Hi Sebi,
We still need this promo to enter into the database:
The foil media insert Genesis Hydra -- it's in the same vein as Angelic Skirmisher, Hamletback Goliath, etc.
- a foil promo that comes in the front of a 3 pack + promo package for big chain stores to sell (Target, Kmart, Walmart, Rite-Aid, Game Stop, etc.) and seems to be the main one that's currently being packaged.
You have all the others. Here's the Angelic Skirmisher one: https://deckbox.org/mtg/Angelic%20Skirm
The bottom of the Genesis Hydra one reads:
175/269 P Promo
I have some extras I want to trade - while it's still in standard! - so please list this soon, thanks!
Ps - let me know if you need me to snap a photo of mine & send along.