OK I'm confused, did you actually sell the Reckoners, or just increase the price?

Bump again, thanks for the continued deals everyone. First post edited with an important fact!

How quickly do you need them? I've got an Obzedat arriving soon that I'd put towards that Reckoner.

AdrianaLimaTime wrote:

Are you looking to sell cards as listed price, or are you willing to come down on your prices?

I usually sell for between the TCGPlayer median and low prices, but if you're willing to take commons and uncommons, I can be very flexible as my previous deals can attest. Put together a package and I'll calculate a quote!

HikingStick wrote:

Sorry to hear about your experiences, leading to your current decision.

After you have some time to reflect, post a thread in the Site Feedback area and let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions to make things better.

You'll always be welcome here.

It has less to do with this specific site and more to do with the entire culture surrounding online trading. Everyone wants to be the next Medina, overvaluing their own cards and undervaluing others to try and gain "value" by exploiting others. Hell, I saw a thread on Reddit yesterday where someone wanted instructions on how to corner the market on a card! That mentality isn't healthy for the game or the people who play it.

Bump, still selling, but I am now also starting to list singles on Craigslist and taking them to stores for credit, so the clock is ticking!

I've got a lot of stuff on your list if you're willing to buy or trade for larger items, let me know.

no_nickname wrote:

Hey there -

Are you parting with your Bobs?  If so, are you willing to accept part cards (if I have stuff that you want to pick up for the decks you're keeping) and part cash?  Or, plainly, what do you want for three o' them?


I'm fine with offers of cards + cash, but the Bobs are clearly marked as not for trade.

Bump, still taking offers. My reputation speaks for itself.

Well what do you know, I have some spare fetchlands I can part with.


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

+1 to this suggestion, seriously.

HikingStick wrote:

Another post pointed out a difference between our current rules text and that currently in Gatherer.  I believe Sebi is looking into updating the info base.

As to searching multi-color cards, you can do it for specific color combinations. For example, use the color filter and set it to "Exclusively all of..." and select the colors you want (e.g., Red and Black, Black and Blue and Green).

That works for looking for a specific combination, but not for printing out a list of multi-coloured cards for, for example, a trade list.

I believe all 0-casting costs coloured cards (Pacts, Kobolds, etc). were errata'd when Dark Ascension came out to have colour indicators instead of rules text indicating their colour, similar to the ones on the double-faced cards. If that data is available through Gatherer (and it looks like it is), it should definitely be the determining factor in colour sorting.

This brings up an interesting point, though; there is currently no way to search for all multi-coloured cards. I imagine this is a database issue based on how the colours may be stored, as running a sum on the number of colours over every card is probably too hard on the server. Still, it would be really useful.

Bumping again. I now have to add a caveat: Serious offers only. Don't start a trade and tie up big-ticket items and then stop communicating. If you do this, you are part of the reason I'm quitting paper.

Wow thanks for the offers everyone. I hope you all understand that I'm going to try to go through these in the order they came in, to be fair to everyone.

Thanks for all the business everyone! Bumping this, lists updated, just added 4 Thundermaw Hellkites and 3 Falkenrath Aristocrats, available cheap!


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Having tried all three major lines, I really like the KMCs and will likely start using them exclusively. Good quality, sharp edges for easy shuffling, durable, and extremely consistent colouring/cuts between packages, which is nice if you end up sleeving a lot of decks like I do.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'll trade one for one, start up a trade.

I'll likely stick around the boards for the community, but I am totally burnt out of trying to deal with people who appear to refuse to put any effort into making trades work. It's become cheaper (in both time and money) to just sell off my bulk and buy the cards I need from a store.

Thanks for all the interest, everyone, I'm sorting through offers now.

Between the delays, people refusing to trade outside of the US, disagreements about condition, and the increasing number of scammers and "value traders" registering here, I think I'm pretty much done on this site.

- I don't have any cards I haven't listed.
- The cards in my inventory are not for sale.
- Paypal or MTGO tix only; if you want to mail cash, you do so at your own risk.


Between the delays, people refusing to trade outside of the US, disagreements about condition, and the increasing number of scammers and "value traders" registering here, I think I'm pretty much done on this site. This stuff is all for sale.


Looking for cash (Paypal) or the few things on my wishlist. Some of you are literally looking for hundreds of cards that I have; no purchase is too large! My reputation speaks for itself.

Garuda wrote:

I don't know what is in r/g or u/b tron.  what is in them?  check out my list pls and see if there's anything of note for you.

RG Tron = Karn Liberated, Emrakul, Wurmcoil Engine, Oblivion Stone, Grove of the Burnwillows, etc.
UB Tron = Haven't seen this build, probably a lot of the same? Except for Groves obviously.


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

frankenskid wrote:

Not sure if you guys have heard of it or not, but buying/trading for loose boosters is asking for a bad time..... there's this thing called box mapping, and it means that loose boosters will never contain good stuff except for foils...... if you don't believe me, head over to magicsalvation and search for Gatecrash box mapping project. I don't map as I don't buy boxes, but thought it worth mentioning.

This is great advice that everyone should know about.


(21 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I usually mark my cards as 'sent' once I've packaged and addressed them, but before I've actually physically dropped them in the box. On the other hand, I basically swing by the post office every day, so that means at most it goes out 24 hours later. I think this behaviour is caused by Deckbox leaving traded cards in your inventory until you've actually sent them.

Say I'm trying to trade away the Domri Rade I just cracked. I start a trade for an Aurelia's Fury with some user, and they accept. Now, because they've accepted, my Domri is no longer for trade, but it's still on my inventory/tradelist until I actually physically send the card. The easiest way to manage this is to click "I have sent my cards" to remove it from my tradelists, but that gives the false impression of having actually mailed the card. Multiply that by having several trades on at once, and it's easy to accidentally commit to trading cards you don't have!

Maybe when a trade is confirmed, the number I have for trade should change, and then when I actually send the number I own should change? I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions to that as well.


(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I have to admit, I'm totally against sub-forums, mostly because they have rendered MTGSalvation nearly unreadable and will put a huge amount of pressure on moderators/administrators to be constantly moving topics from one to the other. I think it's better to keep the single forum and use the thread title (or possibly meta-tags on the thread itself?) to differentiate between formats.