Topic: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

Am I lucky for avoiding a scammer or are some people just douchebags?

This has happened a few times recently (with diff new people obviously) so wondering if its more than people just being jerks.   Let me state that I am patient and I do not require two day shipping or anything. Real life can get in the way and I dont expect nor do I promise immediate next day shipping.  Some people have issue's and may require a few days or can only ship on weekends. . understandable.
However, when you agree to a trade and exchange addresses it is a done deal, an agreement has been made. I as many people have made a rule if a person has less than so many trades they ship first.  Trust is earned and this is why I have this policy. 

Paul woods is the latest new member to make a deal with me, make me wait a week and then cancel the trade without any communication.   With zero feedback I asked he ship first  and after a week I asked if he had a chance to ship (no threats, just curious) .   He cancels the trade the next day without explanation.

The trade wasnt very big but it was equal at the time and people asked about some of the cards I had in trade to him and I had turned them down.  Its irritating to know I had other deals that were missed because of his behavior and without any sort of communication I am left wondering if he is just trying to steal cards. I did not lose cards but regardless does this not deserve negative feedback?  If he didnt want the trade then why the hell did he agree in the first place?   

I would like to say that the majority of this community is great and have had great trades overall.  Just irritated with these losers who may be showing up to spoil it up for the rest of us.

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

I am new to deckbox and this community as a whole.  I fully understand the "you ship first" mentality of those who have been on here longer than I have (though I have sold cards on ebay before).

I have already thought of what I will do if someone does not ship the agreed upon trade to me after I have already shipped out.  I will try to make that person a social pariah on this sub reddit and warn as many people as I can about the person.

That being said I think your guy was just a jerk... sometimes you have to deal with that .  I would just never do business with them again.

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

Downrate him, anytime after you agree to the trade and swap addresses if you back out you should be given negative feedback, IMO. Anytime before then is fine, if the trade hasn't been accepted then it's fine if he backs out.

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

For those who are unlucky enough to lose cards, this does involve mailing things, and thereby should entail some sort of mail fraud and appropriate potential consequences.  I don't know much about that, as I've thankfully never had to look into it; does anyone here know the basics? 

That being said, please don't take this as a standing threat to anyone that would conduct any trades.  This community is full of great people, and problems with trade[r]s are the vast minority.

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

Has anyone had a problem with: Username hacked

Derek Meyer

I sent my cards out on saturday and delivery confirmation has said he received them yesterday and his inventory, tradelist and wishlist have all been removed.

Last edited by Nolberg (2012-06-01 01:50:15)

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

For the people wondering what to do about mail fraud go here: … laint.aspx

I haven't had to use it (yet, but came very close one time) so I don't know exactly what happens once you file a complaint. Definitely check it out though if the other user is unresponsive to any of your messages and an inexcusable amount of time has passed with no mail or communication between you two.

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

Funny you say that Nolberg, I set up a good trade with him. And seen he had 9 trades and was going to simulsend at first but he seemed kind of sketchy. So i asked that he send first and he seemed kind of pissy about it and said he would like to have them by game day (which is understandable) and was clearly waiting on me to say "okay that's fine we can simulsend" or something to that extent. But i just canceled. <-- lol tongue imadick

    People have been doing a few trades lately to get some good feedback then trying to get as many trades and screw as many people over as possible, happened to my friend from a guy that i traded a with and i made him send first.. So i guess just if it seems sketchy and they have few trades, ask if they will send first.

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

Well fingers crossed that I get the cards I was promised.

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

Nolberg wrote:

Has anyone had a problem with: Username hacked

Derek Meyer
1320 S, 49th St.
Lincoln, NE 68510

I sent my cards out on saturday and delivery confirmation has said he received them yesterday and his inventory, tradelist and wishlist have all been removed.

Sh*t dude I have a trade with him too, and I havent received the cards from him either. I have a feeling that this guy is a scammer. There goes my geist/huntmaster...

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

So is there anything we can do to prevent this scammer from making another account and scamming other members? Like block his IP from registering etc. We at the very least have his name (or fake name) and address. I would really hate for anyone else to get jipped, it seems like he has 8 open trades which are all recent and none of the other members have received their cards either.

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

If I don't receive my cards I will use the mail fraud link that jgmill87 referred to.

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

Nolberg wrote:

If I don't receive my cards I will use the mail fraud link that jgmill87 referred to.

I just filled it out, I am tired of waiting for his response its been over a week and he has already received my cards. If you need an idea of what to write, here is what I put:

This person is defrauding members on a popular trading forum by creating an account and having members mail goods to him in return for agreed upon goods. There has been at least 8 accounts of him not following up on the transactions and not responding to any kind of communication. If a chat history log is required, I can provide it but as of right now the only information we have is that he is conducting this scam through the above name and address and hopefully there is something that can be done to put a stop to this.

Unfortunately, the chances of getting anything recovered are slim to none but I just want others to avoid falling into our situation. This puts a sour taste in my mouth for making anymore mail trades in the future.

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

dollabillplz wrote:
Nolberg wrote:

If I don't receive my cards I will use the mail fraud link that jgmill87 referred to.

