If you're already selling on e-bay, it is basically the same but without having listing fees. smile

bactgudz wrote:

Because, you would have to pay taxes on your profits each year either way, but if you had a year where you had a loss, you couldn't deduct it.  Additionally, you can deduct expenses that contribute to your ability to sell for a business, but not a hobby.  So if you bought a booster box for $100, traveled to a GP paying $20 for travel to sell the contents for $150, you would pay tax on $50 profit if hobby, $30 if business.

I believe you can also claim the milage and depreciation on your car (if you're a business).

AmarusCameron wrote:

This gets somewhat complicated quickly.
I see all the points and I understand everything everyone is saying, I'm just not certain where my legal duty starts and ends. And whether or not I'm willing to take the additional burden so I can probably sell a hundred dollars worth of magic cards a year (maybe more I dunno)

This sounds like it falls under a hobby rather than a business, but I am just guessing.  I'm not a tax advisor or anything like that, so everything I'm referencing are just from the online resources, and experience of trying to run a business for a few years. smile

You are still supposed to report when you buy and sell stuff online.  It's actually a benefit to you if you can claim it as a business, but it's also a lot more work if you want to claim the deduction to say your electric bill due to part of your home serving as part of your business. 

See if you own a business, portions of your overhead/expenses are deductible, and if you're operating at a loss for any period you can actually reduce what you owe significantly.   However on the other hand if you're just buying and selling things on the internet, then the government wants part of your dollar every time it changes hands.  I know in my state if you buy more than a certain $ amount (I think it's $100) online from an out of state vendor and don't pay sales tax, there's a place on your tax forms where you're supposed to put that.  PayPal helps in keeping track of this part of it if you export your history as CSV files and then you can look at what you're making and spending in Excel and filter that to get good data. But this part is no different from buying and selling things on e-bay.

However when you're trying to claim a portion of your house as part of your business (such as having a jewelry studio in your basement) things get complicated, you can claim a certain percentage of your utilities for example based on what square footage of your home is set aside for that purpose.  Some instances you can claim the wear/tear on your vehicle ect. I'm not sure how this would relate to MTG, but I'm sure it could get pretty complicated.  Also to be a business though you need to get a local business license and comply with local laws as well.

Things get complicated when you have a business in your home.

Deductible expenses for business use of your home include the business portion of real estate taxes, mortgage interest, rent, casualty losses, utilities, insurance, depreciation, maintenance, and repairs. You may not deduct expenses for lawn care in general or for painting a room not used for business.

So there's a lot of crap you can write off if you're a business that you can't if it's just a hobby.  That's why you have to justify having a business, and there are rules differentiating a business from a hobby.

It's kind of a pain to keep records and run a business.  I did it for a few years with jewelry, and it made taxes a major headache.  I sell cards, but I consider the game a hobby.  Here is what the IRS is looking for if you want to claim something as a business instead of a hobby.  (There are benefits to this, and if you devote a portion of your home as part of your business, it gets complicated).

Here are some things to keep in mind.

Earning a profit
The IRS expects that if you start a business, you intend to make money at it. If you don't, your business is likely to be a hobby. To determine if your business is a hobby, the IRS looks at numerous factors, including the following:

  • Do you put in the necessary time and effort to turn a profit?

  • Have you made a profit in this activity in the past, or can you expect to make one in the future?

  • Do you have the necessary knowledge to succeed in this field?

  • Do you depend on income from this activity?

  • Are your losses beyond your control?

Practical standard for business classification
The general rule is that if you have not turned a profit in at least three of the prior five years, the IRS will categorize your business as a hobby. This may be extended to a profit in two of the prior seven years in the specific case of horse training, breeding or racing. This is, presumably, because these endeavors involve a great amount of risk.


LED has been sold, and so have the Etched Champions.

I wanted to move some of this off to e-bay, but never got around to listing it there, so the rest is all still available.

Update 4/29:
Glimmervoids have been traded.  Removed them from the first post.

The following items are available and I'd be willing to discount the play sets a little bit to move them all at once.

edit: this old thread is closed for now.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Ancient Tomb FTV version has two very different prices (foil and normal) yet is only available in foil.  Currently displaying:  $34.21  $26.25 (Normal / Foil).


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

You get a new link under the left menu called "My seller account" under that you can set your own shipping options.  You can only ship to your own country right now, but you can set different price levels for different quantities of cards.  It's entirely up to you though what values you put in.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

PerfectSpecimen wrote:

I think the inventory/decklist features are great. But adding a market did mess up all prices and made it so lots of people put their good cards as market only and their jank as tradeable. But i just hope it all gets its bugs worked out because i enjoy trading on here.

