Fixed Shrouded Waywatcher.

Which phone / browser are you using for this? Seems to work for me on the android browser.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Tagging in decks and sorting by tags sounds like a good solution! Thanks for the feedback, will think on this.

Are you 100% that you are checking the address that you have on file with us? Our mail server log files show no problems or errors, there are emails delivered to you in 14th of january for example (yesterday).


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Foil price addition might explain a jump indeed. Would help if you sorted your collection by price and check if there is no abnormal jumps in one card's value.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Could you tell us which web browser are you using?


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sorry for that, they're updating now.


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The intial problem reported is now fixed, cards that start with the string you type are shown at the beginning.

But I think also the problem you are reporting sounds that it has no solution yet. You have cards for which you own more than 10 versions and they do not fit in the autocompleter, right?


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thank you for the very detailed feedback. Many of your points are indeed things we would like to improve, and I've noted down some of these in our TODO list smile.

We do indeed go at a not so fast pace with development right now but it is something we will address (and announce) soon! smile


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sadly not possible right now, but we will look into this when we implement our API.

rfioren wrote:

Not working for me. When i try to sort inventory by wishlist, it takes me to the wishlist. When I sort wishlist by # in inventory, it takes me to inventory. I assume this is not as intended?

It used to sort the set you were in before, and now it behaves as you describe. We figured 99% of the time you want to just sort the set you are in by count (so sort inventory by count in inventory etc).

I'm not sure if there is much value in sorting your inventory by wishlist count, so we just redirect to your wishlist and sort that.

Do you think it is confusing in the current implementation?


(0 replies, posted in General Discussion)

For those familiar with the doge meme: smile (@ Artful Dodge)

Hello all, happy new year!

It took a long time but now it's back: you can again sort your Inventories / Tradelists / Wishlists by count:

Yep, we were just talking about his a few days ago. We want to come up with a better menu system.

UnstableFlux wrote:

I mean, 95% of my wishlist is foils and the 'Can receive' section is getting hits for the non-foil versions. So it will show up as someone has like $100 of cards I'm looking for, but in reality they have none sad

Hey, is this still a problem for you? I tested a bit and now it seems to work ok for me.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, we'll bring this back soon!

Good feedback, we also feel something is still awkward / missing in the trading oppportunities feature. We'll try to make a release in january to address some of the problems.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi guys, we had indeed some issues with the scheduled daily price update. Today they should again be updated, and from now on they should be in sync.

* Using the + button in the card details dialog now sets your default edition / condition / language

Updated initial post to include this change i forgot to mention.

alexx1523 wrote:

It appears that there is now an issue where regular cards can't be added to a trade, if the owner also owns a foil equivalent. At least I ran into this when trying to add someone's reaper of the wilds to a trade. I wanted the regular card but only the foil card was displayed.

This is now fixed, thanks for reporting.

They are taken into consideration. But now that you mentioned it, I need to double check what happens for the cards that tcgplayer does not have any foil value for.

I think it takes 0 right now, but it should actually take the average value for a non-foil at least, if that exists.

Nighthawk wrote:

It seems like cards are sorted by the non-foil price, even though the foil price is listed.

Yep, this is an older bug, we always sort by average price regardless of foil, or your setting. I need to get to fixing this soon! smile

Happy holidays!

Hi everyone. We hope you're having a great holiday season, and that santa brings you all the goodies you wished for smile

Foil prices

Finally here, a much requested feature: prices for foil cards. We are fetching them from tcgplayer, and they represent the average foil price for a certain card. They are specific to editions. (For example a M14 foil Mountain is very different from  a Zendikar foil mountain).

Card pages, like Teneb, The Harvester now show the foil price on the top row. Your inventory will also show the foil price for cards you have marked as foil. This will be used in your trades, set value calculation, and displayed on the set intersection section shown when you visit other profiles.

Not all cards have foil prices on tcgplayer though. We'll try to find a better solution in these cases in the future.

Other fixes & enhancements

* Using the + button in the card details dialog now sets your default edition / condition / language
* Add prices for cards like Lim Dul Necromancer, and a couple of Duel Decks that were badly fetched
* Better sorting of cards in the trade autocompleter. Cards starting with the keyword typed come first now (e.g. Lightning Bolt is before Ball Lightning when you type Lightning)
* Links to card images point to correct image of card in the edition you specified when exporting inventories
* Fix an issue that was sometimes causing people's trade pages to not be displayed
* Remove special character from Chaotic Aether. It was causing issues when importing.

We do not support setting editions to deck cards at this point, only for collections.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Eds_All_Premium_Cube wrote:

It's been a couple of days since this originally happened and I am getting no reply from support or on the forums. I am welcome to any suggestions regarding how to proceed.

Just replied to your email.

Yep, sorry for not responding earlier. It's on our todo list! smile