(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

billbollow wrote:

Still looking for 1 Sorin and 1 Thundermaw!

Also looking for 2 Drogskol Reavers, 2 Rhox Faithmenders, and 2 Silklash Spiders!

I'm going to be in MKE soon and I've got some extras of the cheap stuff you need if you want to work something out locally


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Still interested


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I value them at very little, I'd love to get any snow-covered basics you have for trade and just throw in the tokens if you see anything you need from me.


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just saw this, I have a bunch of New Phyrexia Golems I could send, none of the 9/9s, I'd rather swap Tokens for tokens tho,  send me a trade if you're interested

I have a clique and I'm interested in that cobra, I don't see much else on your list tho... Not interested in getting anything in standard for it or trading down without some MAJOR value on my side

Very interested, I have RTR temple and SP Original Temple, please shoot me an offer if you see anything

Suspend is an interesting idea, as is the card, the issue is that you'd have to say

"{B} Draw 2 cards then exile [Card] with 5 time counters on it. If [Card] is cast from anywhere but your hand you lose the game."

Because suspend just casts the card. I also don't think this would see very much play, it would have to be like {B}{B} with draw 4-5 cards and 2 time counters otherwise it doesn't have a spot, 2 cards isn't worth 15 life in the short term but late game 2 cards and gain life for B is too good and giving someone 5 turns to win is often enough in combo decks which would possibly use the card for easy card draw. It's a cool idea but I don't know if I think it could be printed in the foreseeable future.

GoldSoundz wrote:

PS- How do I get the easy to navigate tradelist/wishlist links? Is the formatting the same as in the trade thread?

You just put it in your signature, in your case you can add it to the sakura-tribe elder request

Pharva wrote:

Why are you interested in 12 Thalia?

I believe the 12 Thalia are for trade

Im very interested, I could do x1 huntmaster, a non foil cavern and a craig for it? Or for that matter you could keep the huntmaster from our current trade tongue

I have a promo wurmcoil engine and im interested in nicol bolases shoot me a trade if interested

HikingStick wrote:

So, would it be better for the deck color to be based on the color of mana sources in the deck, rather than on the cards that are cast? In that case, however, we end up with the same scenario if someone is using a dual land for the wow factor, but has no intention of tapping for the second land color.

It can also be an issue with lands that tap for all 5 colors, what if you've got the obscure deck that uses all 5 color lands (City of Brass, Cavern of Souls, Reflecting Pool, Gemstone Mine, Lotus Vale, ECT) and you're only running 4 colors, I think that if a change is made that it should be just that you can manually list the color, format, and varient, some people don't like to list their commander as part of the decklist because it's not in the deck but that doesn't make it a 99 card vintage deck.

HikingStick wrote:

In the overall scheme of things, how important is that designation? If you know the deck is only two colors, is it really a big deal?

IMO it's only an issue if you want other people to be able to look at your deck list when they're working on decks, for example I was looking at Dredge lists and I struggled to find lists that actually applied to mine because anything with a reanimation target was automatically extra colors and I couldn't tell which had the same base colors as mine.

That's very relative because in a format like EDH it does affect the colors, using your example if you're using a Green White commander you can't use Judge's Familiar, also the same argument could be made for reanimator decks that can't physically cast some of their bombs so that card's color shouldn't be part of the deck's colors yet it is anyway.

I've got deathrite, foil and not foil, interested in verdant

HikingStick wrote:

Another scary duo in green I've seen lately is Wild Beastmaster alongside Champion of Lambholt.  The buffs are there, and the Champion's ability to limit blockers is often a game ender (they can't block anything weaker than than the Champion, and the Beastmaster gives the Champion additional buffs when they attack together). Throw a Giant Growth (or similar buff) on the beastmaster, and suddenly everything is swinging for +4.  Add in your flail, and we are looking at "swing with lots" and "none of those creatures can block" for the win.

This sounds good but If you go this route I'd recommend putting in x4 negate and x4
Ranger's Guile because the beastmaster is really susceptible to removal, if you want to go with this route there are some pretty sweet humans for a deck like this, including Mayor of Avabruck and Hamlet Captain which are great constant beefing effects for the Beastmaster.


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Well if you don't like long games you probably shouldn't play EDH, especially not in a group...

Your best bet to make games short would be to make a red deck, Goblins if you want a chance to win or anything else if you're ok with losing pretty much every time since red is quite bad in EDH.

So I see two different routes, first being moving more towards pump spells, putting in good and bad alike and just go for a huge stalker, while distracting your opponent by including the ever scary Delver of Secrets, by including these your true motives can be disguised until you're about to swing for the game.

