You should take out 2 artifact and 2 meditation puzzle. Add 4 elvish mystic as mana generator and adding more power for will of the masses. As insurance against sweeper spell, consider replacing radiant fountain with Soul of New Phyrexia.

For budget friendly,

Phyrexian Revoker : Nullify any activated abilities, planeswalker for example

Silence The Believer : exile one or more target creature.  4+ mana

Indulgent tormentor :  every turn enemy lose 3 life or you get one more card to draw, and this demon can fly...

Phytotitan : recurring beater


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Bloodhusk ritualist can reduce enemy card in hand, guul draz vampire can be useful in a pinch and kalastria highborn make you gain life whenever your vampire die.

As for rat, ravenous rat > typhoid rat


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

definitely ordruum veteran , it's not human while the majority of your creatures are. I bet you always choose human when using door of destinies smile

Or you can choose to using Burnished Heart. It doesn't have haste bonus but you get 2 tapped land in battlefield.

Heroes Reunion -> Unflinching Courage
Eyes in the sky -> Advent of the Wurm/White Sun Zenith
axebane stag ->Acidic Slime
Bountiful Harvest -> Soul's Attendant/Suture Priest
common bond -> Wolfir Silverheart

That's all i can think of for now...


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

how about generAtor servant? 1R 2/2. tap, Sacrifice Generator Servant: Add 2 to your mana pool. If that mana is spent on a creature spell, it gains haste until end of turn.

For creature... add more hydra? Vastwood Hydra, hydra broodmaster, or Savageborn Hydra.
As non creature i recommend Into the wilds and primeval Bounty.

Ramp up until you can cast Deadbridge Chant then enchant any great creature that come out with Followed Footstep. I had GB ramp deck with off color creature like colossal whale, stormbreath dragon and ruric Thar in the past. Add some chromatic lantern will make it better big_smile .


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Protect your creatures with God's Willing and Banishing light for enemy potentially dangerous nonland permanent.

Where's Hedron Crab? That little creature can make your enemy mill 3 for every land you drop after him big_smile

I think you should take out from your current list:

Cobbled Wing x1
Fall of the hammer x1
Font of Vigor x2
Ring of Thune x1
Boros Cluestone x1
Ray of dissolution x1
Demolish x2

So your deck have exactly 60 card. But it's up to you.

Oh, and Solemn offering > ray of dissolution btw

Add more zombies smile

Diregraf ghoul  : B for 2/2
Gravecrawler   : can be cast from graveyard as long as you have another zombie
Black Cat         : free discard
spiteful returned : great at chipping enemy life
Ghoulraiser + gravedigger + cadaver Imp : recycling Zombies
Mutavault : for more creature
Skinrender : walking removal

One of my deck based on Debt to the Deathless,

Not really powerful neutral , but maybe you can get some idea from it.

Add Lightning Bolt and Lightning Helix for modern.

As for standard, some of your card aren't standard legal (Gisela etc from Innistrad Block) so you should change it, maybe with bestow/enchantment creature from Theros Block (Eidolon of Hope for example) and Eidolon of Countless Battle (your enchantment permanent + creature number matter wink ) plus 4 of Ethereal Armor (Great in enchantment heavy deck).

Replace Titanic growth with Banisher Priest for more controlling aspect.

I  would change vineweft with more raise the alarm. If you're gonna change it into mono white, consider replacing it with Triplicate Spirit.

Add some Gatecreeper Vine and Selesnya Guildgate for acceleration + free defender. You can also add Genesis Hydra or Yisan the Wanderer Wizard  from M15 to find/summon creature easier.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Definitely Warden of Evos Isle to make your flyer cheaper and Stormtide Leviathan as finisher (plus archetype of imagination so all your non flying creature can attack ) .

i think you should replace walking corpse (vanilla creature), scrapyard mongrel (there's no artifact), Nightmare (better in mono black), thoughtrender lamia (there's only 2 other enchantment) and necrobite (not really useful).

Add more Minotaur card especially fanatic of mogis /  rageblood shaman if you like tribal deck ( maybe 4 of  flurry of horns, it's fun smile ) , or burn spell.