a feeling that any other commercial outfit would react the same. It is annoying, but at least there are great apps out like there like MTG Trades.

I just keep it simple and have a separate box for Standard cards, and those are uncatalogued.  Everything else that goes in or out gets updated in Deckbox, and anything that moves from my Standard box also gets inventoried.

The advanced search at scryfall.com is always the way to go when doing searches.  The options there are just amazing.

Deckbox used to have TCG pricing back a number of years.  Once Deckbox started offering a way to sell cards, TCG Player said that Deckbox had to stop using TCG pricing.  I don't think that is going to change.  Using an app like MTG Trades for pricing cards is a pain, but it's what I have to do anyways when I'm at my local store, and it gives an easier to use list of past trades than clicking through Deckbox's log.

#5 has been a frequent request and it would be very popular.