Things have to be on your tradelist in order to give them a price for the market.  (Market price is literally an extra column in your tradelist that is not available in your inventory). Also, I actually do a bit of the opposite, I put prices on all of the low value cards, because I'd usually like to move them any way that I can.  Generally if you beat the average price you can sell just about any card.     

Higher end cards may not have a price on them unless I have a specific card in mind I would buy if they sold, but they are still on my trade list if I'm willing to entertain offers for them, or if I'd let them go to get a better card.

echo154 wrote:

When using the Spoiler mode to view lists, it would be helpful to have an indicator somewhere if the card is foiled. It's marked in the list view, but not the spoiler view, to my knowledge.

I completely agree, we need this feature! smile


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The following cards do not have a price ($0.00):

Foil Zendikar and Mirrodin Edition Plains
Mirrodin foil Forest
Foil Mountain from Odessy and Fire and Lightning
Foil Swamp from Innistrad and Graveborn

Promo and odd set foils
Reanimate FNM promo
Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed - judge foil
Necropotence Deckmasters foil


(28 replies, posted in Announcements)

Awesome, prices look a lot better.   smile  Thanks for all your hard work.

EDH is a fantastic format, and Treva, The Renewer is a card I have not yet run into as a general, so props for being original.  A lot of the cards that are in there are great cards for 1 vs 1, but not so great in multiplayer.  I would try to limit the Giant Growth effects, focus a bit more on answers and cards that give more value (think acidic slime which does something just for being played, or Verdant Force which does something on every player's turn).

Also Carnivorous plant is a pretty bad wall, yes the stats are good, but for 1 mana more you could be running Cockatrice and have the option to attack, or for 4 mana you could run Yeva, Nature's Herald and have a 4/4 with a good ability.

When I'm building decks using the online interface I'll move things to the sideboard then if I want to put one back in I have to take out something from the deck that is worse than the card on the sideboard. Maybe try that.  Just move cards to the sideboard till you get down closer to 100 then refine the idea you want to build around.

I'm trying this, and quickly noticed that pricing doesn't take into account the edition.  For example it tells me that Skullclamp has an an average price of $8.02, but what it appears to be doing is averaging the three prices for all skullclamp printings (ftv, darksteel and commander) as opposed to just pulling one price.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'd replace Condemn and Disenchant with two Oblivion Ring.  This not only gives you greater versatility in being able to deal with things like Planeswalkers, but also in some cases such as against wormcoil, exiling is just better than destroying.

WWolfe wrote:

Google mtg decklist and the pre-built decks name and usually the top results will be a link to the official mtg site article announcing the deck's contents. There's an icon on the decklist (top right hand corner, looks like a circle with an arrow going into it) that if you click will bring up a .txt file that you can cut and paste into your inventory under import cardlist.

This, but I'd like to add that on the import screen you should set the "set" to be the deck (or set like commander) as Deckbox will default to the latest core set or normal release of the card and not the special product version.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

baughb wrote:

So how do we as a seller go about canceling a sale? With all of the pricing changes I want to cancel everything here until it all feta sorted out

Not sure how to cancel a sale, but I'd assume you'd do a refund through PayPal.  Try e-mailing your buyer.  Also any prices you set should have stayed.  You can put your account on 'vacation mode' too under the edit profile page.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I have to agree that I don't like the new layout as much.   While I do like seeing the things for sale and have even used those links to make a purchase, I really liked the old layout and the emphasis of the section called 'bio' which is now not even visible on my own page, and stuffed to the side when visiting other's pages.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

There is a lot of negativity here, I just wanted to say I have faith that this site will return to full awesomeness, hopefully sooner rather than later.  Thanks Sebi for all of your hard work. 

I've seen other sites have similar problems.  PucaTrade for example ended up writing their own pricing code.

I'm hoping that this change actually allows Deckbox to move away from the restrictions of TCG player and accommodate more of the promos & cards that were not previously listed.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Graveborn Reanimate is showing up as $1.00, and the Battle Royale version is showing no price at all.


Legends Boomerang is way off, as is Graveborn Entomb, and Banshee from the dark is showing up as $35.

