(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Great thought on that, hadn't thought about using trafficker. I'll certainly try that out.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hey all, working on building u/b tezzeret touch deck. I'm not going the servo route on this, more focusing on 0 drop artifacts and some fliers to get through with touch. Thoughts, anything that I am not thinking about or need to consider? This is going to be played in standard, and I have all the cards currently in the list and sb, expect for scroungers and expertise. Planning on taking it to a pptq.



(0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hey all,

I have been wanting to build a b/r vampire deck for awhile and think with the greatness of SOI, let's give it a whirl. This will be a standard deck, played at FMN's and most likely game day this weekend and hopefully states if it performs well. The side board isn't full built (I might be adding in murderous compulsion).

Any thoughts and ideas are welcome. Thanks!!



(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You could potentially have a "deck" with you inventory, and another with your wives, if you want to use the same account.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

also realized that Gideon goes in but I have a high suspicion I will note be able to acquire multiple copies of him (potentially 2 would be max atm)


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'd like to keep everything as post rotation as possible and do have access to fetches if that helps.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So I watched some of the pro tour bfz and have drafted the b/w life game deck once or twice and it has been a lot of fun. People seem to not think highly of it and it tends to win most of the match ups so I am trying to move it into standard.
I have a red splash to add a third color for unified front or to sb in resolute blademaster. Aside form adding fetches for bfz lands, any thoughts on beefing it up. Haven't gotten a chance to playtest it yet (aside from soloing) and plan on giving it a spin at a fmn.



(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Omnath is more of a late drop to have something sit on the board should I need to dump mana, though I guess I could add jorga invocation (sp) and make all my guys hate the board. Dragon caller is also more of a draw to get them to use removal on him as opposed to another creature. I'd rather have them kill those guys then my actual threats, but I get what you are saying. I felt that with the scouts, retreat, and break the line, it would be pretty easy to make my land fall hit no matter what but then again I haven't played it yet.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I will be using this deck at my FNM to test and then trying to do a SCG tourney. I can drop one of the landfall creature (predator) and put in titan's strength over it, but wondering about any other ideas. I thought about atarka's command, but it seems to costly ($) to really be useful (the land has to be in hand to play it) but I haven't play tested it so who knows. Any thoughts are welcomed.



(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I totally know that I missed a large drop without including pantheon (which I may still go back and add). I wasn't sure if I was going to get a lot of use out of his added ability aside from being a 2/1 1drop. Though I probably will trough him in.

I was thinking about maybe adding in the sage eye defender ( 1 drop 1/3 defender) and I hade akroan jailer in there two but I've bounced around those ideas a few times. I've specific said no to brimaz as I don't want to drop 30-40 on a set of him and then loose him in two months. I thought I had spear of heliod in my sb and if not it will go in, dictate I didn't think about but ill probably sb as well. I might throw in one heliod, he might get sb as well.
The soldier tribal thing has just always been something I loved. First deck I played when I came into magic was in theros and basically ran a different iteration of this with m14 Ajani and the ordeal and brave the elements, gods willing, countless battles. Preeminent capt may make a return in this for a short time.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Thinking about trying out a budget mono white soldiers deck. I start out with back in the beginning of theros, and thought this idea might work. Don't my the sb as of right now. Thoughts?


Yea, I just realized that theros and 15 stays until zendikar, so it opens my options. I looked at mana gorger as well and I think that can definetly find it's way into the deck, I think I may drop two of the tread upon for mana gorger and then drop the whisper of the wilds and put in caryatids/coursers.

So I am thinking about building a budget mono green standard deck with some of the origins cards once released. I know I would have to take out the elvish mytics and replace them with renowned hierarchs and the nacatl outlander would be replaced with the outland colossus from the new set. Aside form that, any thoughts?



(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

could drop some of the cuts, though the fetches to make them a little more usable. I might drop 1 cut, 1 invocation, 1 roar. I tend to play with three of's. I know it's weird.


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I might take out the 1 of the dragon tempest, 1 draconic roar and 1 foul tounge invocation and have 3 there and see how it plays out


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Another thing you could think about is Savage ventmaw. While expensive for a 4/4 flyer it does produce 3r3g mana when it attacks, and if you have the dragon enchant out you are basically getting him for free as he has haste and can play into another or pop into atarka


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

It's all personal preference. I would rather place something else in as a two of then 4 of the same enchant. As for the self inflicted wound, it's not a bad side board as while meta game, ABZAN decks are not going anywhere right now so it's a fair bet you are going to com across them.

In regards to rotation, again preference. I think there are a lot of viable cards to add in but for me (being that I do have the cards) I wouldn't want to trade or spend the upwards of $100 on sb dragon, courser, and carytids to have to replace them.

Just my thoughts on the deck, then again I am not a seasoned pro and have my own way of building.


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Are you trying to make this standard? If so some of your cards are going to fall out in less than a month. I personally would only have 2 dragon tempest, as it is redundant to have four in there it just creates a dead draw at that point. Might also take out the murderous cuts (you don't have a lot to delve off of) and add the self inflicted wound (or at least sb them as you will probably play a lot of abzan decks. Also You might want to add in wooded foothills as well as the bloodstained mires to make sure you hit your mana base and then your deck in doing so.

Please disregard, I am a doofus and didn't realize the Ulamog I have is from Rise of the Eldrazi, not MM15, which is the listing price of the Ulamog in the deck.

I have notice that the prices of MtG Cards are different in my main inv than compared to my deck listing. For instance, my inventory still list Ulamog around 30-32 in my inv, but in a deck listing that the card is in, it is at 23. Not sure if this is a bug or something I have done.


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I do like that idea as well. It definitely reflects what I am thinking and maybe makes it a little more board present (secure the wastes is AWESOME for this idea). Hopefully I can grab the 3 cards I need from a friend for FNM and see how this idea plays out. Thanks for all the input, it's been really helpful and it's always nice to talk shop too!


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I wasn't thinking about enchant hate, thanks for reminding me. I was thinking about god's willing, but I know that will rotate soon, so I was trying to stay as current as possible, but it's a easy switch if I need to get that deck fixing. I was looking at asharin formost and the two bloodchin warriors, the smaller one because you can assign blockers and the larger one since you can sac a creature (hopefully tokens from strike leader buffed from edge/scale) and deal damage and gain life, so I think the battle brawler goes as the first strike will be covered already from asharin and I guess the shadowspears go too. Not really sure though.


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So I dropped 1 harsh sustenance and 1 rush of battle for 2 murderous cuts. I was wondering if you have and ideas for the sideboard. I figured that the feat of resistancex4 would be useful against bounce back or heavy removal decks while giving a counter. The honor's reward is just because I am partial to it as it was saved in past games but it can be dropped. Utter end is just useful. I figured the abzan runemark, might be worth it to keep a blocker around but not sure if it should stay. Being that I haven't played the deck yet I don't really know what is going to be my biggest problem or what should really be side boarded. Any thoughts? (Sadly I think this deck may change rapidly within the next two weeks with all od DoT dropping and the MULITTUDES of warriors coming out.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

If you are looking at keeping the wall idea as a def until you can get out the queen and whatnot, you might want to look into the new set, I think there is a card that let's creatures attack based on their toughness


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I thought about the addition of red for rabblemaster, but I recently sold all of my standard cards and kept just edh. So I've gotten lucky and drafter most of the cards in this set, so I don't have value to trade for master or the lands to really keep it consistent sad