(13 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Lord_Murray wrote:

tomb stone stairwell doesn't work to well because my opponents will get much more value than me

http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/ … +stairwell

Not necessarily, each player gets the Zombie tokens every upkeep so you can combo out every turn.  Mill the active player during their upkeep, then they lose during the draw step.  Or if you have the Stairwell out before the Altar, Glacial Chasm can hold the hordes back.


(13 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Another ramp option is Dreamscape Artist. 

Also if you're looking at milling, the Tombstone Stairwell/Altar of Dementia combo works like a charm.  I imagine that one will  double the size of the bullseye on your back though.


(5 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Sent you a trade offer.


(5 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

How do you feel about foreign and/or foil cards?

I have a fair amount of the cards in your decklist, I can dig them up and start a trade in a day or so.


I have a fair amount of cards on your wishlist, do you want the specific version listed or will any version do (e.g. Judgment Arcane Teachings instead of 10th Edition)?


(14 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Buried Alive puts creatures in your graveyard while Zombify gets them out.

Grim Return is Reincarnation #2.

Life's Finaleis a Wrath+Buried Alive an opponent.

Depending on how hard you want to push milling as a possible win condition, you also have the Tombstone Stairwell/Altar of Dementia combo.

Does an empty library come up enough to make Laboratory Maniac worth it?

Hope this helped!


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I have a Shards of Alara box and a Lorwyn box if you're interested.  I also have quite a few cards on your wishlist that I haven't put on my tradelist; starting up trade discussion.

Okay, sent you a trade.

How do you feel about an Italian Noble Hierarch?


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Massdrop looks like they will be selling sleeves soon, KMC Matte Reds judging from voting results so far.


Sent you a small trade offer.

Sent a trade proposal as well.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sent you a trade as well.

And here's mine: http://deckbox.org/sets/185266


(32 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

$4.90? Are you including the bubble mailer in that cost or sending a metric crapton of stuff at once?  Shipping a first class package with Delivery Confirmation only costs me $2.85.

I haven't used the PayPal links myself, so I can't vouch for them.

EDIT: I do go to the Post Office for the $2.85 1st class package+DC.

Sent you a trade as well.

Sent a trade


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

/eyes those duallands enviously
//sighs bitterly

Sent you a trade


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

What about Craterhoof Behemoth?  Also, Boseiju Who Shelters All would be a nice land to fecth with Primeval to make sure your Primal surge doesn't get countered.


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Just started using this, and it's really handy! (Although I end up putting cards in individually because I like separating cards by set.  That's a lot of cards hmm )

Could we get Korean added as a language option?

Thanks for the hard work!


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

How about 3 Spell Snares for the Thoughtseize and 1 Gallows at Willow Hill?