inzeos wrote:

But the cards imported this way will not have any details associated to them, which is why many of us don't use this process.

Ah, I see, good point. Will think about this.

The print idea from the database is not bad, maybe we can add it.

What about the wishlist add button? In which listings would you need to have it?


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hey phillims,

For me the sets load fine. Can you please try again, see if the error still happens.

Do you get a 500 error directly when clicking on the set link?

This sounds cool, we'll think how we could implement it nicely.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hey guys, thank you for reporting this, and for your patience.  I have merged the various threads that were discussing this into one.

Tawnos is right, we did have a process which required some manual imput for new editions (not actually inputing prices, but trading some xml files with our price provider). This has for a couple of months been improved, and now it is an automated process.

We did however have some glitches with it, a couple of small problems made it that updating prices for Dark Ascension and also other MtG cards that had prices < 1$ was not working.

These are corrected now, everything should be fine. For future edition imports prices should come up the day or max next day after the prerelease.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Right now sadly there is no way to see the prices right now, in trades you have to personally account for it and discuss it with your trading partner.

We do intend to make the system display prices for specific editions of a card, we're pretty close to implementing that. (It will still not account for foil / condition though I'm afraid).

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Hello Cardtel,

If you use your  inventory as a tradelist, than you can just enter everything in the tradelist directly, when adding cards. They will automatically be added to the inventory as well.

If you want right now to make your inventory become your tradelist, go to your tradelist, delete everything in it, then go to inventory, select View - Print, copy the entire list of cards from there, and then in the tradelist add cards widget paste it into the multi-card importer.

Hey Cardtel,

You can copy the list from the wizards article that announces it, or the product page and paste it into the mass card importer.


(0 replies, posted in TAO)

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(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hey Kaldrath,

What browser are you using? We'll take a look at this issue.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Thanks for the feedback, great suggestions. The first of them is coming real soon wink.

The second one is already implemented, but the person whose inventory you are visiting has to already have introduced that information. See for example this inventory: It has info about the edition and properties (you can click on them to get a more detailed listing.

Multiple language support is something we'd like to have but it is a very large change, and we have to leave for later.

The other suggestions are also interesting, and we will think about how we could implement them.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

We'd really like to internationalize various sections of the website, but sadly it is a lengthy and slightly larger endeavor that we have to leave for a later time.

In the absence of a clearly structured (and official) definition of these promo sets on Gatherer, it's pretty hard for us to incorporate information from third party websites, that needs verification, etc.

I am right now leaning in favor of suggesting custom tagging as a solution for this. After we will support custom tags for cards, we'll try to implement it in such a way that advanced collectors could just put a custom tag (e.g. named 'French Pegasse'), and that way other collectors that know what that is, can see the information easily, without that specific promo set existing as a separate edition on deckbox.


Yep, this is a nice idea and still on the TODO list.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hehe, this format looks pretty fun!

I dont' have too many tips to give, but if it were up to me I'd throw out all the very cheap creatures (unless they have a very powerful activated ability), put in the most outrageously expensive ones available, and then like IronGuardian says rotate the pool for a while. After playing a draft throw out 10% of them that felt uninpressive or not fun for the game and replace with things that seem better.

I would throw in all sweepers and counterspell type cards I can though, you really need answers for all those bombs smile. Also creature stealing, Insurrection type things. Edh lists could be good for inspiration, as that's also a format with many bombs and decks built to be fun and outrageous. The article on wizards I read about type 4 also has a few interesting suggestions: … aily/sf/49 .

Maybe some other guys who have tested the format can weigh in with some tips.

Whatever the case, I'd be very interested to hear some stories of how your first drafts turn out. smile

For a better experience in browsing these forums, please include small identifiers in the deck titles.

  • [Standard], [Extended], [Modern], [EDH] - the format in which you intend to play your deck.

  • [Opinions] - if you are looking for help or ideas with a deck you have built yourself.

  • [Discussion] - a thread dedicated to a longer discussion about a deck archetype (as opposed to a thread dedicated to a personal specific build)

  • [Guide] - if you have written a more detailed explanation of a deck or strategy, in a how-to format.


(3 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

Just posted about the update in announcements:

Thanks for all the info, let us know if there are any glitches / missing cards.


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi guys,

I just posted a workaround solution to this issue in today's announcements post:

Database updates

A lot of new editions for all card games this January. smile

Magic the Gathering players get the second expansion in the Innistrad block: Dark Ascension. Prices will start updating shortly.

World of Warcraft gets some new cards in the Class Starter decks and the Dungeon Decks. Thanks to Crimson for bringing it to our attention.

Warhammer Invasion players get the new Karaz a Karak set, and images for The Iron Rock cards. Big thanks to Entropy, kotuo and Crux for the all the data!

Wordpress plugin update

Our Wordpress Magic the Gathering tooltips plugin has been bumped to version 3.0.1. A new deck visualization mode is available - embed view. More details can be found on the plugin readme page.

A huge thank you to Tawnos for all the help!

Edition completion visualization tips

There has been some discussion on the Site Feedback forum about the need to see how many cards from a specific edition a user has (or is missing).

There is right now no nice way to set the inventory display to show this information, but perhaps until we do have that, you guys could use a workaround wink. If you go to the card database page, you will see inventory / tradelist and wishlist counts for all the cards. So if you want to see what is missing from M12 for example, you would filter it like this, and look at all the cards that have 0 set in the inventory column.

You can even click on the column header to sort by the inventory count, this way you will see the cards you have first, followed by the ones you do not have (or viceversa if you sort descending of course).

Then a quick way to adjust your wishlist for the cards you are missing would be to click the wishlist column, and quickly set the count to 1 (or 4) and press enter.

I hope this trick will temporarily help. As always, we're grateful for any feedback you might have, and encourage you to post it in the comment thread.

Happy deckbuilding!


(3 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

Hello Crimson,

The ten heroes are already imported for a while now, we've posted about it in the announcements forum in november:

Do you have a link to the new cards in the Dungeon Treasure pack? I'll import them this weekend, I just need to find them in the OCR.

Thank you.


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Sorry for the issues, our VPS crashed for some reason and it rebooted uncleanly. These issues should not happen anymore. We'll discuss with our hosters, it seems to be some issue on their side.

Thanks for quickly reporting it.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Sadly, due to the fact that the official wizards card database does not track them, it would be very hard for us to add them to deckbox.