(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Honestly, your best shot is to just put them on your local Craigslist. 1000 for $10 seems to be standard bulk rates, and you might as well try to sell any decent rares separately.

Hey in addition to our other trade, I've got a whole bunch of Zendikar full-arts laying around, I'll count them out and start a trade later tnoight.

OK so here's the deal. I have:

2 Lingering Souls
2 Restoration Angel (promo)
4 Lightning Helix (slightly-played)

That I would like to turn into:

2 Lingering Souls (FNM promo)
2 Restoration Angel (non-promo)
4 Lightning Helix (near-mint)

In exchange for someone helping me this, I will offer extra on top of the cards I'm shipping you. Help me out folks!

I'll ship you a Stomping Grounds for it, I notice you need one.

Any Rav shocklands? I have these:

1 Breeding Pool
3 Godless Shrine
3 Stomping Ground
1 Sacred Foundry


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I can hook you up, starting a trade now.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This is a theoretically easy one; is there any way to view the cards in my inventory that I've marked as NOT for trade? If I could look at the cards I own where the number for trade is less than the number owned, that would cover it.


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I care not for Modern Masters, I want me some sweet sweet Goyfs. I'll trade fairly for them, as long as it's not stuff that is actively being used in my decks (mostly white/blue tempo stuff).


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Since the update dropped the editions from my Inventory and flagged a bunch of cards as tradeable that weren't, I'm currently re-adding everything manually. sad I like the idea of the new card list import, as it's much faster for this type of entry. But I do notice that I'm only able to set the default set, language and condition of the cards. What about extra properties? Say I have 3 non-foil Rootbound Crag and 1 foil; I'd love to be able to enter something like this:

3 Rootbound Crag
1 Rootbound Crag (foil)

or even better, combining all of the properties:

2 Rootbound Crag (M13, NM, English)
1 Rootbound Crag (M12, NM, English)
1 Rootbound Crag (M13, NM, English, foil)

Arguably, my best option here to just export my collection to a CSV, and use that as the template for entering the rest of my cards. But in the future, what if I crack a pack and enter the new cards all at once?

sebi wrote:
atomicashes wrote:
rfioren wrote:

I posted a separate thread about this issue in the feedback forum. I too am not alway seeing all cards a person has on my wish list when viewing the trading opportunities section.

This is driving me nuts.

It's nearly impossible to set up trades with people when I am unable to see what they have thats on my wishlist. I love the new inventory with all its detail but it seems to be majorly hindering the ability to set up trades effectively.

I thought I fixed this. Can you please give an example of user for which you don't see the Captain in the intersection?

I can! Compare my profile to teK here:


I need no cards from his list, and he needs 15 from mine (that's the sum of the min values between his wants and my haves, which I think is how it is being calculated). But on my profile page, it says he has 1 I want and I have 17 he wants.

OK I've got a lot of Kiki Pod stuff but for some reason it's not showing up as being for trade. Let me figure this out and I'll start something up.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Add it to your tradelist and I'll start a trade.

What do you value the GP Lotus Cobra at?

apyrexia wrote:

+1 to rfioren

Canada Post is not too kind when it comes to DC. As far as I know, the cheapest way to get DC is to use Registered Mail which is an additional $8.25 within Canada and $14.50 to the U.S.A. and internationally. That's if it's lettermail. If you use a bubble mailer, it qualifies as Oversized lettermail and tracking is simply not available. So, if DC is required that would eliminate any small trades due to cost and larger trades requiring bubble mailer don't even have the option. These rules would basically prevent me from trading.

If anyone knows otherwise, I'd love to know.

I know otherwise.

Registered mail is as you say, but if you want tracking for anything larger, you have to send it as a small parcel and ask for it. Don't skip out and try to put stamps on yourself; take the package and address to a real person in a real post office and have them weigh/measure everything and give you the rates with tracking. The cheapest I've seen is about $16 to the US.

Yeah, that's a lot for a small trade, but I am of the opinion that aggressively pursuing scammers for small trades is it's own protection. If I'm shipping you $10 worth of cards and you rip me off, I'm only out $10 but you'll be prevented from ever trading on the site again, which doesn't seem worth it. On the other hand, if I'm sending you $100 worth of cards, it's totally in my best interest to pay for tracking.

I'll take these if your previous person backs out.

Dakkon4444 wrote:

hey guys. Im really curious as to why Linvala is such a good card. I dont play modern, so maybe thats why i dont see it right away

Shuts off a huge number of relevant creatures (Deathrite Shaman, Grim Lavamancer, anything with a Splinter Twin on it) while leaving comes-into-play abilities (Clique, Snapcaster, everything in Pod) alone. Any deck that runs it likely makes very good use of it.

Writing up a trade right now, may take a while, our lists are pretty big.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Writing up an offer now, I have lots of random EDH stuff.


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)


Summary: He contacted me via e-mail through the site, and we agreed to the following trade on Nov. 23:

1 Griselbrand
1 Liliana Vess

1 Thundermaw Hellkite

I sent mine on Nov. 28, at which time he told me he was getting a sleeve from his friend. On Dec. 2 he said again he was getting a sleeve. Finally, on Dec. 6 he said he had a sleeve but was too busy and would mail the card the next day. Today, he messages me saying that he won't go through with the trade because the Thundermaw had gone up in value too much, and he would be sending my cards back to me when they arrived.

Do not deal with this user.

I'm actually going the opposite way (closing down my MTGO except for one deck), but I won't be able to check my inventory until Sunday or Monday.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Proving once again that cracking boosters is literally always a bad idea.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just started a big trade with you, the last one went well I thought. smile

newspaperblanket wrote:

1) Do people trade physical cards for tix or digital cards on here?

I've seen a few people offering that, check their profile.

2) how much less are digital cards worth than their paper counterparts?

This can vary wildly, but in general most cards are somewhere between cheaper (Wolfir Silverheart = $5 paper, $2.50 online) and WAY cheaper (Aether Vial = $15 paper, $2.50 online!). The exception is mythics, which tend to be similar prices online and sometimes even more expensive. This is because not only are they cracked in packs less often, they get removed from the system via set redemption so there are even less to go around.

Also, once I have a deck built on MTGO is there a way to play casual games for free or does everything cost money (I'm broke)? And I've heard some seasoned MTGO players will give common and uncommon cards away for free to help newer players...anyone care to donate some junk cards to a new player?

Almost anything that isn't a tournament queue is playable for free, so you have a lot of options, but the attitudes among the rooms is really weird as projhex says. There are a lot of bots that will give out commons/uncommons, and some players will try to give away draft leftovers.

I don't think he'll be unbanned, but there's a good argument that with the Modern format looking the way it is, a 4 mana planeswalker isn't going to be as oppressive as he was during the Cawblade era. Regardless, if you're thinking of picking them up I think they'll drop again.


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Are you attending GP Toronto? Need the final few cards for your deck but aren't sure they'll arrive in time? Well boy do I have a deal for you!

I will be on-site at Grand Prix Toronto on December 8th and if you've got a trade or sale with me, you can pick up your cards ready to go! Since I can't sit and negotiate until I scrub out, this offer applies to deals finalized before-hand only.

(Almost) everything in my tradelist is actually for trade, or for sale at well below the TCGPlayer average. Get those offers in!