I just filled it out, I am tired of waiting for his response its been over a week and he has already received my cards. If you need an idea of what to write, here is what I put:

This person is defrauding members on a popular trading forum by creating an account and having members mail goods to him in return for agreed upon goods. There has been at least 8 accounts of him not following up on the transactions and not responding to any kind of communication. If a chat history log is required, I can provide it but as of right now the only information we have is that he is conducting this scam through the above name and address and hopefully there is something that can be done to put a stop to this.

Unfortunately, the chances of getting anything recovered are slim to none but I just want others to avoid falling into our situation. This puts a sour taste in my mouth for making anymore mail trades in the future.

What choice did you use for Subject of Your Complaint (Select One Choice)?  Merchandise or Service -- Failure to Provide?

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

yes that one

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

I filled one out as well, let me know if you hear anything from him or about this situation.

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

Not sure how anyone could get pissy about sending first if their rating is lower - it is the site's policy. When I was first on here, a couple of different members mentioned the site policy and I didn't have any problem with it..if someone does, then you probably shouldn't trade with them to begin with.

If you are still wanting to send simultaneously, one thing I've been able to do is use the policy of asking for (and giving) delivery confirmation for anything over 25 in trade.  Then you can simply get the delivery confirmation first if you are uncomfortable, wait a day and check to make sure it is on its way.  At least there is some assurance when you can check on the package.

One more thing to anyone who backhandedly (or openly) harshes on a person that posts a thief or extremely poor sport on the forum.  That's what forums are for.  If we do not, as a community, show we are not going to tolerate that behavior, then it we are condoning it.  If someone stole money out of a wallet, it would surely be reported.  Well, MTG cards have monetary value - so it is money that is being stolen and should be treated as such.

Last edited by morningstar1978 (2012-05-31 03:18:31)

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

dollabillplz wrote:
Nolberg wrote:

Has anyone had a problem with: Username hacked

Derek Meyer
1320 S, 49th St.
Lincoln, NE 68510

I sent my cards out on saturday and delivery confirmation has said he received them yesterday and his inventory, tradelist and wishlist have all been removed.

Sh*t dude I have a trade with him too, and I havent received the cards from him either. I have a feeling that this guy is a scammer. There goes my geist/huntmaster...

I also have not received cards from him. I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt and wait it out, but it looks like I won't be getting my cards anytime soon.

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

File a complaint through that link above. I don't know how useful it will be but it doesn't hurt to try to stop this lowlife from screwing other people over.

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

You should make a new thread about him. We aren't the only ones he has screwed over.

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

These are the types of people whose doors I'd love to go knock on. Lincoln is a bit too far away from me, though.

Deckbox needs a few local posses to deal with people thinking they can cheat the system. tongue

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

You should make a new thread about him. We aren't the only ones he has screwed over.

Don't forget, this is a reddit-based trade group on deckbox with only 682 members... where as /r/magicTCG has 20,000+ members. There should be a post about this guy in /r/magicTCG, so everyone can see it. There should even be a general thread that's side-bared as a bad-trader list. I think this guy going off the grid with 8+ high-value trades pending is something that's worthy of alerting the masses.

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

I did a trade with Paul Woods about two weeks back. I asked him to send first, which he did. I received the cards in great condition. I sent mine a while ago back to him. He hasn't marked received it anything even though it has been a while. Maybe he's just off deckbox and got overwhelmed by trades or something. Who knows?

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

Holy shit this is Derek.  So i apparently have made some trades.  I no longer have access to my deckbox account or my reddit account.  Both were under the same email and password.  I did receive some cards in the mail which i found odd.  When I get home ill post what i did receive.  If you were someone who was a victim of this put up a trade on here and I will do one of three things, If i got to the cards in my mailbox before someone else, I will return them.  If not, if i own the cards that you traded for, i will send those to you.  And if neither of these is possible, i will paypal a reasonable value for cards sent.  Before I get lynched on here and reddit let me take care of this.

Last edited by dirkmer (2012-05-31 20:36:22)

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

dirkmer wrote:

Holy shit this is Derek.  So i apparently have made some trades.  I no longer have access to my deckbox account or my reddit account.  Both were under the same email and password.  I did receive some cards in the mail which i found odd.  When I get home ill post what i did receive.  If you were someone who was a victim of this put up a trade on here and I will do one of three things, If i got to the cards in my mailbox before someone else, I will return them.  If not, if i own the cards that you traded for, i will send those to you.  And if neither of these is possible, i will paypal a reasonable value for cards sent.  Before I get lynched on here and reddit let me take care of this.

I sent a Foil Cavern and Wolfir Silverheart for 2 Bonfire of the Damned

Re: Paul woods: scammer or just a deadbeat?

Nolberg wrote:
dirkmer wrote:

Holy shit this is Derek.  So i apparently have made some trades.  I no longer have access to my deckbox account or my reddit account.  Both were under the same email and password.  I did receive some cards in the mail which i found odd.  When I get home ill post what i did receive.  If you were someone who was a victim of this put up a trade on here and I will do one of three things, If i got to the cards in my mailbox before someone else, I will return them.  If not, if i own the cards that you traded for, i will send those to you.  And if neither of these is possible, i will paypal a reasonable value for cards sent.  Before I get lynched on here and reddit let me take care of this.

I sent a Foil Cavern and Wolfir Silverheart for 2 Bonfire of the Damned

Those are cards that I did receive.  Set up a trade with your address to this account and I will mail them back to you.