Cards with no price:
judge foil Mana Crypt
duel deck foil Garruk Wildspeaker
Burning of Xinye
Our Market Research Shows That Players Like Really Long Card Names So We Made this Card to Have the Absolute Longest Card Name Ever Elemental
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by psrex
Cards with no price:
judge foil Mana Crypt
duel deck foil Garruk Wildspeaker
Burning of Xinye
Our Market Research Shows That Players Like Really Long Card Names So We Made this Card to Have the Absolute Longest Card Name Ever Elemental
It looks like the pricing is moving in a great direction.
I know it's only a mock-up, but if you go live, can you please not mix red and green on the same chart? It's hard for those of us with red/green colorblindness.
How do you get to the whitelist/blacklist section? The add-on itself looks great.
I finally figured it out. I spent 15 minutes looking, and then figured out within 2 minutes of posting. There's a new bar at the very bottom of Firefox that had an 'M' that I could click on to bring up the preferences.
How do you get to the whitelist/blacklist section? The add-on itself looks great.
You can, of course, also go to
When viewing a decklist, by default it will display the edition/rarity column. If I modify my wishlist by clicking on the yellow box to add a card, then the edition/rarity column disappears from the display. I can get the column back by reselecting the deck from my list of decks in the far left column.
Single quotes in trade names are being escaped as if they were HTML. I'm guessing that other characters have this problem as well.
Thanks for reporting, I messed it up a little with the whole address handling changes. Should be displaying fine now.
Things look good again. Thanks for the quick fix.
When displyaing an active trade, the boxes that display the mailing addresses are not showing up. This is leading to the address running together all on one line.
I think I am just going to start doing tracking on all my trades, but to you people with 100 or 200+ trades who don't do tracking on all of them, how do you deal with this?
If your side never arrives then you find a way to make it up and send out again. You can run the calculation as to whether it is worth paying for DC on everything or if you'd rather use that money to replace cards when your side doesn't show up. Personally, I make that calculation based on the value of the trade in question.
Also, just because your side doesn't show up doesn't mean that the other person is dishonest. Mistakes happen and mail gets lost, damaged or mis-delivered, and sometimes you have to make up for it, even if it isn't your fault. Even if you pay for tracking you can still have your side not arrive or have the DC code not scanned as the item gets delivered. The only way to stay safe is to get insurance on everything in addition to DC, and that adds up even more than just DC.
How often are price updates done? Is it once a day or more frequently than that?
There is a Facebook group for Upper Valley Magic:
Other good local Facebook groups to look at are:
Upper Valley Gaming --
802 MTG (Vermont Magic) --
I'd look at adding a few more land to the deck as well as Springleaf Drum. The Springleaf Drum is handy for speeding you up a bit, as well as for tapping your Felhide Spiritbinders, Kragma Butchers or Deathbellow Raiders (if you don't want it to attack with them).
I'll also second the suggestion for Dreadbore. Fall of the Hammer can also be handy for removal.
I'd like to trade a Brimaz, King of Ereskos, preferrable in a deal involving either Tezerret, Agent of Bolas or Nykthos. I'm also looking for other Born of the Gods cards.
The Born of the Gods cards don't seem to be showing up on the "Interesting Cards" list. I added some cards to my wishlist a day ago, but they're still not showing up.
This would be a huge improvement.
As far as card grading, please pick one grading scale and stick with it. Don't mix conditions from different grading scales. It should be one of:
M > NM > EX > VG > G > P
M > NM > EX > VF > F > P
M > NM > SP > LP > HP
For now, to work around the problem of mixed grading scale and not knowing what to use, I try to enter all of my cards with no grading. This means that if condition is important that it will be brought up in the trade.
There are a few metalcraft cards in the Modern Robots deck (OK, only three):
If you want to get into Legacy you should at least start with a deck so that you can play against the various types of decks and get a feel for the format. Once you know the competition a bit more, it can help you pick a deck that you like. If you want help picking an established Legacy deck to play, then this chart is surprisingly useful: hart-guide
The Source has all sorts of great topics to help you learn the intricacies of the different decks.
