(0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

Place an order with yours truly anytime between now and Boxing Day (until the clocks strikes 12 midnight, wherever you are) and receive 25% off the listed card pricing on your order. To cash in on this discount mention this post or simply type the promo code "FRUITCAKE" in the order discussion BEFORE paying via PayPal so I can apply the discount for you.


"fixed sorting by edition"

Thank you! Very helpful.


(2 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

Woke up a couple of weeks ago, opened my closet and a 3200 count box of cards slipped off my top shelf .. then it hit me! I might want to sell these to people that actually will play with these fine cardboards more than I. So I went and started listing everything for sale. Mythics to Commons to Tokens. Well seems that fateful day was the day before the new pioneer format was announced. Great timing on my part. Since it's stabilized, at least a little bit, I figured it was time to post this announcement to my Canadian brethren. I'm about 30 sales in now but there is plenty of staples for every format and more than a few harder to find rectangles available now.

Anyone reading this that wants to place an order can get 5% OFF (the opposite of the GST) of their order by mentioning this post and/or or typing in the promocode "PROMOCODE" in an open order discussion BEFORE paying on PayPal so I can apply the discount for you.

Sure I'll still trade for the odd thing too. Quick Links listed in my siggy below. Shipping prices listed up front on my profile if you wanted to get out the calculator first.

At the time of this post:
Total of 35918 cards
1106 cards valued at $5 or more.
4079 cards valued at more than a buck.

So probably best to use the handy sort, search and filter functions built into Deckbox, if you're looking for something in particular.

Update 2019-11-19: Just added in 3,000+ Tokens

I appreciate the attention to detail. Finally removed the deprecated promo flag from my ELD Promo pack cards and have them listed proper, thanks!

ArtosKincaid wrote:

Split cards are now showing as two separate cards in deck lists for some reason.  I tried deleting it (Expansion//Explosion) and readding, still happened.


Same here.. when I go to add the card it adds 2 entries and when you try to adjust the count in the deck from 1 on either field next to the card it propagates the following text in the input field

<input type="text" autocomplete="off" style="width: 14px;">

M14 cards are not included as pioneer legal on deckbox.. yet.

Here's the official announcement for set legality confirmation.
https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/a … 2019-10-21

Ask and ye shall receive. Looks like we have our Pioneer format filter.

eternallostboy0425 wrote:

The Basic Lands still show up under 0 mana cost in the curve for my decks.  Ive had to change them to Snow-Covered Basics to get rid of the problem for now.


Thanks for staying on top of it Sebi.

RE: "Fixed ELD lands counting as "0 cmc" in deck mana curve graphs".. noticed that yesterday, glad it got fixed up as that was a puzzler. hmm

The latest WPN promo pack cards from recent standard sets (the ones with the foil planeswalker stamp) hasn't been added - there has been a second wave. I've had to use the deprecated promo tag for quite some time now.

https://www.cardkingdom.com/mtg/promo-p … promo-pack

Update Edit:
Here's the best listing I can find to add the cards to the database -> TCG . Promo Pack: Throne of Eldraine is the follow-up to the Promo Pack: Core Set 2020 which you have listed here.

The Deckbox Card Condition Guide

If you like something more visual SCG has a good reference here

Export broke upon addition of C19 Basics as the Arena Export plunks in the latest basic land into the text output.

e.g. 6 Mountain (C19) 299


(7 replies, posted in Announcements)

Your timing is impeccable. Many thank yous.


(3 replies, posted in Announcements)

Sweetness! Many thank yous.


(1 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Go to your My Seller Account section linked from the left navigation set some prices in your Tradelist and set shipping costs to each country you are shipping to.


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

ShlinkLincoln wrote:

Well done.  Thanks Sebi!

When you get a chance, can you add the double sided FNM Ixalan tokens (i.e. Vampire/Treasure).

Ditto on the thank you Sebi.

For the foil tokens you'll find the Vampire // Treasure here and all the FNM Extras you seek are listed here, including all the rest of the FNM foil tokens.

Just released this Open House Weekend. The new promo packs have been released with a new foil planeswalker symbol stamp denoting that they are indeed from the Core Set 2020 Promo Pack.

List available on TCG player, not sure if it is the complete curated list but it has 194 cards under the category.


(1 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Not normal.. assuming you don't see anything on the My Orders Section as you have noted.

Probably best to open a support ticket.


(1 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

New wave of WAR cardboards is in.

Tried importing this Arena Export from this deck using the new toy - the attached error message was the result.

1 Absorb (RNA) 151
4 Chart a Course (XLN) 48
3 Clifftop Retreat (DOM) 239
4 Crackling Drake (GRN) 163
3 Deafening Clarion (GRN) 165
3 Dive Down (XLN) 53
4 Enigma Drake (M19) 216
2 Glacial Fortress (XLN) 255
3 Hallowed Fountain (RNA) 251
1 Ionize (GRN) 179
2 Island (WAR) 253
3 Justice Strike (GRN) 182
2 Mountain (WAR) 261
1 Niv-Mizzet, Parun (GRN) 192
1 Niv-Mizzet, Parun (GRN) 192
4 Opt (DOM) 60
1 Ral, Izzet Viceroy (GRN) 195
2 Revitalize (M19) 35
2 Sacred Foundry (GRN) 254
1 Search for Azcanta (XLN) 74
3 Shivan Fire (DOM) 142
4 Steam Vents (GRN) 257
4 Sulfur Falls (DOM) 247
1 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria (DOM) 207
1 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria (DOM) 207

1 Entrancing Melody (XLN) 55
1 Ixalan's Binding (XLN) 17
1 Ixalan's Binding (XLN) 17
1 Lava Coil (GRN) 108
2 Legion Warboss (GRN) 109
4 Negate (BBD) 123
1 Niv-Mizzet, Parun (GRN) 192
1 Shield Mare (M19) 37
2 Treasure Map (XLN) 250
1 Treasure Map (XLN) 250

Tried again with a different deck and there is an issue in loading the right set into the export. No matter what I tried I was always getting 4 Negate (BBD) 123 and 4 Crushing Canopy (uma) 161 on export. These cards are not compatible with MTG Arena.

Update: Works wonderfully now.

Super fantastic choclatey awesome feature!


(2 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Build a reputation by making several trades first is the usual route. Almost all users will ask you to send your end of the trade first for the first 10 trades or so with sero negative feedback to cut down the inherent risk in trading with 0 reputation members of DeckBox. In tandem with that I personally trust someone more (+) or less (-) if they fulfill some of the following conditions.

+ Previously Did Business with someone I trust with a +1 feedback
- P.O. BOX Mailing Address
+ Provides a phone number, or an alternative contact on an account with a good reputation on EBay another seller site or even a Facebook account


(1 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

The WAR has begun!

Everything I pulled is up and listed on the DeckBox. Buy and Trade the new set with yours truly. Let's wheel some cards! Pricing is pretty much the current TCG low to Canada -10%. at the time of this post.

Click here for my Tradelist and Cards for Sale Filtered for WAR

Click Here for Cards I would like to Trade for out of the new set. Hit the old Clear All button once there to see the whole non-exlusive swath of my wishlist.

Thank you very much I'll be using this a lot!

wonderdog79 wrote:

I havent tested it out yet but i do know that there is an option to share cards between decks. perhaps you need to check that box?

Indeed that box has been checked. See attached screenie.