
(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

bactgudz wrote:

I think it is because the edition is unmarked for urborg...it displays the m15 price but uses the planar chaos price in a trade

Correct, this was a bug we introduced when importing M15. Fixed now, thank you for reporting elpablo!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi. Sadly we do not support such an option right now. It would be cool to have though, pherhaps also for users whta wish to use proxies, so we will consider adding this soon.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Sadly not yet, but I can see why this would be needed. We'll think of a way to do this nicely.

This is indeed an feature we'd like to have. Currently thinking of implementing it not within the inventory view, but on a specific edition's page (such as http://deckbox.org/editions/179-magic-2 … ack-promos ).


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, definitely something we want to do.

I'm currently thinking of implementing it it some way on the edition page. (Like here http://deckbox.org/editions/179-magic-2 … ack-promos ).


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Will do.

1844028253 wrote:

Has this problem been addressed yet 2 months later?  I still can't seem to be able to add variants to cards within the same set like the 4 different Urza's Mines, Urza's Power Plants, and Urza's Towers in Antiquities.  If I use Ctrl-I to find and pick the particular version, like Urza's Mine (Antiquities #75) and add some of those then do it again to add Urza's Mine (Antiquities #76) it just adds them all as one card.

Not yet, complications arose. Still want to do it.

- Added prices for SDCC13 black-on-black planeswalkers.
- Added M15 Clash Pack Promos http://deckbox.org/editions/179-magic-2 … ack-promos

Does anyone know of a good quality picture for the promo Angelic Skirmisher?


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

jonev11 wrote:

I can't login and i'm almost 100% sure i know my password

We definitely did not reset passwords. Are you using your login name or email address to log in?


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Both requests are high on the todo list smile

We used to have a 'upcoming features' post but it's a bit hard to maintain it up to date, and confusing when it is not maintained. We do change plans from time to time regarding priority of next features. I will look into solidifying this process a bit.

In broad strokes, we now have planned for this year: better inventory tooling (tags or separate inventories), improvements to the selling and trading systems, cleanup of the user profile page (the "dashboard"), and an API to help developement of mobile apps.


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

AsymptomaticPyrexia wrote:

Cancelling orders due to spikes is by no means encouraged by the site. When cases like this occur, the buyer gets a full refund and is allowed to leave negative feedback to warn other buyers of suspect behaviors. Is that not enough?

Correct, this was our thinking... that the negative feedback will quickly single out sellers who do these things, and buyers will avoid them, much like ebay and various other marketplaces...


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, posted too soon, server was not restarted yet big_smile. Works now though.

@ copying, yes, Tools -> Copy (Top right menu).


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thanks for reporting, fixed now. Some decks will still not show correct legality yet, that info is refreshing currently. If you add cards to decks though, things behave normally again.


(6 replies, posted in Announcements)

Added FNM printing for both Magma Spray and the august FNM promo, Bile Blight. Thanks for the reminder!


(6 replies, posted in Announcements)

Added the prerelease promo printings:


Siege Dragon
Resolute Archangel
Mercurial Pretender
Indulgent Tormentor

launch party promo In Garruk's Wake

http://deckbox.org/editions/147-magic-t … ch-parties

and Game Day Promos Reclamation Sage and Chief Engineer



(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, good idea, I've put it on the list.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, interesting idea. We need to expand on the statistics page a little bit, to make this possible, and come up with some definition of "tradability". But definitely sounds interesting, will think about it!


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

KazeCole wrote:
bactgudz wrote:
KazeCole wrote:

Magic the gathering cards with off prices.
- Foil Wargate is $5.00 not $500.
- Foil Kiki-Jiki the mirror breaker is $90 not $50.

You're correct on wargate, but $50 is way closer to the value for foil kiki (champions) than $90 given ebay, tcgplayer, and other sources

Not for a near mint one.  Please link me a near mint Kiki-Jiki going for $50.  I would buy that in a heart beat.

There is one for sale right now here on deckbox for 58$ smile

http://deckbox.org/mtg/Kiki-Jiki,%20Mir … ab=sellers

Fixed Wargate.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

terrafrost wrote:

A non-foil Typhoid Rats from the 2015 Core Set is $0.14. A foil on, according to deckbox's pricing, is $4.51. This seems unrealistically high given that starcitygames.com is selling the foils for $0.99 and tcgplayer.com / ChannelFireball is selling them for $0.49.

Fixed, thank you.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sounds good. Will do.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sorry for the issues, they were caused by a glitch in the M15 import. Should be fine now.


(6 replies, posted in Announcements)

As of today, Magic 2015 is available on deckbox: http://deckbox.org/editions/178-magic-2015-core-set

The prerelease is saturday, they will become standard legal starting next weekend at the Release event.

Happy deckbuilding!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Not yet, but we have some plans for that. smile

- the following editions are now marked as banned in Legacy and Vintage:  Celebration Cards, Happy Holidays, Unhinged Alternate Foils

Yep, wrote it down, will check it out. Thanks for reporting.