The other route would be similar to a deck i've designed which is based off of enchantments, primarily Etheral Armor which can make the guy huge really quickly, also if you're using the beast tracker you should include some other targets for it, one nevermore or slaughter games just wrecks you, therefore I've included x1 sigarda but the budget option would be Primal Huntbeast just so you have a hexproof fatty.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a similar deck almost built but I could part with some of it to turn my normal resto angels into promos if youre interested


(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a promo Wurmcoil and a Solemn Simulacrum, shoot me a discussion if interested


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have an English Mizzet from the original set and x2 evoke in my Pack to Power, let me know if you want to work something out

TyWooOneTime wrote:
HikingStick wrote:

I believe they are changing the format name, soon.  Going forward, it will be called "$tandard"

I definitely would believe that... sadly 70% of that is in lands too.  People don't understand why I'm so into digging around for off-the-wall deck ideas.  They might not work, but I'm not out a fortune to play someone else's net-deck.  Sadly I'm pretty much alone in that regard.

Not quite alone, at my last FNM I wont one game out of 9 playing an epic experiment deck worth about 15$ and 12 of that were the epic experiments tongue

The crazy decks are the most fun to play because if you win its always just insanely fun blowing out your opponent

While I understand the use of red for burn, I hate the idea, especially Annihilating Fire, as far as I'm concerned that card should never be in the main deck over searing spear, and even moreso in a deck splashing red, I can't picture this deck getting double red before turn 4-5 before gatecrash, once the red naya shocks are in it could work out, but for now it just seems awful to me.

I also agree that this is Mid-Range and that if you like having Collective Blessing you should try x4 Avacyn's Pilgrim and x4 Arbor Elf, the mana dorks can get lethal very quickly.

It looks to me like you're trying to put answers for everything into the deck, trying to include burn/exile for zombies/undying/rites, trying to have tokens for chumping, trying to include wrath protection, putting in huge threats, and other stuff, however it sounds alot better than it works out, I've tried decks like this and without a major card draw engine you tend to get answers for problems you're not having, for example you'll draw Pillar against a thragtusk and a midnight haunting against a rancor, I'd say that you should really try to focus the deck to one main strategy, if you want to go with the Naya Colors I'd recommend going with Naya Mid-Range Ramp, cut the blessings, go to either x4 farseek or add x4 borderland ranger, put in x4 avacyn's pilgrim and no matter what cut the burn and add Huntmasters

It's worth noting that Naya is a pretty expensive deck right now, but to be honest alot of decks for standard are getting unreasonably expensive


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Zooligan wrote:

Ok.  Got Garruks handled.  Trade list updated.

Anyone have 2 sun petal groves?

I do!

Interested in Trostani and Abrupt decay, see anything to to even it out?

I've got a Hallowed Fountain, see anything else I've got to work up to a Huntmaster?


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Honestly, most of the time I love regular board wipes, terminus is a kick in the crotch but I love supreme verdict, if I can stall with life-gain long enough my kessig malcontents are an instant win when I get an angel, just the 4 malcontents is 16 damage to my opponent's face, the beauty of the card is that they all enter at the exact same time therefore there are 4 humans when they enter (Judge's Ruling) If I get to the point that I can Hard-Cast an Angel of Glory's Rise I've probably got lethal damage in my graveyard and I'll put a cavern down naming Angel and then win, control is actually a pretty good match up for me. I'm also less worried about counters since in the instance of counter magic I'll just side out the rites and bring in Cagebreakers and the like. My biggest worry is Rest in Peace, oftentimes by the time I can kill it it will have already wrecked my game completely, as such I might try to make it into a transformational deck, first game I'm playing reanimator, seccond game I'm playing Naya mid range, bringing in Thragtusk, restoration angel, sigarda stuff like that and given that I'm only running 12 spells that are exclusively for milling (I'm not counting faithless looting) I could sideboard out that entire mechanic including my angels.

I also havn't seen slaughter games/nevermore, and I didn't see surgical extraction while it was in standard either, these seem like they're absolutely lethal against any combo decks, maybe the Idea is that they're too costly? I feel like Slaughter Games  especially is absolutely amazing, I'm trying to work out how to configure my board since I feel like I absolutely need x4 in mine against anyone with rest in peace or foolish combo decks or even just against miracle decks, no entreats for you smile (On a side note I'm thinking about making a Grixis Control deck based on Slaughter Games and the like since it can be so crippling.

One of my biggest fears is just exile in general, I'm really weak to getting my creatures pillar of flame'd since they have <2 toughness aside from my angel or a Champion of the Parish that's been brought back or sat around for a few turns.

I've noticed that in most self mill decks Gnaw to the Bone is one of the if not THE best card that I've got, it just gives you the time that you need, I usually net 12-20 life from it between the flashback and normal casting, it just fills in a spot you usually don't have covered, the 3 drop, Ideally you could have T1 Cathedral Sanctifier T2 Mulch/Salvage T3 Gnaw to the Bone for like 6 extra life so the total of 9 life gain is usually enough to let you get your cards in order especially since you're happy to block with your humans