If you're just interested in playing Legacy locally, then start with a deck idea that you like and slowly improve the deck as you can. I started playing Legacy with a non-traditional Goblin/Burn deck (ala Red Decks Wins):
Once I got the deck to a point that I was happy with it, I started building other decks so that I would have some options as to what to play.
I think that the cheapest tier 1 deck in Legacy right now is probably Death and Taxes, though there are a number of tier 2 and tier 3 options that are considerably cheaper.
The destroy effect from Lethal Vapors will still target Stuffy Doll, but the destroy effect won't actually do anything.
Hey that's cool with me, I have no need for the attorney.
I'll send a message to the guy who collects them and let him know.
The alpha Demonic Attorney is worth a lot because someone is hoarding them. There are a few people that have picked a card and then try to get a significant percentage of the print run from alpha for that card. If it weren't for that it would probably be worth $10 to $15.
The Mana Crypt is worth a lot because of Commander.
In an article about Theros, Mark Rosewater wrote:
I laid out my plan. We would have fifteen gods. Five monocolored gods that would be the major gods and ten two-colored gods that would serve as the minor gods. The colors would help give each god an identity that would tie the pantheon of gods to Magic. The design team loved the idea so I took it to the creative team. Brady gave me the thumbs up and we were good to go.
For those now wondering, the five major gods are in Theros. The ten minor gods will show up in Born of the Gods and Journey Into Nyx. The creative team did a great job of figuring out the different facets of the Greek gods and mixing and matching them to create Theros's gods, which had both a feel of Greek mythology and Magic's color wheel. Remember that the gods are not straight-up duplicates of the Greek gods but rather different components stitched together as dictated by the color philosophies. Also, not every choice made was the most obvious one, as the creative team came up with some pretty cool new ideas for gods.
I think it is 99.9% locked in that the 10 upcoming gods will be multi-colored.
I'm not convinced that playing red is worth the problems that you're getting with your mana base. There are so many tapped lands that you're really vulnerable to aggro decks. Paying two life to play an untapped land against aggro is maybe even worse. I see that you have Anger of the Gods in the sideboard, but I wonder if you'd be better off as straight Golgari.
It's very complicated trying to get this to work as a three color deck. Unless the mana can be reworked to get more basics in the mix, I would abandon this as a three-color deck unless you're just splashing a few late game cards off of your Sylvan Caryatids and at most 4 CIPT lands -- for example turn the Blood Crypts into Swamps, the Stomping Grounds into Forests, and leave the Temple of Abandons. That means that you couldn't really play Anger of the Gods, however, and then you'd be better off turning Dreadbore into Hero's Downfall, dropping your large Rakdos creatures for other options, increasing Pulokranos and Reaper of the Wilds and turn Xenagos into Whip of Erebos.
If you want to stay Jund, then I think that you have a few too many high cost creatures and that your potential card draw in Blood Scrivener is not going to be as effective as Read the Bones. With so many expensive creatures, it seems like you'll be stuck with some creatures in your hand that either you can't cast because you don't yet have the mana, or because you don't want to overcommit to the board. If you don't end up with an empty hand then Blood Scrivener could be something much better for two mana.
For minor changes, I would go to four Sylvan Caryatid and cut a Voyaging Satyr. The Caryatid is better at blocking small aggro creatures and the hexproof is great against a small red deck that would like to remove blockers or make specific creatures not able to block. If you were playing Nykthos then Voyaging Satyr certainly has a better role.
I need to stop thinking about this and get back to work, but I'll post more over the weekend.
I'm trying to come up with a similar deck, but I haven't figured out which direction to go in. At this point I'm thinking of building around Deadbridge Chant, Gaze of Granite, Whip of Erebos, Vraska the Unseen and Reaper of the Wilds. Alternatively, there may be something interesting in building around Ember Swallower.
So long as hes not paying the life. He can still lose life that takes him below 0 is my understanding?
So like as long as he doesnt lose for being at 0 and he gets attacked for 5 with no blockers that would take him down to -5.
Absolutely, that is true. You just can't use Bond of Agony to go negative.
Deckbox Forum » Posts by psrex