(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sounds like you have javascript disabled in chrome and Firefox. Under firefox settings you should have a tab called "Contents" or similar and then a checkbox there to activate javascripts. Make sure that if you have NoScript added that you allow deckbox.org to use javascripts.

It might solve your issue.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Considering the whole set has been spoiled now and the release is creeping up, it would be pretty nice to have it added to the database so we could start planning the decks we'll use in a few weeks.

EDIT: And of course I posted it in the wrong area. Reported to have it moved to the right place.

Or perhaps run a Lashwrithe or two. If you'd run deck #1, I'd probably try and run Quest for the Holy Relic in it and switch into some 0-cost artifact creatures so grab the right blade at the right time.

Hey there,

One thing that would be nice to have available are the new special made cards for the Commander decks that are to be released the 17th (tomorrow). 51 Cards have been made specifically for it and they will be legacy and vintage legal, so adding them can benefit regular constructed decks as well.

Here is the link to the image spoilers:

http://www.wizards.com/magic/tcg/produc … mander/cig


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I was just wondering if there are any plans on adding Legend of the Five Rings (http://www.l5r.com/) to deckbox.

Best Regards,

Andreas "kargha" Persson

Hi Spoook,

Thanks for the tips on the cards, and I'll definitely check out the decks. The only problem with Vampire Nocturnus is that he will not be standard legal once the rotation for the 2011 Core Set goes through. Otherwise I'd definitely be using him.

Again, thanks for the reply!

Hey guys,

After playing through my Duel of the Planeswalker on the Xbox 360 and getting my ass kicked repeatedly by Sorin Markov, I decided to build a mono-black Vampire deck. However, I would like some help working it out so it'd be a decent deck for competitive play.

This is what I got so far:


For those of you too lazy to click the link, here's the deck list:


Deck: The Sanguine Twilight

Creatures (21):
4 Bloodghast
3 Kalastria Highborn
4 Vampire Hexmage
3 Captivating Vampire
4 Vampire Nighthawk
3 Malakir Bloodwitch

Instants (7):
4 Disfigure
3 Urge to Feed

Sorcery (8):
3 Feast of Blood
2 Grim Discovery
3 Sign in Blood

Planeswalker (2):
2 Sorin Markov

Land (22):
18 Swamp
4 Terramorphic Expanse

Sideboard (15):
4 Deathmark
3 Marsh Casualties
4 Mind Rot
4 Mind Sludge


I'm thinking of going -2 Swamp +1 Feast of Blood +1 Malakir Bloodwitch, not entirely sure though.

And I'm not entirely sure on Captivating Vampire either or if I should get Anowon, the Ruin Sage, Kalitas, Bloodchief of Ghet or Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief. Primarily the deck was about outlasting the opponent with lifelink (Child of Night for example). However, after looking at competitive decks, it's been changed around a bit as you could probably tell.

At any rate, does anyone have any suggestions? I'm not quite sure what the meta-game is like nowadays, nor how it will be for 2011 Standard.

Edit: -2 Swamp, +2 Sorin Markov


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:
wowaddict wrote:

I'd like it to contain numbers up to the amount in my inventory so that i can choose how many.  That way i don't have to do it repeatedly to add a specific number.

This can get tricky when you have 10 cards of one type... the menu gets reaaly large.
I'll think about a solution though

I think he meant something such as a text box where you can input the amount of cards to add to tradelist.

  |- Move to tradelist
       | - Amount: [textbox]
             | - Adds [textbox] amount to tradelist


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

As an add-on to this, perhaps add something like "Keep playset" and it adds everything over a playset to the tradelist? (Playset probably consists of 4 cards in both Magic and WoW TCG I believe (could be wrong on Magic, can't remember))

That way, if you have say 900 unique cards, and a total of maybe 7000 cards, you don't have to press "add 1 to tradelist" for every card which you have more than 4 of.

Time and life saver.


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Well, it could be an interesting function (how much is my collection worth), but it is up to you if you believe it is appropriate or not.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Something that would be nice to have, would be a text field in your deck where you can specify the purpose of the deck, deck type (beatdown, rush, etc.), card combinations, strategy, etc.

Here are some other ideas for stuff (which can also be used when searching for decks).

Tournament Deck? (Yes/No)
Format? (Legacy, Standard, Vintage, Extended etc.)
[Magic] Color use (mainly search feature)
[WoWTCG] Hero used (mainly search feature)

I'm sure these have already been listed somewhere, but thought I'd add them just in-case it's my memory playing tricks on me.

Best Regards,

Andreas "Kargha" Persson


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:

[*]Ability to specify card information (for MtG especially - foiled, edition, printing etc)[/*]

Would be pretty nice to see this for WoW TCG as well, Extended Art and Loot Cards, however, MtG needs it way more at the moment wink

Hi there,

Press "Users" at the top right and search for a member. Once you find a memberlist there (after the search), press the person's name and you will be directed to their profile. From there you can view their decks, trade, add them as a friend/buddy, look at their collection, etc.

You can also get to their profiles if they post on the forums, by pressing their username beside the post, and then pressing "Visit the deckbox.org profile". This will get you to their profile as well.

Best Regards,



(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)


My name's Andreas and I'm currently located in Sweden. I've played Magic casually since Unlimited/Arabian Nights, as well as the WoW TCG since it came out. I am also a UDE (Upper Deck Entertainment) Judge and Tournament Organizer. If you have any questions pertaining to WoW TCG (as I only play Magic rarely, and haven't checked the Shards of Alara and the following sets), feel free to ask.

Best Regards,

Andreas "Kargha" Persson


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Awesome, thanks smile


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

There are now 2 cards named Death Coil (The Warlock version and the Death Knight version).

Currently, if you view the Death Coil from the Death Knight Starter set, it will show the Warlock tooltip.

Maybe use the set name to identify which version it is?