I did an export of my inventory including price and got a large number of "<span class='note'>N/A</span>" in the price column.  This might be a good way to identify cards that have no price listed.  (I've attached a spreadsheet sorted for this, there are too many to list here)

More stuff that's showing up high:

Inferno - the Dark and probably 8th edition foil...
Stinkweed Imp - Ravnica
Duress - 7th ed
Rusted Relic
Infernal Medusa (should be around $1.50)

Ice Storm Unlimited - I'd love to buy these at $1, sadly this is wrong.  tongue


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

HikingStick wrote:

Is the 6.9% figure firm? Combining that with PayPal fees brings the transaction cost to near 10%--pretty weighty. The transaction fee (sans PayPal fees) is more than twice typical merchant fees for handling credit cards.  Personally, I'd be more likely to sell if the fees were limited to not more than 3.5%.

I realize it's your business, so I don't want you to feel strong-armed away from the model you've decided upon. I'm just lobbying for the house to keep a smaller percentage of the take.

It's fair when you compare it to other sites such as TCG Player or e-bay.
TCGplayer fee = 8.5% + PayPal / Credit Card processing fee = 2.5% + $0.50

sebi wrote:
gumgodMTG wrote:

My page says

"You have 1 orders that need your attention. Head over to the Orders section for more details."

Sorry for that, it was a display issue. It should now say you haven't got any orders that need your attention again.

Also, thank you.  smile


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

My page says

"You have 1 orders that need your attention. Head over to the Orders section for more details." 

There's not an "orders section" in my menus on the left, but the word "orders" is a link, so I clicked on it.  This brings me to a page that says "My Orders" but is otherwise blank.  I haven't received anything in my PayPal account and my "Deckbox bill" says " You do not have any sold orders in this billing cycle. You will receive a 10$ discount on your next bill on account of the verification payment you have made."  So I'm a little confused.  Any help here would be nice.  I'd rather not have someone waiting on something, but as far as I can tell I haven't been paid for anything yet so... yea, what's going on?


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

Ripptor wrote:

The inventory management needs to be a little more than, "You own 7 of these. Somewhere." to be considered an actual inventory management tool. Should someone buy something from me, I would use an inventory management tool to find out where it is (what deck it's in, or which trade binder, or which filing cabinet) so that I can quickly and easily pull it and ship it. Until I can track what I have AND where, it's just a card list with quick links to aggregated data, which is nothing new. The community is the big difference here, and with new features rolling out like this, hopefully the community will be able to thrive and do so much more.

You can.  If you create decks and you click on the link to a card's page it will tell you which decks you have that use that card. Assuming you keep your decks accurate you could use this to track whatever random stack of cards you want.  If you want to track a binder make a deck called binder 1.  This does have the limitation however of not tracking the specific edition.  So for a card like Artisan of Kozilek that I had to track down last night I had to check two places because one had the commander version and one had the Eldrazi version, but at least I knew which two decks to look in.


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

I've noticed now that when I confirm my address for a trade that my state and zip code are reversed.  State should come before zipcode, but it shows after it.  I don't think this is an issue for most people that live in the US to figure out, but it's a bit awkward looking.


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

outofstep wrote:

Next we want to finally deliver on our promises for a public API.

What I see happening, very soon is, someone (or lots of people) are going to create websites or apps that scrape data from tcgplayer.com and deckbox.com, compare the two and show them sellers that have a card (or multiple cards) for sale less than X% of current market value. Your website rules are going to hold them to that outdated price.

I realize that you guys want the revenue from card sales on this site, but remember that the vast majority of people who are going to sell cards through here aren't professional level stores with a large revenue stream. Losing $10 to a price spike on a card while you're at work or asleep is going to suck, for almost everyone.

I'm generally Ok with this.  I've come to accept that fact that if I list something on TCG player or online anywhere really with a price, that I could lose money (or rather more accurately potential profit) when it sells.  That said, if I'm ok with that price when I list it, then that's the amount I expect.  Yes at times you will lose money, and yes at times you will need to be the cheapest price in order to even get the sale which means you aren't getting the TCG player Average, but usually a percent of the lowest price, but you're still moving the card and getting paid, and having the money go straight to PayPal as opposed to waiting a week to get it from TCG Player is actually a benefit in my mind.

Also, Sebi this is an amazing update.  Thank you.  The primary reason I don't sell more cards on TCG Player is that I don't want to deal with having to constantly update my inventory when I make trades on Deckbox, or keep up with their clunky interface.  Having a seller account on Deckbox is awesome.

Question, when you mark something as shipped, is there a place to put in a tracking number? I'd like to have this saved with the order for easy reference.